1,722 research outputs found

    Initial Experiences with Proton MR Spectroscopy in Treatment Monitoring of Mitochondrial Encephalopathy

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    PURPOSE: Mitochondrial encephalopathy (ME) is a rare disorder of energy metabolism. The disease course can roughly be evaluated by clinical findings. The purpose of this study was to evaluate metabolic spectral changes using proton MR spectroscopy (MRS), and to establish a way to monitor ME by neuroimaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Proton MRS data were retrospectively reviewed in 12 patients with muscle biopsy-confirmed ME (M : F = 7 : 5, Mean age = 4.8 years). All received 1H-MRS initially and also after a ketogenic diet and mitochondrial disease treatment cocktail (follow up average was 10.2 months). Changes of N-acetylaspartate/ creatine (NAA/Cr) ratio, choline/creatine (Cho/Cr) ratio, and lactate peak in basal ganglia at 1.2 ppm were evaluated before and after treatment. Findings on conventional T2 weighted MR images were also evaluated. RESULTS: On conventional MRI, increased basal ganglia T2 signal intensity was the most common finding with ME (n = 9, 75%), followed by diffuse cerebral atrophy (n = 8, 67%), T2 hyperintense lesions at pons and midbrain (n = 4, 33%), and brain atrophy (n = 2, 17%). Lactate peak was found in 4 patients; 2 had disappearance of the peak on follow up MRS. Quantitative analysis showed relative decrease of Cho/Cr ratio on follow up MRS (p = 0.0058, paired t-test, two-tailed). There was no significant change in NAA/Cr ratio. CONCLUSION: MRS is a useful tool for monitoring disease progression or improvement in ME, and decrease or disappearance of lactate peak and reduction of Cho/Cr fraction were correlated well with improvement of clinical symptoms.ope

    Laparoscopic Removal of a Broken Sewing Needle in a Patient with Irritative Bladder Symptoms

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    A foreign body near the bladder is rare. Although foreign bodies in the bladder can be easily found and removed by endoscopic transurethral removal, extravesical foreign bodies may require the use of an open or laparoscopic procedure. Here, we report a case of a patient complaining of frequency and urgency in whom an extravesical sewing needle was successfully removed by a laparoscopic approach. A 4.5 cm rusty sewing needle was found between the bladder and the left external iliac vessels and was removed through a 5 mm trocar port by use of endo forceps with no complications

    Microspinning: Local Surface Mixing via Rotation of Magnetic Microparticles for Efficient Small-Volume Bioassays

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    The need for high-throughput screening has led to the miniaturization of the reaction volume of the chamber in bioassays. As the reactor gets smaller, surface tension dominates the gravitational or inertial force, and mixing efficiency decreases in small-scale reactions. Because passive mixing by simple diffusion in tens of microliter-scale volumes takes a long time, active mixing is needed. Here, we report an efficient micromixing method using magnetically rotating microparticles with patterned magnetization induced by magnetic nanoparticle chains. Because the microparticles have magnetization patterning due to fabrication with magnetic nanoparticle chains, the microparticles can rotate along the external rotating magnetic field, causing micromixing. We validated the reaction efficiency by comparing this micromixing method with other mixing methods such as simple diffusion and the use of a rocking shaker at various working volumes. This method has the potential to be widely utilized in suspension assay technology as an efficient mixing strategy

    Usefulness of fecal immunochemical test and fecal calprotectin for detection of active ulcerative colitis

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    Background/Aims Ulcerative colitis undergoes periods of exacerbation and remission. Fecal calprotectin levels increase with gut inflammation and correlate with endoscopic disease activity in ulcerative colitis. Intestinal blood loss and fecal immunochemical test levels also correlate with endoscopic disease activity. This study statistically evaluated the usefulness of fecal calprotectin, fecal immunochemical test, and C-reactive protein (CRP) as markers of disease activity. Methods A total 106 ulcerative colitis patients who underwent endoscopy and fecal calprotectin, fecal immunochemical test, and CRP testing, from March 2015 to August 2016, were retrospectively reviewed. Disease activity was assessed using a partial Mayo score and Mayo endoscopic score. The ability of fecal and serologic tests to reflect endoscopic disease severity was statistically evaluated. Results Among 106 patients, 68 underwent endoscopy and stool study within 2 weeks. In patients with mild to severe activity, fecal immunochemical test and fecal calprotectin were superior to CRP at Mayo endoscopic score detection rate. The area under the curves of fecal immunochemical test and fecal calprotectin for the detection of Mayo endoscopic score ≥1 were 0.956 and 0.942, respectively, and were superior to that of CRP (0.756). At Mayo endoscopic score, the effects of combination of fecal immunochemical test and CRP or fecal calprotectin and CRP were found to be higher than those of the independent fecal immunochemical test or fecal calprotectin. Conclusions Fecal immunochemical test and fecal calprotectin can effectively detect active ulcerative colitis better than remission. As these markers reflect the status of mucosal inflammation, they may reduce the requirement for invasive endoscopic examination

