1,291 research outputs found

    Distinct year-to-year particle flux variations off Cape Blanc during 1988-1991: Relation to ÎŽ 18O-deduced sea-surface temperatures and trade winds

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    Particle fluxes measured from 1988 to 1991 adjacent to a coastal upwelling site off Cape Blanc showed significant interannual variability of fluxes and sea-surface temperatures (SST) deduced from stable oxygen isotope analysis of the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber and, partly, of the pteropod Limacina inflata. For the duration of the study period, a decrease in the seasonality of SST\u27s was observed, as well as a significant decrease in the average annual SST from 24.4° to 20.8°C. This cooling trend was mainly the effect of a drastic decrease in the summer to fall SST (from 27.2° to 21.8°C). In comparison, the winter-spring SST decreased only slightly from 20.3° in 1988 to 19.8°C in 1991. Concomitantly, we measured decreasing annual total, carbonate, biogenic opal and lithogenic fluxes and, in contrast, increasing marine organic carbon fluxes. During 1991, when cold SST\u27s prevailed and the trade winds were rather high throughout, annual biogenic and lithogenic fluxes (except organic carbon) were lower by approximately a factor of two compared to the other years. Colder SST\u27s, generally corresponding to stronger trade winds and upwelling intensity, did not result in increased biogenic opal and lithogenic matter sedimentation; but higher marine organic carbon fluxes were recorded. Decreasing summer-fall SST from 1988 to 1991 coincided with decreased carbonate sedimentation maxima which generally occurred during the warm summer season. In the summer of 1989, when SST\u27s were the highest of the four-year sampling period and upwelling was less intense due to weak spring-summer trades, a large sedimentation pulse of pteropod shells was observed. Our data set does not yet provide conclusive evidence that the observed year-to-year flux and SST variations represent larger-scale, periodically occurring climatic variations in the eastern Atlantic but it offers insight into the prevailing large variability in biochemical cycles and processes in the eastern Atlantic

    Topological properties and fractal analysis of recurrence network constructed from fractional Brownian motions

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    Many studies have shown that we can gain additional information on time series by investigating their accompanying complex networks. In this work, we investigate the fundamental topological and fractal properties of recurrence networks constructed from fractional Brownian motions (FBMs). First, our results indicate that the constructed recurrence networks have exponential degree distributions; the relationship between HH and canberepresentedbyacubicpolynomialfunction.Wenextfocusonthemotifrankdistributionofrecurrencenetworks,sothatwecanbetterunderstandnetworksatthelocalstructurelevel.Wefindtheinterestingsuperfamilyphenomenon,i.e.therecurrencenetworkswiththesamemotifrankpatternbeinggroupedintotwosuperfamilies.Last,wenumericallyanalyzethefractalandmultifractalpropertiesofrecurrencenetworks.Wefindthattheaveragefractaldimension can be represented by a cubic polynomial function. We next focus on the motif rank distribution of recurrence networks, so that we can better understand networks at the local structure level. We find the interesting superfamily phenomenon, i.e. the recurrence networks with the same motif rank pattern being grouped into two superfamilies. Last, we numerically analyze the fractal and multifractal properties of recurrence networks. We find that the average fractal dimension of recurrence networks decreases with the Hurst index HH of the associated FBMs, and their dependence approximately satisfies the linear formula ≈2−H \approx 2 - H. Moreover, our numerical results of multifractal analysis show that the multifractality exists in these recurrence networks, and the multifractality of these networks becomes stronger at first and then weaker when the Hurst index of the associated time series becomes larger from 0.4 to 0.95. In particular, the recurrence network with the Hurst index H=0.5H=0.5 possess the strongest multifractality. In addition, the dependence relationships of the average information dimension andtheaveragecorrelationdimension and the average correlation dimension on the Hurst index HH can also be fitted well with linear functions. Our results strongly suggest that the recurrence network inherits the basic characteristic and the fractal nature of the associated FBM series.Comment: 25 pages, 1 table, 15 figures. accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Atomic Hydrogen and Star Formation in the Bridge/Ring Interacting Galaxy Pair NGC 7714/7715 (Arp 284)

