3,481 research outputs found

    A new species of Dialeurodes Cockerell (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) on Schefflera Forst and Forst in Florida

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    Descriptions of pupal cases of Dialeurodes schefflerae, new species, as well as distribution records are presented. This species is known to occur in Florida, Hawaii and Puerto Rico appearing to feed only on species of Schefflera Forst and Forst. This restriction to plant hosts in the Asian genus Schefflera, along with its affinities with Dialeurodes agalmae Takahashi, Dialeurodes citri (Ashmead) and Dialeurodes kirkaldyi (Kotinsky), suggests it is an invasive species, probably endemic to the Asian region

    Eight new state records of aleyrodine whiteflies found in Clark County, Nevada and three newly described taxa (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae, Aleyrodinae)

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    Eight new state records and the three newly described species are the subject of this publication. Whiteflies (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aleyrodidae: Aleyrodinae) were collected from 2003 through 2009 within the Las Vegas area of Clark County, Nevada to determine the occurrence of newly established species and host range and distribution. Prior to 2003 the following ten whiteflies were known to be established in Nevada: Aleuroglandulus subtilis Bondar, Aleuroplatus berbericolus Quaintance and Baker, Aleyrodes spiraeoides Quaintance, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), Dialeurodes citri (Ashmead), Siphoninus phillyreae (Haliday), Tetraleurodes mori (Quaintance), Trialeurodes abutiloneus (Haldeman), Trialeurodes packardi (Morrill), and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood). Based on collections made after 2003, eleven additional whitefly species were found in Nevada. Of these the following eight were described species from California and other western U.S. states: Aleuroparadoxus arctostaphyli Russell, Aleuroplatus gelatinosus (Cockerell), Aleuropleurocelus ceanothi (Sampson), Aleuropleurocelus nigrans (Bemis), Tetraleurodes quercicola Nakahara, Trialeurodes corollis (Penny), Trialeurodes eriodictyonis Russell, and Trialeurodes glacialis (Bemis). Three new species are described and illustrated: Aleuropleurocelus nevadensis Dooley sp. nov., Tetraleurodes quercophyllae Dooley sp. nov., and Trialeurodes pseudoblongifoliae Dooley sp. nov

    Optimization of satellite altimeter and wave height measurements

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    Two techniques for simultaneously estimating altitude, ocean wave height, and signal-to-noise ratio from the GEOS-C satellite altimeter data are described. One technique was based on maximum likelihood estimation, MLE, and the other on minimum mean square error estimation, MMSE. Performance was determined by comparing the variance and bias of each technique with the variance and bias of the smoothed output from the Geos altimeter tracker. Ocean wave height tracking performance for the MLE and MMSE algorithms was measured by comparing the variance and bias of the wave height estimates with that of the expression for the return waveform obtained by a fit to the average output of the 16 waveform sampling gates

    Technical guidance and analytic services in support of SEASAT-A

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    The design of a high resolution radar for altimetry and ocean wave height estimation was studied. From basic principles, it is shown that a short pulse wide beam radar is the most appropriate and recommended technique for measuring both altitude and ocean wave height. To achieve a topographic resolution of + or - 10 cm RMS at 5.0 meter RMS wave heights, as required for SEASAT-A, it is recommended that the altimeter design include an onboard adaptive processor. The resulting design, which assumes a maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) processor, is shown to satisfy all performance requirements. A design summary is given for the recommended radar altimeter, which includes a full deramp STRETCH pulse compression technique followed by an analog filter bank to separate range returns as well as the assumed MLE processor. The feedback loop implementation of the MLE on a digital computer was examined in detail, and computer size, estimation accuracies, and bias due to range sidelobes are given for the MLE with typical SEASAT-A parameters. The standard deviation of the altitude estimate was developed and evaluated for several adaptive and nonadaptive split-gate trackers. Split-gate tracker biases due to range sidelobes and transmitter noise are examined. An approximate closed form solution for the altimeter power return is derived and evaluated. The feasibility of utilizing the basic radar altimeter design for the measurement of ocean wave spectra was examined

    Assessment of satellite and aircraft multispectral scanner data for strip-mine monitoring

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    The application of LANDSAT multispectral scanner data to describe the mining and reclamation changes of a hilltop surface coal mine in the rugged, mountainous area of eastern Kentucky is presented. Original single band satellite imagery, computer enhanced single band imagery, and computer classified imagery are presented for four different data sets in order to demonstrate the land cover changes that can be detected. Data obtained with an 11 band multispectral scanner on board a C-47 aircraft at an altitude of 3000 meters are also presented. Comparing the satellite data with color, infrared aerial photography, and ground survey data shows that significant changes in the disrupted area can be detected from LANDSAT band 5 satellite imagery for mines with more than 100 acres of disturbed area. However, band-ratio (bands 5/6) imagery provides greater contrast than single band imagery and can provide a qualitative level 1 classification of the land cover that may be useful for monitoring either the disturbed mining area or the revegetation progress. However, if a quantitative, accurate classification of the barren or revegetated classes is required, it is necessary to perform a detailed, four band computer classification of the data

    Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Method Selection And Application To Three Contrasting Agricultural Case Studies

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    Agribusiness, farm business and agricultural-environmental decisions which varied in their characteristics were used to evaluate multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) in an agricultural context. This paper discusses differences between the case studies, strengths and weaknesses of the methods used, and the success of the MCDM process based on participants’ expectations and experiences. While MCDM can help identify the best decision, the main benefits identified in using MCDM included better understanding of their own and other’s perspectives, a means to explain the decision and a structured way to work through the decision process. Key problem areas identified included time limitations, understanding and ownership.Multiple criteria decision making, agriculture, decision making, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Consumer/Household Economics, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use,

    The Effects of a Behavior Modification Model on Academic Performance

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    A study was conducted to determine the effects on theknowledge and comprehension level learning as shown by thetest scores of thirty-one fifth grade students in onehealth unit after the utilization of the classroom managementprogram OUNCE had been implemented for eight weeks in contrastto their knowledge and comprehension level learning in a priorhealth unit as shown by the post-test scores before themanagement program was utilized

    The Ethics of John Dewey

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    John Dewey exerts a rather remarkable influence on contemporary American philosophy and education. To consider the background of thought that is responsible for Mr. Dewey\u27s philosophy and to make a particular study of the ethical ideas arising from it is the purpose of this thesis

    Analyse komplexer Knochenbewegungen in Folgen von MRT Aufnahmen

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    Schädigungen des Bewegungsapparates können häufig nicht durch Auswertung von Einzelaufnahmen sondern nur durch Analyse der Bewegungsabläufe von Knochen diagnostiziert werden. Dies gilt beispielsweise für Schädigungen der Bänder bzw. Knorpel im Bereich des Kniegelenks, der Hals- und der Lendenwirbelsäule. In diesem Beitrag wird ein System zur Diagnose von Schädigungen des Bänderapparates der Handwurzelknochen vorgestellt (karpale Instabilitäten). Das Verfahren unterstützt insbesondere die Diagnose der nach Stürzen am häufigsten auftretenden 'Scapholunären Dissoziation', die bei einem Bänderriß zwischen dem Scaphoideum (Kahnbein) und dem Lunatum (Mondbein) sichtbar wird. Im Gegensatz beispielsweise zur Wirbelsäule führen die Handwurzelknochen Bewegungen um alle drei Raumachsen aus. Eine geeignete Schichtauswahl ermöglicht dennoch eine erfolgreiche Bewegungsvermessung mittels 2-D Analyse