29 research outputs found

    Introduction d’une stratégie d’évaluation dans la réhabilitation psychiques adultes en Belgique : approche d’une adéquation des programmes aux besoins des bénéficiaires

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    Cet article rend compte de l'implantation d'une stratégie d'évaluation dans un centre de réadaptation socio-professionnelle. Dans ce projet, les instruments de mesure ont été développés avec le double souci de permettre une évaluation clinique individuelle qui soit utile pour les intervenants et une évaluation de l'évolution de la clientèle qui puisse permettre d'observer les effets de ces interventions auprès de groupes de clients. Après qu'on eût constaté, suite à l'analyse d'une première série de données, que le programme avait des difficultés à retenir sa clientèle, une seconde étude a permis d'établir le profil des clients chez qui le programme avait produit des effets positifs et celui des clients pour qui le séjour au centre n'a pas eu .d'effets significatifs.This article examines the implementation of an evaluation stategy in a socio-professional rehabilitation centre. In this project, measuring instruments were developed with the double intention of providing a clinical evaluation that would be useful for the intervener, as well as ensuring an evaluation of the clientele's evolution that would assist in the observation of effects resulting from interventions within groups of beneficiaries. Following the first analysis of data, which showed that the program had difficulty in retaining its clientele, a second study was undertaken to establish the profile of beneficiaries on whom the program had a positive impact and those for whom the stay at the centre did not provide any significant effects

    Regulation of the mTOR signaling pathway: from laboratory bench to bedside and back again

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    Recent publications have moved us significantly closer to a complete understanding of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway, which plays a central role in the control of growth and metabolism and is dysregulated in a broad spectrum of human diseases, including cancer, tuberous sclerosis, diabetes, and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Rapamycin-related mTOR inhibitors have shown clinical efficacy in several of these diseases, and novel inhibitors currently in development will be valuable tools for further dissections of the mTOR signaling network in human health and disease

    Determining the Geographical Origin of a Serial Offender Considering the Temporal Uncertainty of the Recorded Crime Data

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    peer reviewedSince the days the investigating officers used ”pin maps” to locate and to think about crime events, crime mapping has become widespread thanks to spatial analysis mainly supplied by GIS-like software. In particular these methods suit well to geographic profiling devoted to crime series characterised by a single offender and hence limited space and time variability. Although spatial techniques are now regularly performed to delineate an offender’s area of residence, the temporal dimension is underemployed due to the wider uncertainty of time records. This paper proposes a methodology based on a least-squares adjustment in order to cope with this temporal issue for determining the most probable offender’s residence. Moreover, a chi-square test is described to check the significance of the solutions suggested by the method. The process is carried out on the real road network which has been discretised (rasterised) for computing convenience. Three simulations show the validity of the reasoning. Finally the main time and speed assumptions introduced in the model are discussed paving the way for further research

    Analysis for the best location of ANPR camera in the province of Liege

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    L’objectif poursuivi par cette étude est le positionnement des sites de caméras de surveillance ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) sur le réseau routier de la province de Liège. Outre leur usage pour la gestion de la circulation, elles peuvent également être utilisées dans des buts d’investigations criminelles en identifiant des véhicules suspects sur certains segments routiers.The objective of this study is the positioning of ANPR cameras sites (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) on the road network of the province of Liege. Besides their use for the management of traffic, they can also be used in criminal investigations goals by identifying suspicious vehicles on certain road segments.Caméras ANP

