343 research outputs found

    Mutasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Pelalawan ke Pemerintah Provinsi Riau Tahun 2013

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    Mutation is generally a transfer of employees from one activity to another agency institutions with the aim to improve the efficient and effective operation of the organization concerned . The basic foundation of the process of mutation has been stated in Government Regulation No. 63 Year 2009 on the Authority Appointment , Removal , and Termination of Civil Servants . And the decision of the Civil Service Agency No. 70 / KEP / 2003 on the Delegation of Authority Head of Regional Office for State Personnel Board and the Agreement Establishing the Decree on Civil Service Civil Movements .Activities aimed mutation as a form of refreshment functions and duties . It is very important in improving employee performance , and spur employees to work better with the hope of getting a better position anyway . However, mutations also can be given to employees who excel and also serves as a means of giving sanction for errors or misuse that has been done by employees . There are two factors that cause mutations reasons , namely : (1) On its own desires , (2) Transfer productive tasks .This study was conducted to determine the factors that cause the number of civil servants of the Government mutation Pelalawan to Riau Provincial Government , and to determine whether the employee with a boss proximity factor is a political element in the process of mutation . Location of the study was conducted at the Regional Employment Agency and Employment Board the regency of Riau Province . The research is a qualitative study , with descriptive methods . The nature of this research is a case study .The results showed that the factors causing the number of civil servants of the Government Pelalawan mutation to the provincial government in based on their own with the main reason the family , geographic location , refreshment , and a career path .Keywords : Mutation , Civil Servants , Cause Mutati

    Kapabilitas Aparatur Pemerintah Kecamatan dalam Pengawasan Pertambangan tanpa Izin (Peti) di Kecamatan Cerenti Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    Unlicensed mining (PETI) is a serious problem, so the supervision of Unlicensed Mining (PETI) in Cerenti Sub-district requires the integration of resources or involving many parties in Cerenti Sub-district, especially the sub-district government apparatus. Various methods have been undertaken in the supervision of Unlicensed Mining (PETI) by Cerenti District Integrated Team. The problems of this research are (1) What is the capability of the sub-district government apparatus in the supervision of Unlicensed Mining (PETI) in Cerenti Sub-district Kuantan Singingi District? The purpose of this research are (1) to know the capability of sub-district government apparatus in supervision of Unlicensed Mining (PETI) in Cerenti Sub-district Kuantan Singingi Regency. This research method is qualitative research method with phenomenology approach.The conclusion of this research mentioned that the implementation of supervision of Unlicensed Mining (PETI) in Cerenti District is not yet maximal, but the implementation of Unsecured Mining (PETI) supervision has been in accordance with the Decision Letter of Regent Number 13 Year 2013 regarding the establishment of Integrated Team. However, the lack of follow-up done by the kecamatan is due to the absence of special budget and other supporting training which can assist in the implementation of Unsecured Mining (PETI) supervision in Cerenti Sub-district

    Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Miskin di Kelurahan Rejowinangun Utara, Kecamatan Magelang Tengah, Kota Magelang

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    Kelurahan Rejowinangun Utara merupakan salah satu kelurahan yang ada di Kecamatan Magelang Tengah dengan jumlah keluarga miskin terbanyak, sebesar 672 kepala keluarga. Angka tersebut di peroleh dari keluarga miskin yang menerima “raskin” .Akhir Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi ketahanan pangan yang ada di Kelurahan Rejowinangun Utara dengan menggabungkan dua indikator yaitu proporsi pengeluaran pangan dan tingkat konsumsi energi. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kuatitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Kelurahan Rejowinangun Utara dalam aspek ketahanan pangan masuk dalam klasifikasi tahan pangan (64,4%), dengan proporsi pengeluaran pangan yang rendah serta tingginya tingakt konsumsi energi menjadikan Keluarga Miskin di Kelurahan Rejowinangun Utara masuk dalam klasifikasi tahan pangan. Aspek lain yang perlu di perhatikan adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan tentang pangan dan gizi, jika indikator energi di ganti oleh protein maka status tahan pangan tersebut berubah menjadi kurang pangan

    Kesulitan Siswa Tentang Koneksi Matematis dalam Operasi Hitung Bentuk Aljabar di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    This research aims to determine the kind of difficulties and the factors that cause the students difficulties about mathematics connection in algebraic expression of 8th grade students at SMP Negeri 8 Pontianak. The methods that used is descriptive methods with a case study expression. Subjects were twenty three (23) person of eighth grade students who have difficulty in mathematical connections about algebra expression arithmetic operations. The result of data analysis show that the difficulties mostly happens in connecting algebra expression with the bassical element, and in connecting algebra expression arithmetic operations concepts. The difficulties caused by factors are: (1) not really understand the bassical element of algebra expression; (2) not really understand of addition concept; (3) not really understand of reduction concept; (4) not really understand of multiplication concept; and (5) not really understand of number properties

    Gaya Bahasa Komentator Sepak Bola Dalam Acara Indonesia Super League Di Stasiun Televisi ANTV

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    The purpose of this article is to describe the form of a style that is used by soccer commentators in the Indonesian Super League event on television quiz on sentence structure and meaning based on whether or not direct. The data of this study is the speech that contain language style. Source of research data is broadcast live football matches Indonesia Super League during the month of April 2012 in television quiz. Data was collected using recording techniques and assisted with the recording sheet. The study\u27s findings: (1) style language is based on the sentence structure is found as many as three of style, a style that is the climax, antithesis, and repetition. (2) style language is based on direct or absence of meaning is found as many as 14 styles of language, namely alliteration, asonansi, asindeton, euphemism, hyperbole, oxymoron, erotesis, simile, metaphor, personification, eponymous, sinekdoke, antonomasia, and irony

    Heavy metal distribution in a sediment phytoremediation system at pilot scale

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    The continuous stream of polluted sediments, dredged from harbors and water bodies in order to maintain the navigation, is a common practice, but the fate of these sediments is an issue recognized worldwide. This pilot case study evaluated the application of phytoremediation as sustainable management strategy for the decontamination of polluted dredged marine sediments. The synergic action of different plant species (Paspalum vaginatum; P. vaginatum + Spartium junceum and P. vaginatum + Tamarix gallica) and organic matter (compost) in removing both heavy metals (Cd, Ni, Zn, Pb and Cu) and total petroleum hydrocarbons, and in recovering the nutritive and biological sediment properties were evaluated. In addition to the detection of total metal removal efficiency, the chemical distribution of metals in the sediment phases (exchangeable, manganese and iron oxides, organic matter and residual minerals) was also measured in order to make a more realistic estimation of the phytoremediation efficiency for the sediment decontamination. Finally, a complete picture of the metal flux was obtained by investigating the metal mass-balance in the treated sediments. The results of metal content in the sediment phases showed that metal distribution was not uniform and each metal predominated in different fractions; the solubility of metals in the sediment in the decreasing order was: Cd>Zn>Cu>Pb>Ni. The higher proportion of Ni and Pb in the residual phase can be the reason of the lower translocation of these metals in the plant tissues. On the other hand, Cd, Zn and Cu were the metals most easily translocated in plant tissues, both aboveground and roots, confirming their higher availability for the plants. The results of mass balance indicated that, at the end of the experimentation, a high content of metals were still found in the sediment. The greatest contribution in metal removal was attributed to a phytostabilization process at rhizosphere level followed by gravel and sand absorption. The capacity of rhizophere to precipitate heavy metals, could be considered as an alternative option for reducing the metal availability and, consequently, the toxicity in contaminated sediments
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