13 research outputs found

    MultiPrompter: Cooperative Prompt Optimization with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    Recently, there has been an increasing interest in automated prompt optimization based on reinforcement learning (RL). This approach offers important advantages, such as generating interpretable prompts and being compatible with black-box foundation models. However, the substantial prompt space size poses challenges for RL-based methods, often leading to suboptimal policy convergence. This paper introduces MultiPrompter, a new framework that views prompt optimization as a cooperative game between prompters which take turns composing a prompt together. Our cooperative prompt optimization effectively reduces the problem size and helps prompters learn optimal prompts. We test our method on the text-to-image task and show its ability to generate higher-quality images than baselines

    Online Class-Incremental Continual Learning with Adversarial Shapley Value

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    As image-based deep learning becomes pervasive on every device, from cell phones to smart watches, there is a growing need to develop methods that continually learn from data while minimizing memory footprint and power consumption. While memory replay techniques have shown exceptional promise for this task of continual learning, the best method for selecting which buffered images to replay is still an open question. In this paper, we specifically focus on the online class-incremental setting where a model needs to learn new classes continually from an online data stream. To this end, we contribute a novel Adversarial Shapley value scoring method that scores memory data samples according to their ability to preserve latent decision boundaries for previously observed classes (to maintain learning stability and avoid forgetting) while interfering with latent decision boundaries of current classes being learned (to encourage plasticity and optimal learning of new class boundaries). Overall, we observe that our proposed ASER method provides competitive or improved performance compared to state-of-the-art replay-based continual learning methods on a variety of datasets.Comment: Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-21

    Delayed Chylothorax Following Blunt Chest Trauma Treated with Repeated Lymphangiography: A Case Presentation

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    Chylothorax is mostly iatrogenic, with blunt chest trauma being a rare cause. Treatment depends on the volume of drainage. Specifically, conservative treatment, such as total parenteral nutrition and pleural drainage, is performed in cases of low daily output ( 1–1.5 L/day) are candidates for surgical or radiological intervention. We present a case of delayed-onset chylothorax after blunt trauma caused by thoracic spine fractures, in which persistent chylothorax was successfully managed with repeated lymphangiography with lipiodol when other treatment modalities failed. The case is peculiar in that the chylothorax occurred 40 days after the initial traumatic event and was treated with lipiodol injection, despite maintaining moderate to high daily output

    Scabies mimicking graft versus host disease in a hematopoietic cell transplant recipient

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    Scabies is a highly contagious skin infestation caused by the mite, Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. Complex responses to scabies mites in the innate, humoral, and cellular immune systems can cause skin inflammation and pruritus. Diagnosis can be challenging because scabies resembles other common skin conditions. We report the first Korean case of scabies in a hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) recipient, initially suspected of skin graft versus host disease (GVHD). A T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia patient underwent a sibling-matched allogeneic HCT and developed pruritus after cell engraftment. Treatment for GVHD did not improve the symptoms. He was diagnosed with scabies 30 days after the onset of symptoms

    A contact investigation after exposure to a child with disseminated tuberculosis mimicking inflammatory bowel disease

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    Purpose Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most important diseases that cause significant mortality and morbidity in young children. Data on TB transmission from an infected child are limited. Herein, we report a case of disseminated TB in a child and conducted a contact investigation among exposed individuals. Methods A 4-year-old child without Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccination was diagnosed as having culture-proven disseminated TB. The child initially presented with symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, and nosocomial and kindergarten exposures were reported. The exposed individuals to the index case were divided into 3 groups, namely household, nosocomial, or kindergarten contacts. Evaluation was performed following the Korean guidelines for TB. Kindergarten contacts were further divided into close or casual contacts. Chest radiography and tuberculin skin test or interferon-gamma-releasing assay were performed for the contacts. Results We examined 327 individuals (3 household, 10 nosocomial, and 314 kindergarten contacts), of whom 18 (5.5%), the brother of the index patient, and 17 kindergarten children were diagnosed as having latent TB infection (LTBI). LTBI diagnosis was more frequent in the children who had close kindergarten contact with the index case (17.1% vs. 4.4%, P=0.007). None of the cases had active TB. Conclusion This is the first reported case of TB transmission among young children from a pediatric patient with disseminated TB in Korea. TB should be emphasized as a possible cause of chronic diarrhea and failure to thrive in children. A national TB control policy has been actively applied to identify Korean children with LTBI

    Understanding the Diffusion of Integrated Marketing Communications

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    Once again a paradigm shift is about to occur, leaving an accepted and acknowledged academic and social frame of standardization, simplification, and specialization totally perplexed. In the field of advertising, the paradigm change is coming from an offspring called Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). And, nowhere is that more evident than in the non-English-speaking countries where the primary focus on mass advertising and mass communication is giving way to more integrated forms of communication, including such areas as sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations, events, and the like.During the last decade, a series of studies have been conducted, either on a country level or sometimes among several nation states investigating the development, diffusion, and acceptance of IMC. In many of those studies, the comparison has been in the development and diffusion of the concept among traditional advertising agencies and or advertiser companies. Thus, the most recent research on IMC has been mainly focused on its perception by clients and their advertising agencies (1991 and 1993 in United States; 1995 in the United Kingdom; 1998 in New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, and India; 1999 to the present in many research studies). In some of those studies, scholars have argued that IMC is nothing new, it is simply a reiteration of what marketing and communication organizations have always done. In others, research has shown that IMC is indeed a new paradigm and can be quite successfully deployed by all types of firms in the new millennium.

    A Successfully Treated Case of Gorham-Stout Syndrome with Sternal Involvement

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    Gorham-Stout Syndrome (GSS) is a rare disease characterized by localized bone resorption. Any part of the skeleton may be affected; therefore, symptoms can vary depending on the site involved. Pathological analysis reveals lymphovascular proliferation and osteolysis in the affected lesion, but the etiology of the disease is poorly understood. When GSS occurs in the chest, chylothorax or respiratory failure may occur. Thus far, a standard treatment for GSS has not been established, and the prognosis remains unknown. The following case report describes a successfully treated case of GSS in a 16-year-old boy with an affected sternum and ribs