    Public-Key Revocation and Tracing Schemes with Subset Difference Methods Revisited

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    Trace and revoke is broadcast encryption with the traitor tracing functionality. It is a very powerful primitive since it can revoke users whose private keys are compromised by finding them using a tracing algorithm if a pirate decoder is given. Public-key trace and revoke (PKTR) is a special type of trace and revoke such that anyone can run the tracing algorithm and anyone can create an encrypted message by using a public key. Although public-key trace and revoke schemes are attractive tools, the currently known PKTR schemes are a little bit inefficient in terms of the private key size and the public key size compared with public-key broadcast encryption schemes. In this paper, we propose a new technique to construct an efficient PKTR scheme by using the subset cover framework. First, we introduce a new concept of public-key encryption named single revocation encryption (SRE) and propose an efficient SRE scheme in the random oracle model. The universe of SRE consists of many groups and each group consists of many members. A user in SRE is represented as a group that he belongs and a member in the group. In SRE, a sender can create a ciphertext for a specified group where one member in the group is revoked, and a receiver can decrypt the ciphertext if he belongs to the group in the ciphertext and he is not revoked in the group. Second, we show that the subset difference (SD) scheme (or the layered subset difference (LSD) scheme) and a SRE scheme can be combined to construct a PKTR scheme. Our PKTR scheme using the LSD scheme and our SRE scheme has the ciphertext size of O(r)O(r), the private key size of O(log1.5N)O(\log^{1.5} N), and the public key size of O(1)O(1) where NN is the total number of users in the system and rr is the size of a revoked set. Our PKTR scheme is the first one that achieves the private key size of O(log1.5N)O(\log^{1.5} N) and the public key size of O(1)O(1)

    Multiple cerebral infarction and paradoxical air embolism during hepatectomy using the Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator -A case report-

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    A venous air embolism and paradoxical air embolism (PAE) are serious complications in patients undergoing a hepatectomy. We report a case of PAE and cerebral infarctions in a patient undergoing a hepatic resection using a Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA®). A 65-year-old woman underwent a left lobe hepatectomy. During the middle phase of the liver resection with CUSA®, there was a sudden decrease in arterial blood pressure, end-tidal carbon dioxide and SpO2. With resuscitation, intraoperative ultrasonography revealed massive air emboli in both her left and right heart, which lasted for 40 min. The hepatectomy was completed after the disappearance of the air emboli from her heart. After surgery, her mental status was stuporous. The brain CT and MRI revealed multiple acute cerebral infarctions. Finally, she died from septic shock. This case highlights the need for anesthetists and surgeons to be aware of the potential for CUSA®-related massive PAE

    Expression of Keratin 10 in Rat Organ Surface Primo-vascular Tissues

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    AbstractThe primo-vascular system is described as the anatomical structure corresponding to acupuncture meridians and has been identified in several tissues in the body, but its detailed anatomy and physiology are not well understood. Recently, the presence of keratin 10 (Krt10) in primo-vascular tissue was reported, but this finding has not yet been confirmed. In this study, we compared Krt10 expression in primo-vascular tissues located on the surface of rat abdominal organs with Krt10 expression on blood and lymphatic vessels. Krt10 protein (approximately 56.5 kDa) was evaluated by western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry. Krt10 (IR) in the primo-node was visualized as patchy spots around each cell or as a follicle-like structure containing a group of cells. Krt10 IR was also identified in vascular and lymphatic tissues, but its distribution was diffuse over the extracellular matrix of the vessels. Thus Krt10 protein was expressed in all three tissues tested, but the expression pattern of Krt10 in primo-vascular tissue differed from those of blood and lymphatic vascular tissues, suggesting that structural and the regulatory roles of Krt10 in primo-vascular system are different from those in blood and lymphatic vessels