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    We present high spatial resolution 21 cm HI maps of the interacting galaxy pair NGC 7714/7715. We detect a massive (2 x 10**9 M(sun)) HI bridge connecting the galaxies that is parallel to but offset from the stellar bridge. A chain of HII regions traces the gaseous bridge, with H-alpha peaks near but not on the HI maxima. An HI tidal tail is also detected to the east of the smaller galaxy NGC 7715, similarly offset from a stellar tail. The strong partial stellar ring on the eastern side of NGC 7714 has no HI counterpart, but on the opposite side of NGC 7714 there is a 10**9 M(sun) HI loop 11 kpc in radius. Within the NGC 7714 disk, clumpy HI gas is observed associated with star formation regions. Redshifted HI absorption is detected towards the starburst nucleus. We compare the observed morphology and gas kinematics with gas dynamical models in which a low-mass companion has an off-center prograde collision with the outer disk of a larger galaxy. These simulations suggest that the bridge in NGC 7714/7715 is a hybrid between bridges seen in systems like M51 and the purely gaseous `splash' bridges found in ring galaxies like the Cartwheel. The offset between the stars and gas in the bridge may be due to dissipative cloud-cloud collisions occuring during the impact of the two gaseous disks.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, 11 figures, to be published in the July 10, 1997 issue of the Astrophysical Journa

    The Potential-Density Phase Shift Method for Determining the Corotation Radii in Spiral and Barred Galaxies

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    We have developed a new method for determining the corotation radii of density waves in disk galaxies, which makes use of the radial distribution of an azimuthal phase shift between the potential and density wave patterns. The approach originated from improved theoretical understandings of the relation between the morphology and kinematics of galaxies, and on the dynamical interaction between density waves and the basic-state disk stars which results in the secular evolution of disk galaxies. In this paper, we present the rationales behind the method, and the first application of it to several representative barred and grand-design spiral galaxies, using near-infrared images to trace the mass distributions, as well as to calculate the potential distributions used in the phase shift calculations. We compare our results with those from other existing methods for locating the corotations, and show that the new method both confirms the previously-established trends of bar-length dependence on galaxy morphological types, as well as provides new insights into the possible extent of bars in disk galaxies. Application of the method to a larger sample and the preliminary analysis of which show that the phase shift method is likely to be a generally-applicable, accurate, and essentially model-independent method for determining the pattern speeds and corotation radii of single or nested density wave patterns in galaxies. Other implications of this work are: most of the nearby bright disk galaxies appear to possess quasi-stationary spiral modes; that these density wave modes and the associated basic state of the galactic disk slowly transform over time; and that self-consistent N-particle systems contain physics not revealed by the passive orbit analysis approaches.Comment: 48 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Flux variability of phyto- and zooplankton communities in the Mauritanian coastal upwelling between 2003 and 2008

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    Continuous multiyear records of sediment-trap-gained microorganism fluxes are scarce. Such studies are important to identify and to understand the main forcings behind seasonal and multiannual evolution of microorganism flux dynamics. Here, we assess the long-term flux variations and population dynamics of diatoms, coccolithophores, calcareous and organic dinoflagellate cysts, foraminifera and pteropods in the eastern boundary upwelling ecosystem of the Canary Current. A multiannual, continuous sediment trap experiment was conducted at the mooring site CBeu (Cap Blanc eutrophic; ∌20∘ N, 18∘ W; trap depth is ca. 1300 m) off Mauritania (northwest Africa), between June 2003 and March 2008. Throughout the study, the reasonably consistent good match of fluxes of microorganisms and bulk mass reflects the seasonal occurrence of the main upwelling season and relaxation and the contribution of microorganisms to mass flux off Mauritania. A clear successional pattern of microorganisms, i.e., primary producers followed by secondary producers, is not observed. High fluxes of diatoms, coccolithophores, organic dinoflagellate cysts, and planktonic foraminifera occur simultaneously. Peaks of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts and pteropods mostly occurred during intervals of upwelling relaxation. A striking feature of the temporal variability of population occurrences is the persistent pattern of seasonal groups contributions. Species of planktonic foraminifera, diatoms, and organic dinoflagellate cysts typical of coastal upwelling, as well as cooler-water planktonic foraminifera and the coccolithophore Gephyrocapsa oceanica, are abundant at times of intense upwelling (late winter through early summer). Planktonic foraminifera and calcareous dinoflagellate cysts are dominant in warm pelagic surface waters, and all pteropod taxa are more abundant in fall and winter when the water column stratifies. Similarly, coccolithophores of the upper and lower photic zones, together with Emiliania huxleyi, and organic dinoflagellate cysts dominate the assemblage during phases of upwelling relaxation and deeper layer mixing. A significant shift in the “regular” seasonal pattern of taxa relative contribution is observed between 2004 and 2006. Benthic diatoms strongly increased after fall 2005 and dominated the diatom assemblage during the main upwelling season. Additional evidence for a change in population dynamics is the short dominance of the coccolithophore Umbilicosphaera annulus, the occurrence of the pteropod Limacina bulimoides and the strong increase in the flux of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts, abundant in warm tropical oligotrophic waters south of the study area after fall 2005. Altogether, this suggests that pulses of southern waters were transported to the sampling site via the northward Mauritania Current. Our multiannual trap experiment provides a unique opportunity to characterize temporal patterns of variability that can be extrapolated to other eastern boundary upwelling ecosystems (EBUEs), which are experiencing or might experience similar future changes in their plankton community

    Dominant patterns of boreal summer interactions between tropics and mid-latitude: causal relationships and the role of timescales

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    Tropical convective activity represents a source of predictability for mid-latitude weather in the Northern Hemisphere. In winter, the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the dominant source of predictability in the tropics and extra-tropics, but its role in summer is much less pronounced and the exact teleconnection pathways are not well understood. Here, we assess how tropical convection interacts with mid-latitude summer circulation at different intraseasonal time-scales and how ENSO affects these interactions. First, we apply maximum covariance analysis (MCA) between tropical convective activity and mid-latitude geopotential height fields to identify the dominant modes of interaction. The first MCA mode connects the South Asian monsoon with the mid-latitude circumglobal teleconnection pattern. The second MCA mode connects the western North Pacific summer monsoon in the tropics with a wave-5 pattern centred over the North Pacific High in the mid-latitudes. We show that the MCA patterns are fairly insensitive to the selected intraseasonal time-scale from weekly to 4-weekly data. To study the potential causal interdependencies between these modes and with other atmospheric fields, we apply causal effect networks (CEN) at different time-scales. CENs extend standard correlation analysis by removing the confounding effects of autocorrelation, indirect links and common drivers. In general, there is a two-way causal interaction between the tropics and mid-latitudes but the strength and sometimes sign of the causal link are time-scale dependent. We introduce causal maps that plot the regionally specific causal effect from each MCA mode. Those maps confirm the dominant patterns of interaction and in addition, highlight specific mid-latitude regions that are most strongly connected to tropical convection. In general, the identified causal teleconnection patterns are only mildly affected by ENSO and the tropical-mid-latitude linkages remain similar. Still, La Niña strengthens the South Asian monsoon generating a stronger response in the mid-latitudes, while during El Niño years, the Pacific pattern is reinforced. This study paves the way for process-based validation of boreal summer teleconnections in (sub)seasonal forecast models and climate models and therefore helps to improve sub-seasonal and climate projections

    Bathypelagic particle flux signatures from a suboxic eddy in the oligotrophic tropical North Atlantic: production, sedimentation and preservation

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    Particle fluxes at the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO) in the eastern tropical North Atlantic for the period December 2009 until May 2011 are discussed based on bathypelagic sediment trap time-series data collected at 1290 and 3439 m water depth. The typically oligotrophic particle flux pattern with weak seasonality is modified by the appearance of a highly productive and low oxygen (minimum concentration below 2 ”mol kg−1 at 40 m depth) anticyclonic modewater eddy (ACME) in winter 2010. The eddy passage was accompanied by unusually high mass fluxes of up to 151 mg m−2 d−1, lasting from December 2009 to May 2010. Distinct biogenic silica (BSi) and organic carbon flux peaks of âˆŒâ€Ż15 and 13.3 mg m−2 d−1, respectively, were observed in February–March 2010 when the eddy approached the CVOO. The flux of the lithogenic component, mostly mineral dust, was well correlated with that of organic carbon, in particular in the deep trap samples, suggesting a tight coupling. The lithogenic ballasting obviously resulted in high particle settling rates and, thus, a fast transfer of epi-/meso-pelagic signatures to the bathypelagic traps. We suspect that the two- to three-fold increase in particle fluxes with depth as well as the tight coupling of mineral dust and organic carbon in the deep trap samples might be explained by particle focusing processes within the deeper part of the eddy. Molar C : N ratios of organic matter during the ACME passage were around 18 and 25 for the upper and lower trap samples, respectively. This suggests that some productivity under nutrient (nitrate) limitation occurred in the euphotic zone of the eddy in the beginning of 2010 or that a local nitrogen recycling took place. The ÎŽ15N record showed a decrease from 5.21 to 3.11 ‰ from January to March 2010, while the organic carbon and nitrogen fluxes increased. The causes of enhanced sedimentation from the eddy in February/March 2010 remain elusive, but nutrient depletion and/or an increased availability of dust as a ballast mineral for organic-rich aggregates might have contributed. Rapid remineralisation of sinking organic-rich particles could have contributed to oxygen depletion at shallow depth. Although the eddy formed in the West African coastal area in summer 2009, no indications of coastal flux signatures (e.g. from diatoms) were found in the sediment trap samples, confirming the assumption that the suboxia developed within the eddy en route. However, we could not detect biomarkers indicative of the presence of anammox (anaerobic ammonia oxidation) bacteria or green sulfur bacteria thriving in photic zone suboxia/hypoxia, i.e. ladderane fatty acids and isorenieratene derivatives, respectively. This could indicate that suboxic conditions in the eddy had recently developed and/or the respective bacterial stocks had not yet reached detection thresholds. Another explanation is that the fast-sinking organic-rich particles produced in the surface layer did not interact with bacteria from the suboxic zone below. Carbonate fluxes dropped from ∌ 52 to 21.4 mg m−2 d−1 from January to February 2010, respectively, mainly due to reduced contribution of shallow-dwelling planktonic foraminifera and pteropods. The deep-dwelling foraminifera Globorotalia menardii, however, showed a major flux peak in February 2010, most probably due to the suboxia/hypoxia. The low oxygen conditions forced at least some zooplankton to reduce diel vertical migration. Reduced “flux feeding” by zooplankton in the epipelagic could have contributed to the enhanced fluxes of organic materials to the bathypelagic traps during the eddy passage. Further studies are required on eddy-induced particle production and preservation processes and particle focusin

    Feigenbaum graphs: a complex network perspective of chaos

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    The recently formulated theory of horizontal visibility graphs transforms time series into graphs and allows the possibility of studying dynamical systems through the characterization of their associated networks. This method leads to a natural graph-theoretical description of nonlinear systems with qualities in the spirit of symbolic dynamics. We support our claim via the case study of the period-doubling and band-splitting attractor cascades that characterize unimodal maps. We provide a universal analytical description of this classic scenario in terms of the horizontal visibility graphs associated with the dynamics within the attractors, that we call Feigenbaum graphs, independent of map nonlinearity or other particulars. We derive exact results for their degree distribution and related quantities, recast them in the context of the renormalization group and find that its fixed points coincide with those of network entropy optimization. Furthermore, we show that the network entropy mimics the Lyapunov exponent of the map independently of its sign, hinting at a Pesin-like relation equally valid out of chaos.Comment: Published in PLoS ONE (Sep 2011

    Physical Properties of Tidal Features in Interacting Disk Galaxies

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    We explore tidal interactions of a galactic disk with Toomre parameter Q ~ 2 embedded in rigid halo/bulge with a point mass companion moving in a prescribed parabolic orbit. Tidal interactions produce well-defined spiral arms and extended tidal features such as bridge and tail that are all transient, but distinct in nature. In the extended disks, strong tidal force is able to lock the perturbed epicycle phases of the near-side particles to the perturber, shaping them into a tidal bridge that corotates with the perturber. A tidal tail develops at the opposite side as strongly-perturbed, near-side particles overtake mildly-perturbed, far-side particles. The tail is essentially a narrow material arm with a roughly logarithmic shape, dissolving with time because of large velocity dispersions. Inside the disks where tidal force is relatively weak, on the other hand, a two-armed logarithmic spiral pattern emerges due to the kinematic alignment of perturbed particle orbits. While self-gravity makes the spiral arms a bit stronger, the arms never become fully self-gravitating, wind up progressively with time, and decay after the peak almost exponentially in a time scale of ~ 1 Gyr. The arm pattern speed varying with both radius and time converges to Omega-kappa/2 at late time, suggesting that the pattern speed of tidally-driven arms may depend on radius in real galaxies. We present the parametric dependences of various properties of tidal features on the tidal strength, and discuss our findings in application to tidal spiral arms in grand-design spiral galaxies. (Abridged)Comment: 49 pages, 17 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. PDF version with higher resolution figures is available at http://astro.snu.ac.kr/~shoh/research/publications/astroph/Tidally_Induced_Spiral_Structure.pd
