229 research outputs found

    Does level of training Influence the ability to detect hepatosplenomegaly in children with leukemia?

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    Background: Children with leukemia often have hepatosplenomegaly present. This can be diagnosed with physical examination and confirmed with ultrasound. We sought to determine if level of training influenced the ability to detect hepatosplenomegaly. Methods: All children diagnosed with leukemia during the past 5 years were reviewed. The training level of the examiner, the documentation of hepatosplenomegaly, and the ultrasound findings were collected and analyzed. Results: There were 245 examinations of the spleen and 254 of the liver. Splenomegaly was correctly diagnosed by medical students 54% of the time, by residents 81%, and by staff 79% of the time. First year residents diagnosed it correctly 68% of the time, R2s 64%, R3s 76% and R4s 86% of the time. Hepatomegaly was correctly diagnosed by medical students 44% of the time, by residents 73% and by staff 68% of the time. First year residents diagnosed it correctly 77% of the time, R2s 54%, R3s 81% and R4s 75% of the time. Conclusions: Pediatric residents had the best ability to detect hepatosplenomegaly, and were better than staff and medical students, although this was not statistically significant

    Connecting Through Summer Camp: Youth with Visual Impairments Find a Sense of Community

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    The social meaning of a one-week residential summer sports camp to young people with visual impairments is described. The experiences of 13 youths (7 females and 6 males) with visual impairments (3 B1, 1 B2, and 9 B3) between 9 and 15 years of age were gathered using the phenomenological methods of focus groups, conversational interviews, and field notes. The thematic analysis revealed three themes: connected, reaching out, and resisting and acquiescing. Experiences of group membership and shared emotional connection to others with visual impairments surfaced in a supportive sport context although resistance to others\u27 assumptions of ability was evident. The theory of psychological sense of community (McMillan & Chivas, 1986) provided the conceptual framework for interpreting the findings

    Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza in Canadian pediatric cancer and hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients

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    Background The impact of pandemic H1N1 influenza (pH1N1) virus in pediatric cancer is uncertain. The objectives of this study were to characterize the clinical course of pH1N1 and identify factors associated with severe outcomes. Methods We conducted a Canadian multicenter retrospective review of children with cancer and stem cell transplant (SCT) recipients who were diagnosed with laboratory-confirmed pH1N1 infection between May 1, 2009 and January 31, 2010. Results We identified 100 (19 in wave 1 and 81 in wave 2) cases of pH1N1 infection. Median age was 8·7years. 71% had a hematologic malignancy, and 20% received SCT. Median duration of fever and illness was 2 and 12·5days, respectively. 51 (51·5%) were hospitalized for a median of 5days, with no deaths and only 1 requiring admission to the intensive care unit. Radiologically confirmed pneumonia was diagnosed in 10 (10%). Interruption of chemotherapy or conditioning occurred in 43 patients. In multivariable analyses, age \u3c5years (relative to ≥10years) and neutropenia were associated with hospitalization while neutropenia was associated with pneumonia. Despite oseltamivir use in 89%, viral shedding was prolonged (median, 46days) and often persisted after symptom resolution. However, an extended treatment course (\u3e5days) correlated with shortened duration of viral shedding (P=0·041). Conclusions pH1N1 infection in pediatric cancer and SCT patients infrequently caused complications but commonly interrupted cancer treatment. Persistent shedding of virus after illness resolution was common. Further research is needed to verify this finding as it could have implications for treatment guidelines and infection control practices. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Tri-ponderal mass index in survivors of childhood brain tumors: A cross-sectional study.

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    Survivors of childhood brain tumors (SCBT) face a higher risk of cardiometabolic disorders and premature mortality compared to the general population. Excess adiposity is a known risk factor for these comorbidities. However, while SCBT have higher adiposity compared to healthy controls, measuring adiposity in clinical practice involves access to specialized equipment and may impact busy clinical services. Tri-ponderal Mass Index (TMI; kg/

    High molecular weight adiponectin levels are inversely associated with adiposity in pediatric brain tumor survivors.

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    While children with brain tumors are surviving at record rates, survivors are at risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus; these conditions may be driven by excess body fat. Adiponectin in an adipokine that is inversely associated with the fat mass, and has been linked to cardiometabolic risk stratification in the general population. However, adiponectin\u27s profile and determinants in SCBT have not been established. We tested the hypothesis that high molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin levels, the more biologically active form of adiponectin, were associated with adiposity in SCBT similarly to non-cancer controls. Seventy-four SCBT (n = 32 female) and 126 controls (n = 59 female) who were 5-17 years old were included. Partial correlations and multivariable regression analyses assessed the relationship between HMW adiponectin and adiposity. HMW adiponectin was inversely associated with total and central adiposity (FM%: β - 0.21, 95% CI - 0.15, - 0.08; p value \u3c 0.0001; WHR: β - 0.14, 95% CI - 0.02, - 0.01; p value \u3c 0.0001 ;WHtR: β - 0.21, 95% CI - 0.05, - 0.03; p value \u3c 0.0001). In conclusion, HMW adiponectin is inversely correlated with adiposity in SCBT. Adiponectin may serve as a biomarker of cardiometabolic risk and response to interventions to prevent and manage obesity and its comorbidities in SCBT

    Birth Weight and Body Mass Index Z-Score in Childhood Brain Tumors: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Children with brain tumors (CBT) are at higher risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes compared to the general population, in which birth weight is a risk factor for these diseases. However, this is not known in CBT. The primary aim of this study was to explore the association between birth weight and body mass measures in CBT, compared to non-cancer controls. This is a secondary data analysis using cross-sectional data from the CanDECIDE study (n = 78 CBT and n = 133 non-cancer controls). Age, sex, and birth weight (grams) were self-reported, and confirmed through examination of the medical records. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from height and weight measures and reported as kg/m. BMI z-scores were obtained for subjects under the age of 20 years. Multivariable linear regression was used to evaluate the relationship between birth weight and BMI and BMI z-score, adjusted for age, sex, puberty, and fat mass percentage. Higher birth weight was associated with higher BMI and BMI z-score among CBT and controls. In conclusion, birth weight is a risk factor for higher body mass during childhood in CBT, and this may help the identification of children at risk of future obesity and cardiometabolic risk

    Circulating leptin levels are associated with adiposity in survivors of childhood brain tumors.

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    Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumors (SCBT) are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes compared to the general population. Adiposity is an important risk factor for the development of these outcomes, and identifying biomarkers of adiposity may help the stratification of survivors based on their cardiovascular risk or allow for early screening and interventions to improve cardiometabolic outcomes. Leptin is an adipokine that positively correlates with the adipose mass in the general population and is a predictor of adverse cardiometabolic outcomes, yet its association with adiposity in SCBT has not been studied. The aim of this study was to determine if leptin levels are associated with the adipose mass in SCBT, and to define its predictors. This cross-sectional study included 74 SCBT (n = 32 females) with 126 non-cancer controls (n = 59 females). Total adiposity was measured using Bioelectrical Impendence Analysis (BIA) and central adiposity was measured using waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR). We used multivariable linear regression analysis to determine if leptin predicts adiposity in SCBT and adjusted for age, sex, puberty, and cancer status. Leptin correlated strongly with total (p \u3c 0.001) and central (WHR p = 0.001; WHtR p \u3c 0.001) adiposity in SCBT and non-cancer controls. In conclusion, leptin is a potential biomarker for adiposity in SCBT, and further investigation is needed to clarify if leptin is a predictor of future cardiometabolic risk in SCBT

    Adiposity in childhood brain tumors: A report from the Canadian Study of determinants of endometabolic health in children (CanDECIDE Study)

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    Children with brain tumors (CBT) are at high risk of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes compared to the general population. Recently, adiposity has been reported to be more informative for cardiometabolic risk stratification than body mass index (BMI) in the general population. The goal of this study is to describe the adiposity phenotype in CBT, and to establish adiposity determinants. We recruited CBT (n = 56) and non-cancer controls (n = 106). Percent body fat (%FM), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) were measured to determine total and central adiposity, respectively. Regression analyses were used to evaluate adiposity determinants. CBT had higher total and central adiposity compared to non-cancer controls despite having similar BMI measurements. Those with tumors at the supratentorial region had increased total and central adiposity, while those who received radiotherapy had increased total adiposity. In conclusion, CBT have increased total and central adiposity in the presence of similar BMI levels when compared to non-cancer controls. Adiposity, especially central adiposity, is a potential cardiometabolic risk factor present relatively early in life in CBT. Defining interventions to target adiposity may improve long-term outcomes by preventing cardiometabolic disorders in CBT

    Impact of registration on clinical trials on infection risk in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia

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    Little is known about the impact of enrollment on therapeutic clinical trials on adverse event rates. Primary objective was to describe the impact of clinical trial registration on sterile site microbiologically documented infection for children with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We conducted a multicenter cohort study that included children aged ≤18 years with de novo AML. Primary outcome was microbiologically documented sterile site infection. Infection rates were compared between those registered and not registered on clinical trials. Five hundred seventy-four children with AML were included of which 198 (34.5%) were registered on a therapeutic clinical trial. Overall, 400 (69.7%) had at least one sterile site microbiologically documented infection. In multiple regression, registration on clinical trials was independently associated with a higher risk of microbiologically documented sterile site infection [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 1.24, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01-1.53; p = 0.040] and viridans group streptococcal infection (OR 1.46, 95% CI 1.08-1.98; p = 0.015). Registration on trials was not associated with Gram-negative or invasive fungal infections. Children with newly diagnosed AML enrolled on clinical trials have a higher risk of microbiologically documented sterile site infection. This information may impact on supportive care practices in pediatric AML

    Association between corticosteroids and infection, sepsis, and infectious death in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML): Results from the Canadian infections in AML research group

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    Background. Infection continues to be a major problem for children with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Objectives were to identify factors associated with infection, sepsis, and infectious deaths in children with newly diagnosed AML.Methods. We conducted a retrospective, population-based cohort study that included children ≤18 years of age with de novo, non-M3 AML diagnosed between January 1995 and December 2004, treated at 15 Canadian centers. Patients were monitored for infection from initiation of AML treatment until recovery from the last cycle of chemotherapy, conditioning for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, relapse, persistent disease, or death (whichever occurred first). Consistent trained research associates abstracted all information from each site.Results. 341 patients were included. Median age was 7.1 years (interquartile range [IQR], 2.0-13.5) and 29 (8.5%) had Down syndrome. In sum, 26 (7.6%) experienced death as a first event. There were 1277 courses of chemotherapy administered in which sterile site microbiologically documented infection occurred in 313 courses (24.5%). Sepsis and infectious death occurred in 97 (7.6%) and 16 (1.3%) courses, respectively. The median days of corticosteroid administration was 2 per course (IQR, 0-6). In multiple regression analysis, duration of corticosteroid exposure was significantly associated with more microbiologically documented sterile site infection, bacteremia, fungal infection, and sepsis. The only factor significantly associated with infectious death was days of corticosteroid exposure (odds ratio, 1.05; 95% confidence interval, 1.02-1.08; P =. 001).Conclusions. In pediatric AML, infection, sepsis, and infectious death were associated with duration of corticosteroid exposure. Corticosteroids should be avoided when possible for this population. © The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved