53 research outputs found


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    上个世纪最后四十年见证了国际银行业务和跨国银行业务显著增长的历程。推动这一发展的力量包括全球化、解除管制以及信息技术的发展。在19世纪及20世纪初发生的第一次现代意义上的跨国银行业务发展浪潮中,那些来自殖民宗主国的银行领导了时代潮流。而在最近的这次跨国银行业务扩张中,美国的金融机构占据了领导地位,这是与第一次明显不同的。因此,许多学术文章都着重研究美国的银行,包括他们的动机、经营战略以及国际化经验。此外,与银行业国际化的第一阶段相比,此次银行业的国际化扩张更大程度地突出了批发和机构银行业务,而不是零售银行业务(除了少数例外)。这一特点在近年来对跨国银行经营的学术研究中也体现得十分明显[ 有关调查,见Bain,et al (2001)。]。译者单位:厦门大学经济学院国际经济与贸易系(361005

    Dark sectors 2016 Workshop: community report

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    This report, based on the Dark Sectors workshop at SLAC in April 2016, summarizes the scientific importance of searches for dark sector dark matter and forces at masses beneath the weak-scale, the status of this broad international field, the important milestones motivating future exploration, and promising experimental opportunities to reach these milestones over the next 5-10 years

    Collins and Sivers asymmetries in muonproduction of pions and kaons off transversely polarised protons

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    Measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of high energy muons off transversely polarised protons are presented. The results were obtained using all the available COMPASS proton data, which were taken in the years 2007 and 2010. The Collins asymmetries exhibit in the valence region a non-zero signal for pions and there are hints of non-zero signal also for kaons. The Sivers asymmetries are found to be positive for positive pions and kaons and compatible with zero otherwise. © 2015

    A search for rare and forbidden decays of η-meson with GAMS-4π

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    A search for the rare and forbidden neutral decays of η-meson with the GAMS-4π setup has been performed. The charge-exchange reaction at 32.5 GeV/c was used as a source of 3.7 ṡ 106 η-mesons. At the 90% confidence level the following upper limits were obtained: B R (η → 3 γ) < 1.6 ṡ 10-4, B R (η → 4 γ) < 2.8 ṡ 10-4, B R (η → π ° π °) < 3.5 ṡ 10-4, B R (η → π ° π ° γ) < 1.7 ṡ 10-3, B R (η → π ° π ° γ γ) < 4.0 ṡ 10-3, B R (η → 3 π ° γ) < 2.4 ṡ 10-4, B R (η → 4 π °) < 2.0 ṡ 10-5. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Measurement of the ω→ηγ decay rate

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    The branching ratio of the rare radiative decay ω→ηγ has been measured: BR(ω→ηγ)=(8.3±2.1)·10-4. The experiment was performed at the IHEP (Serpukhov) accelerator with 38 GeV/c incident pions in the chargeexchange reaction π-p→ωn the photons from the ω→ηγ→3γ decay being detected with the multiphoton spectrometer GAMS-2000. The influence of ω-ρ mixing, which was a source of ambiguity in the interpretation of previous experiments, has been much reduced by measuring the ω produced at large momentum transfer. © 1994 Società Italiana di Fisica.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Study of fo (995) resonance in the π0π0 decay channel

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    A high-statistics study of the π0π0-system produced in the π-p→π0π0n reaction at 38GeV/c has been carried out at the IHEP accelerator using the GAMS-2000 multiphoton spectrometer. A partial-wave analysis which includes S, D0, D- and D+ waves has been performed in theSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Model-independent measurement of ω→ηγ decay branching ratio

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    The rare ηγ decay width of the ω-meson has been measured in a model-independent way, with ω produced in 38 GeV/c π-p charge-exchange. Large momentum transfer events have been selected in order to eliminate ω-ρ interference contribution. BR (ω→ηγ) =(8.3±2.1)·10-4. The gammas from ω→ηγ→3γ decay have been detected with the multiphoton spectrometer GAMS-2000 at the IHEP 70 GeV proton accelerator. © 1994 Springer-Verlag.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe