69 research outputs found

    Використання джерелознавчих документів і матеріалів у процесі викладання «Релігієзнавства» у вищій школі

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    We interpret problem posing not as an end in itself, but as a means to add quality to students' process of learning content. Our basic tenet is that all along students know the purpose(s) of what they are doing. This condition is not easily and not often satisfied in education, as we illustrate with some attempts of other researchers to incorporate mathematical problem-posing activities in instruction. The emphasis of our approach lies on providing students with content-specific motives and on soliciting seeds in their existing ideas, in such a way that they are willing and able to extend their knowledge and skills in the direction intended by the course designer. This requires a detailed outlining of teaching–learning activities that support and build on each other. We illustrate and support our theoretical argument with results from two design-based studies concerning the topics of radioactivity and calculus

    Экстериоризация когнитивного опыта (на материале номинаций природных явлений)

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    Статья из специализированного выпуска научного журнала "Культура народов Причерноморья", материалы которого объединены общей темой "Язык и Мир" и посвящены общим вопросам Языкознания и приурочены к 80-летию со дня рождения Николая Александровича Рудякова.Стаття із спеціалізованого випуску наукового журналу "Культура народов Причерноморья", матеріали якого поєднані загальною темою "Мова і Світ" і присвячені загальним питанням мовознавства і приурочені до 80-річчя з дня народження Миколи Олександровича Рудякова

    Клиническая оценка ортопедического лечения съемными пластиночными протезами, изготовленными с помощью различных методов полимеризации

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    Проведено клінічні дослідження, що характеризують стан тканин порожнини рота ортопедичних пацієнтів у різні терміни користування знімними пластинковими протезами. Було обстежено 80 осіб, що потребують на ортопедичне лікування. Виявлено позитивний вплив методу виготовлення знімних пластинкових протезів за допомогою мікрохвильової полімеризації на клінічну адаптацію до них.The authors performed a clinical research to characterize the state of oral cavity tissues in orthopedic patients in different periods of using removable plate dentures. 80 persons in need of orthopedic treatment were examined. Positive influence of the microwave polymerization method of fabricating removable plate dentures on the clinical adaptation to them was revealed

    Embodied collaboration to foster instrumental genesis in mathematics

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    As cognitive science reports joint action requiring tight intercorporeal coordination between two partners, we aim to evaluate the role of this coordination in computer-supported instrumental genesis for mathematics. In our dual eye-tracking design study we developed an embodied activity that potentially contributes to technologically extended problem solving in trigonometry. We tested three versions of the design: (a) individual sensorimotor enactment only, (b) individual and then collaborative enactments, and (c) individual enactment and then collaborative description followed by enactment. As our first case showed, the required sensorimotor coordination was developed but never used in the following problem solving when a student worked alone. In contrast, in both collaborative cases the relevant sensorimotor coordination became a part of instrumented action scheme. Future research is needed to investigate if intercorporeal coordination with the other is crucial for the transfer of sensorimotor coordination from their original source to instrumental activity in mathematics

    How to pursue inquiry-based mathematics teaching

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    Design and research for developing local instruction theories

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    Innovation in mathematics education needs the involvement of teachers, textbook authors, policy makers and researchers. This paper sketches the role and importance of instructional design aiming at new local instruction theories in mathematics education. The approach is shown with a study that investigated how students can be supported in the development of the basic principles of the mathematics of change. The study combines design and research in three successive phases. In the first phase a hypothetical learning trajectory and instructional activities are designed, in the teaching experiment phase the trajectory is acted out, and in the phase of the retrospective analysis the articulated hypotheses are reflected upon. In this way, a cyclic process of (re)design and development of innovative teaching is structured. The resulting local instruction theory is expected to create opportunities for teachers, textbook authors and researchers to consider contextual factors and to adapt results for their research or teaching

    Zand strooien of verbeeldingskracht verrijken

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    In dit artikel pleit Michiel Doorman voor een brede en rijke kijk op wiskunde, die bijvoorbeeld wiskunde C tot een passend en interessant vak kan maken. Hij illustreert zijn perspectief met een aantal voorbeelden

    Modelling motion: from trace graphs to instantaneous change

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    Students in secondary education experience mathematics and physics as strictly separate disciplines. They do not realise for instance that the mathematics used to describe change (calculus) is used in the topic kinematics in physics. The goal of this research was to examine whether it is possible to develop understanding of both subjects and of their mutual relationship. Furthermore, it has been examined what role computer tools could play in learning mathematics and physics. Doorman has opted for the subjects of calculus and kinematics in upper secondary education (pre-university). Teaching materials have been developed, inspired by the two topics’ mutual history; a history in which Galileo played an important role. In addition, the materials are influenced by semiotic theories on symbolising and focuses on a dialectic development of construction of meaning and of external representations. The research presented in this thesis aims at contributing to an empirically grounded instruction theory for calculus and kinematics in which computer tools are used. It turned out that students can develop knowledge of differential calculus and kinematics using this approach. This development is supported by a series of graphs from discrete to continuous. The graphs emerged from modelling activities of students, and supported the use of mathematical and physical reasoning. A problem in that context was the transition from modelling measuring data to using mathematical formulas. There should be more attention for such transitions in mathematics education. The dynamics in computer software and the possibility to explore a lot of situations offered students an opportunity to express their own ideas. One risk of computer use, though, was that students went through the activities too fast and too superficially. A good preparation in the teaching materials and class discussions led by the teacher should allow for a compatibility between the possibilities of the software and the students’ current reasoning. Subsequently, activities are needed for both reflection and creating a classroom consensus on what has been learned. Finally, the students did not automatically use the possibilities to construct and trace meanings. It is therefore necessary that regular attention is given in mathematics teaching to the meaning of mathematical concepts, so that learned algorithms do not become blind automatisms that only work within mathematical questions