    Location of ANPR cameras on the road network for geographical profiling

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    Malgré un recours croissant à la technologie des caméras ANPR, en particulier dans les investigations criminelles, la littérature et l’expérience des forces de police avec lesquelles nous avons travaillé, semblent montrer qu’il n’existe pas de méthode systématique afin de localiser le plus adéquatement possible ces installations coûteuses. Partant d’un ensemble de délits localisés, relevant de quatre catégories de vols perpétrés sur une année au sein de la province de Liège (Belgique), nous proposons une méthodologie exploitant, dans une analyse multicritère, la densité de délits, la densité de voirie et la distance entre les sites des caméras. L’approche multicritère permet d’ajuster la pondération des facteurs selon les types de délits. En outre, la méthodologie est itérative, dans la mesure où les sites des caméras sont localisés par phases successives. Un critère de validation des résultats est fourni sous la forme d’un taux de couverture du territoire considéré, qui est fonction du nombre de sites de caméras retenus et du temps de parcours depuis chacun de ces sites. De plus, les conséquences des tentatives d’évitement des sites installés en matière de profilage géographique sont rapidement évoquées.Despite increasing use of ANPR camera technology, especially in criminal investigations, literature and the experience of the police with whom we worked, seem to show that there is no systematic method to locate as adequately as possible these expensive facilities. Given a set of four categories of robberies over one year localized within the province of Liège (Belgium), we propose a methodology based on a multi-criteria analysis, making use of density offenses, road density and the distance between the sites of the cameras. Multi-criteria approach can adjust the factor weightings for different types of offenses. In addition, the methodology is iterative, insofar cameras sites are located in successive phases. One result validation criteria is provided in the form of a territorial coverage rate considering the number of selected camera sites and the travel time from each of these sites. Moreover, the consequences for the geographical profiling of attempts to avoid the installed sites are quickly evoked

    Methodology for locating fixed Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) systems on the road network

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    peer reviewedMalgré un recours croissant à la technologie des caméras ANPR, en particulier dans les investigations criminelles, la littérature et l’expérience des forces de police avec lesquelles nous avons travaillé, semblent montrer qu’il n’existe pas de méthode systématique afin de localiser le plus adéquatement possible ces installations coûteuses. Partant d’un ensemble de délits localisés, relevant de quatre catégories de vols perpétrés sur une année au sein de la province de Liège (Belgique), nous proposons une méthodologie exploitant, dans une analyse multicritère, la densité de délits, la densité de voirie et la distance entre les sites des caméras. L’approche multicritère permet d’ajuster la pondération des facteurs selon les types de délits. En outre, la méthodologie est itérative, dans la mesure où les sites des caméras sont localisés par phases successives. Un critère de validation des résultats est fourni sous la forme d’un taux de couverture du territoire considéré, qui est fonction du nombre de sites de caméras retenus et du temps de parcours depuis chacun de ces sites.Despite increasing use of ANPR cameratechnology, especially in criminal investigations, literature and the experience of the police with whom we worked, seem to show that there is no systematic method to locate as adequately as possible these expensive facilities. Given a set of four categories of robberiesover one year localized within the province of Liège (Belgium), we propose a methodology based on a multi-criteria analysis, making use of density offenses, road density and the distance between the sites of the cameras. Multi-criteria approach can adjust the factorweightings for different types of offenses. In addition, the methodology is iterative, insofar cameras sites are located in successive phases. One result validation criteria is provided in the form of a territorial coverage rate considering the number of selected camera sites and the travel time from each of these sites

    Reconstitution of the journeys to crime and location of their origin in the context of a crime series. A solution for a real case study.

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    Dynamic studies in crime analysis usually use distance-decay models applied on isotropic surfaces. If the distance actually traveled within the context of a crime series can be estimated, another approach, independent of the widely discussed form of the distance decay, can be suggested. Besides, there is a need for studies on anisotropic space, especially in European cities, given their complex road network. Therefore, this study takes this aspect into account. We use data of a real case provided by the Belgian Police Department. Five criminal events have been committed in a short period of time by individuals using the same stolen car before abandoning it. The milometer allowed the Police to estimate the mileage covered by the criminals. The purpose of the analysis is to map out all the possible journeys to crime in order to find the offender's hideout. First, we generate cost surfaces propagated from the locations of the criminal events over the dense road network in a high-resolution raster file. This provides a distance value for all pixels of the potential paths to each crime. Then these distances are cumulated for all criminal events and the sum is confronted to the recorded mileage. This gives a restricted list of road sections from which all event locations can be reached under the constraint of the mileage covered. These results are then refined through a multi-criteria analysis using exogenous data, such as land covers. The small area finally identified contains indeed the hideout as confirmed by the Police Department