102 research outputs found

    A Changing Perspective on the Role of Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer\u27s Disease

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    Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) is a complex, neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the presence of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain. Glial cells, particularly microglial cells, react to the presence of the amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles producing an inflammatory response. While once considered immunologically privileged due to the blood-brain barrier, it is now understood that the glial cells of the brain are capable of complex inflammatory responses. This paper will discuss the published literature regarding the diverse roles of neuroinflammation in the modulation of AD pathologies. These data will then be related to the well-characterized macrophage phenotypes. The conclusion is that the glial cells of the brain are capable of a host of macrophage responses, termed M1, M2a, M2b, and M2c. The relationship between these states and AD pathologies remains relatively understudied, yet published data using various inflammatory stimuli provides some insight. It appears that an M1-type response lowers amyloid load but exacerbates neurofibrillary tangle pathology. In contrast, M2a is accompanied by elevated amyloid load and appears to ameliorate, somewhat, neurofibrillary pathology. Overall, it is clear that more focused, cause-effect studies need to be performed to better establish how each inflammatory state can modulate the pathologies of AD

    Dysregulation of Na+/K+ ATPase by amyloid in APP+PS1 transgenic mice

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    BACKGROUND: The pathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is comprised of extracellular amyloid plaques, intracellular tau tangles, dystrophic neurites and neurodegeneration. The mechanisms by which these various pathological features arise are under intense investigation. Here, expanding upon pilot gene expression studies, we have further analyzed the relationship between Na+/K+ ATPase and amyloid using APP+PS1 transgenic mice, a model that develops amyloid plaques and memory deficits in the absence of tangle formation and neuronal or synaptic loss. RESULTS: We report that in addition to decreased mRNA expression, there was decreased overall Na+/K+ ATPase enzyme activity in the amyloid-containing hippocampi of the APP+PS1 mice (although not in the amyloid-free cerebellum). In addition, dual immunolabeling revealed an absence of Na+/K+ ATPase staining in a zone surrounding congophilic plaques that was occupied by dystrophic neurites. We also demonstrate that cerebral Na+/K+ ATPase activity can be directly inhibited by high concentrations of soluble Aβ. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that the reductions in Na+/K+ ATPase activity in Alzheimer tissue may not be purely secondary to neuronal loss, but may results from direct effects of amyloid on this enzyme. This disruption of ion homeostasis and osmotic balance may interfere with normal electrotonic properties of dendrites, blocking intraneuronal signal processing, and contribute to neuritic dystrophia. These results suggest that therapies aimed at enhancing Na+/K+ ATPase activity in AD may improve symptoms and/or delay disease progression

    Down\u27s syndrome, neroinflammation, and Alzheimer neuropathogenesis

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    Down syndrome (DS) is the result of triplication of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21) and is the prevailing cause of mental retardation. In addition to the mental deficiencies and physical anomalies noted at birth, triplication of chromosome 21 gene products results in the neuropathological and cognitive changes of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). Mapping of the gene that encodes the precursor protein (APP) of the β-amyloid (Aβ) present in the Aβ plaques in both AD and DS to chromosome 21 was strong evidence that this chromosome 21 gene product was a principal neuropathogenic culprit in AD as well as DS. The discovery of neuroinflammatory changes, including dramatic proliferation of activated glia overexpressing a chromosome 2 gene product--the pluripotent immune cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1)--and a chromosome 21 gene product--S100B--in the brains of fetuses, neonates, and children with DS opened the possibility that early events in Alzheimer pathogenesis were driven by cytokines. The specific chromosome 21 gene products and the complexity of the mechanisms they engender that give rise to the neuroinflammatory responses noted in fetal development of the DS brain and their potential as accelerators of Alzheimer neuropathogenesis in DS are topics of this review, particularly as they relate to development and propagation of neuroinflammation, the consequences of which are recognized clinically and neuropathologically as Alzheimer\u27s disease

