674 research outputs found

    Two-Stream Action Recognition-Oriented Video Super-Resolution

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    We study the video super-resolution (SR) problem for facilitating video analytics tasks, e.g. action recognition, instead of for visual quality. The popular action recognition methods based on convolutional networks, exemplified by two-stream networks, are not directly applicable on video of low spatial resolution. This can be remedied by performing video SR prior to recognition, which motivates us to improve the SR procedure for recognition accuracy. Tailored for two-stream action recognition networks, we propose two video SR methods for the spatial and temporal streams respectively. On the one hand, we observe that regions with action are more important to recognition, and we propose an optical-flow guided weighted mean-squared-error loss for our spatial-oriented SR (SoSR) network to emphasize the reconstruction of moving objects. On the other hand, we observe that existing video SR methods incur temporal discontinuity between frames, which also worsens the recognition accuracy, and we propose a siamese network for our temporal-oriented SR (ToSR) training that emphasizes the temporal continuity between consecutive frames. We perform experiments using two state-of-the-art action recognition networks and two well-known datasets--UCF101 and HMDB51. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed SoSR and ToSR in improving recognition accuracy.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 2019. Code: https://github.com/AlanZhang1995/TwoStreamS


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    The article deals with the types of education such as formal, nonformal and informal based on the current legislation of Ukraine.Characteristics of ways of organizing training by certain types are given. It is determined that competently based standards characterize the content of education at the school level (State standard of elementary general education 2011, state standard of basic and complete secondary education 2011), vocational (introduction of state standards of vocational education based on competencies ) and higher education (in accordance with the new Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» 2014). The main problems of the modern educational policy with regard to the evaluation of its results and the inconsistency of the economic mechanism in the education mechanism with the principles of a market economy are highlighted. The ways of ensuring the development of the educational sector of the national economy are proposed: introduction of independent professional certification, reformation of the system of certification and professional development of pedagogical workers; reform of the management system and financial and economic mechanism of functioning of the education system in Ukraine; introduction of an external independent evaluation of the learning outcomes obtained at each educational level, including EIT; development of alternativeeducational projects; expanding the use of modern technologies in themanagement of education, organization of the educational process andcontrol of learning outcomes and implementation of automated information systems; development and implementation of pilot projects to develop new mechanisms for managing and organizing educational activities. The conceptual approach of forming the foundations of the development of national education is proposed in three stages: in the framework of theoretical studies we propose to reveal the essence and role of education as an integral part of the functioning of the national economy; to define conceptual bases of national education development; to explore and study the world experience of transformation of educational processes, on the basis of which to distinguish the constituent characteristics adapted to the Ukrainian educational realities.An approach to the analysis of the economic trends of the educationalsector, taking into account absolute and specific indicators, will beestablished, which will identify internal and strategic problems of theindustry and will allow to form concrete regulatory measures for improving the quality of educational services and modernization of the entire education system.В статье на основании действующего законодательства Украиныисследованы виды образования: формальный, неформальный,информальный и охарактеризованы способы организации обучения по каждому из них. Выделены проблемы современной образовательной политики: отсутствие критериев оценки ее результатов и несоответствие действующего в образовании экономического механизма принципам рыночной экономики.Предложены пути обеспечения развития образованиянациональной экономики: внедрение независимой профессиональнойсертификации, реформирование системы аттестации и повышенияквалификации педагогических работников; реформирование системыуправления и финансово-экономического механизма функционирования системы образования; введение ВНО результатов обучения; развитие альтернативных образовательных проектов; расширение использования современных технологий в управлении образованием, организации образовательного процесса и контроле результатов обучения и внедрение автоматизированных информационных систем и др.Предложен концептуальный подход формирования основ развитиянационального образования. Он состоит из трех этапов: в пределахтеоретических исследований предлагается раскрыть сущность и рольобразования как неотъемлемой составляющей функционированиянациональной экономики; определить концептуальные основы развития национального образования; исследовать и изучить мировой опыт трансформации образовательных процессов, на основе котороговыделить составляющие характеристики, адаптированные дляукраинских образовательных реалий. Построен подход к анализуэкономических тенденций образования с учетом абсолютных и удельных показателей, что позволит выявить внутренние и стратегические проблемы отрасли и позволит сформировать конкретные регулирующие меры по повышению качества образовательных услуг и модернизации всей системы образования.У статті на основі чинного законодавства України досліджено види освіти такі, як формальна, неформальна та інформальна. Проведено характеристику способів організації навчання за визначеними видами. Виокремлено основні проблеми сучасної освітньої політики і запропоновано шляхи забезпечення розвитку освітньої галузі національної економіки. Запропонований концептуальний підхід формування засад розвитку національної освіти. Побудовано підхід до аналізу економічних тенденцій освітньої галузі з урахуванням абсолютних і питомих показників, що дозволить виявити внутрішні і стратегічні проблеми галузі та дасть змогу сформувати конкретні регулюючі заходи стосовно підвищення якості освітніх послуг і модернізації всієї системи освіти

    Attribute Artifacts Removal for Geometry-based Point Cloud Compression

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    Geometry-based point cloud compression (G-PCC) can achieve remarkable compression efficiency for point clouds. However, it still leads to serious attribute compression artifacts, especially under low bitrate scenarios. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Scale Graph Attention Network (MS-GAT) to remove the artifacts of point cloud attributes compressed by G-PCC. We first construct a graph based on point cloud geometry coordinates and then use the Chebyshev graph convolutions to extract features of point cloud attributes. Considering that one point may be correlated with points both near and far away from it, we propose a multi-scale scheme to capture the short- and long-range correlations between the current point and its neighboring and distant points. To address the problem that various points may have different degrees of artifacts caused by adaptive quantization, we introduce the quantization step per point as an extra input to the proposed network. We also incorporate a weighted graph attentional layer into the network to pay special attention to the points with more attribute artifacts. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attribute artifacts removal method for G-PCC. We validate the effectiveness of our method over various point clouds. Objective comparison results show that our proposed method achieves an average of 9.74% BD-rate reduction compared with Predlift and 10.13% BD-rate reduction compared with RAHT. Subjective comparison results present that visual artifacts such as color shifting, blurring, and quantization noise are reduced