530 research outputs found

    Combating Sex Trafficking: A Perpetrator-Focused Approach

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    Ukrainian Women: Victims of Putin\u27s War and Sex Industry Predators

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    Trafficking in Human Beings in the European Union: Gender, Sexual Exploitation, and Digital Communication Technologies

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    In this article, the intersection of gender, trafficking for sexual exploitation, and use of digital communication technologies are analyzed based on data from the European Union (EU). Over the past two decades, an increase in trafficking in human beings in the EU has been accompanied by an increase in the development and availability of digital communication technologies. The first statistical analysis of trafficking in human beings (2008-2010) carried out by the European Commission found 23,632 victims of human trafficking in the reporting member states. Eighty percent of victims were women and girls; 20% were men and boys. The majority of the victims (62%) were trafficked for sexual exploitation. Digital communication technologies are widely used for trafficking for sexual exploitation, and more rarely for trafficking for forced labor. This article concludes that the combination of gender, trafficking for sexual exploitation, and use of digital communication technologies has created a nexus of victimization for women and girls. Based on this analysis and other sources of information, the European region is the world’s leading region for trafficking for sexual exploitation

    Critical Reviews of Flawed Research on Prostitution

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    Welcome to the New Dignity

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    Welcome to Dignity

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    Seeing the Shadow Women: The Hidden Victims of Prostitution

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    A group of hidden victims of prostitution has been brought to light by Ingeborg Kraus, a trauma therapist in Germany, and Andrea Heinz, a woman with experience in the sex trade in Canada. Dignity has published four articles by these two writers in the last year. Their nascent body of work is uncovering important new information and perspectives on prostitution. Through their own experience and interviews with wives of sex buyers and women with sex trade experience they show us a more holistic view of the harm of prostitution. They write about the wives and families of men who are involved in prostitution. They describe how the shadow women suffer from the harm of prostitution. By broadening the analysis of the negative impact of prostitution on women and the community they conclude that legitimizing prostitution as sex work is a mistake that undermines our collective regard for all women and their personal dignity and genuine sexual integrit

    Twenty Reasons to Publish in Dignity

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    The Inaugural Issue of Dignity

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    Introduction to the Dignity Memorial Issue on Kate Millett

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