    Three major effects of APOEε4 on Aβ immunotherapy induced ARIA

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    The targeting of amyloid-beta (Aβ) plaques therapeutically as one of the primary causes of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia has been an ongoing effort spanning decades. While some antibodies are extremely promising and have been moved out of clinical trials and into the clinic, most of these treatments show similar adverse effects in the form of cerebrovascular damage known as amyloid-related imaging abnormalities (ARIA). The two categories of ARIA are of major concern for patients, families, and prescribing physicians, with ARIA-E presenting as cerebral edema, and ARIA-H as cerebral hemorrhages (micro- and macro-). From preclinical and clinical trials, it has been observed that the greatest genetic risk factor for AD, APOEε4, is also a major risk factor for anti-Aβ immunotherapy-induced ARIA. APOEε4 carriers represent a large population of AD patients, and, therefore, limits the broad adoption of these therapies across the AD population. In this review we detail three hypothesized mechanisms by which APOEε4 influences ARIA risk: (1) reduced cerebrovascular integrity, (2) increased neuroinflammation and immune dysregulation, and (3) elevated levels of CAA. The effects of APOEε4 on ARIA risk is clear, however, the underlying mechanisms require more research

    Intracranial Injection of Gammagard, a Human IVIg, Modulates the Inflammatory Response of the Brain and Lowers A\u3cem\u3eβ\u3c/em\u3e in APP/PS1 Mice Along a Different Time Course than Anti-A\u3cem\u3eβ\u3c/em\u3e Antibodies

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    Gammagard IVIg is a therapeutic approach to treat Alzheimer\u27s disease currently in phase 3 clinical trials. Despite the reported efficacy of the approach the mechanism of action is poorly understood. We have previously shown that intracranial injection of anti-Aβ antibodies into the frontal cortex and hippocampus reveals important information regarding the time course of events once the agent is in the brain. In the current study we compared IVIg, mouse-pooled IgG, and the anti-Aβ antibody 6E10 injected intracranially into the frontal cortex and hippocampus of 7-month-old APP/PS1 mice. We established a time course of events ranging from 1 to 21 d postinjection. IVIg and pooled mouse IgG both significantly reduced Aβ deposition to the same degree as the 6E10 anti-Aβ antibody; however, the clearance was much slower to occur, happening between the 3 and 7 d time points. In contrast, as we have previously shown, Aβ reductions were apparent with the 6E10 anti-Aβ group at the 1 d time point. Also, neuroinflammatory profiles were significantly altered by the antibody treatments. APP/PS1 transgenic mice at 7 months of age typically exhibit an M2a inflammatory phenotype. All antibody treatments stimulated an M2b response, yet anti-Aβ antibody was a more rapid change. Because the neuroinflammatory switch occurs before the detectable reductions in amyloid deposition, we hypothesize that the IVIg and pooled mouse IgG act as immune modulators and this immune modulation is responsible for the reductions in amyloid pathology

    Hyperhomocysteinemia as a Risk Factor for Vascular Contributions to Cognitive Impairment and Dementia

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    Behind only Alzheimer’s disease, vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID) is the second most common cause of dementia, affecting roughly 10–40% of dementia patients. While there is no cure for VCID, several risk factors for VCID, such as diabetes, hypertension, and stroke, have been identified. Elevated plasma levels of homocysteine, termed hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy), are a major, yet underrecognized, risk factor for VCID. B vitamin deficiency, which is the most common cause of HHcy, is common in the elderly. With B vitamin supplementation being a relatively safe and inexpensive therapeutic, the treatment of HHcy-induced VCID would seem straightforward; however, preclinical and clinical data shows it is not. Clinical trials using B vitamin supplementation have shown conflicting results about the benefits of lowering homocysteine and issues have arisen over proper study design within the trials. Studies using cell culture and animal models have proposed several mechanisms for homocysteine-induced cognitive decline, providing other targets for therapeutics. For this review, we will focus on HHcy as a risk factor for VCID, specifically, the different mechanisms proposed for homocysteine-induced cognitive decline and the clinical trials aimed at lowering plasma homocysteine

    Passive immunotherapy against Aβ in aged APP-transgenic mice reverses cognitive deficits and depletes parenchymal amyloid deposits in spite of increased vascular amyloid and microhemorrhage

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    BACKGROUND: Anti-Aβ immunotherapy in transgenic mice reduces both diffuse and compact amyloid deposits, improves memory function and clears early-stage phospho-tau aggregates. As most Alzheimer disease cases occur well past midlife, the current study examined adoptive transfer of anti-Aβ antibodies to 19- and 23-month old APP-transgenic mice. METHODS: We investigated the effects of weekly anti-Aβ antibody treatment on radial-arm water-maze performance, parenchymal and vascular amyloid loads, and the presence of microhemorrhage in the brain. 19-month-old mice were treated for 1, 2 or 3 months while 23-month-old mice were treated for 5 months. Only the 23-month-old mice were subject to radial-arm water-maze testing. RESULTS: After 3 months of weekly injections, this passive immunization protocol completely reversed learning and memory deficits in these mice, a benefit that was undiminished after 5 months of treatment. Dramatic reductions of diffuse Aβ immunostaining and parenchymal Congophilic amyloid deposits were observed after five months, indicating that even well-established amyloid deposits are susceptible to immunotherapy. However, cerebral amyloid angiopathy increased substantially with immunotherapy, and some deposits were associated with microhemorrhage. Reanalysis of results collected from an earlier time-course study demonstrated that these increases in vascular deposits were dependent on the duration of immunotherapy. CONCLUSIONS: The cognitive benefits of passive immunotherapy persist in spite of the presence of vascular amyloid and small hemorrhages. These data suggest that clinical trials evaluating such treatments will require precautions to minimize potential adverse events associated with microhemorrhage

    Hyperhomocysteinemia-Induced Gene Expression Changes in the Cell Types of the Brain

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    High plasma levels of homocysteine, termed hyperhomocysteinemia, are a risk factor for vascular cognitive impairment and dementia, which is the second leading cause of dementia. While hyperhomocysteinemia induces microhemorrhages and cognitive decline in mice, the specific effect of hyperhomocysteinemia on each cell type remains unknown. We took separate cultures of astrocytes, microglia, endothelial cells, and neuronal cells and treated each with moderate levels of homocysteine for 24, 48, 72, and 96 hr. We then determined the gene expression changes for cell-specific markers and neuroinflammatory markers including the matrix metalloproteinase 9 system. Astrocytes had decreased levels of several astrocytic end feet genes, such as aquaporin 4 and an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel at 72 hr, as well as an increase in matrix metalloproteinase 9 at 48 hr. Gene changes in microglia indicated a peak in proinflammatory markers at 48 hr followed by a peak in the anti-inflammatory marker, interleukin 1 receptor antagonist, at 72 hr. Endothelial cells had reduced occludin expression at 72 hr, while kinases and phosphatases known to alter tau phosphorylation states were increased in neuronal cells. This suggests that hyperhomocysteinemia induces early proinflammatory changes in microglia and astrocytic changes relevant to their interaction with the vasculature. Overall, the data show how hyperhomocysteinemia could impact Alzheimer’s disease and vascular cognitive impairment and dementia

    β-Amyloid Deposition is Shifted to the Vasculature and Memory Impairment is Exacerbated When Hyperhomocysteinemia is Induced in APP/PS1 Transgenic Mice

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    INTRODUCTION: Vascular dementia is the second most common cause of dementia after Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). In addition, it is estimated that almost half of all AD patients have significant cerebrovascular disease comorbid with their AD pathology. We hypothesized that cerebrovascular disease significantly impacts AD pathological progression. METHODS: We used a dietary model of cerebrovascular disease that relies on the induction of hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy). HHcy is a significant clinical risk factor for stroke, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. In the present study, we induced HHcy in APP/PS1 transgenic mice. RESULTS: While total β-amyloid (Aβ) load is unchanged across groups, Congophilic amyloid deposition was decreased in the parenchyma and significantly increased in the vasculature as cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA; vascular amyloid deposition) in HHcy APP/PS1 mice. We also found that HHcy induced more microhemorrhages in the APP/PS1 mice than in the wild-type mice and that it switched the neuroinflammatory phenotype from an M2a biased state to an M1 biased state. Associated with these changes was an induction of the matrix metalloproteinase protein 2 (MMP2) and MMP9 systems. Interestingly, after 6 months of HHcy, the APP/PS1 mice were cognitively worse than wild-type HHcy mice or APP/PS1 mice, indicative of an additive effect of the cerebrovascular pathology and amyloid deposition. CONCLUSIONS: These data show that cerebrovascular disease can significantly impact Aβ distribution in the brain, favoring vascular deposition. We predict that the presence of cerebrovascular disease with AD will have a significant impact on AD progression and the efficacy of therapeutics
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