27 research outputs found

    Two-in-One Depth: Bridging the Gap Between Monocular and Binocular Self-supervised Depth Estimation

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    Monocular and binocular self-supervised depth estimations are two important and related tasks in computer vision, which aim to predict scene depths from single images and stereo image pairs respectively. In literature, the two tasks are usually tackled separately by two different kinds of models, and binocular models generally fail to predict depth from single images, while the prediction accuracy of monocular models is generally inferior to binocular models. In this paper, we propose a Two-in-One self-supervised depth estimation network, called TiO-Depth, which could not only compatibly handle the two tasks, but also improve the prediction accuracy. TiO-Depth employs a Siamese architecture and each sub-network of it could be used as a monocular depth estimation model. For binocular depth estimation, a Monocular Feature Matching module is proposed for incorporating the stereo knowledge between the two images, and the full TiO-Depth is used to predict depths. We also design a multi-stage joint-training strategy for improving the performances of TiO-Depth in both two tasks by combining the relative advantages of them. Experimental results on the KITTI, Cityscapes, and DDAD datasets demonstrate that TiO-Depth outperforms both the monocular and binocular state-of-the-art methods in most cases, and further verify the feasibility of a two-in-one network for monocular and binocular depth estimation. The code is available at https://github.com/ZM-Zhou/TiO-Depth_pytorch.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 202

    Complementary Frequency-Varying Awareness Network for Open-Set Fine-Grained Image Recognition

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    Open-set image recognition is a challenging topic in computer vision. Most of the existing works in literature focus on learning more discriminative features from the input images, however, they are usually insensitive to the high- or low-frequency components in features, resulting in a decreasing performance on fine-grained image recognition. To address this problem, we propose a Complementary Frequency-varying Awareness Network that could better capture both high-frequency and low-frequency information, called CFAN. The proposed CFAN consists of three sequential modules: (i) a feature extraction module is introduced for learning preliminary features from the input images; (ii) a frequency-varying filtering module is designed to separate out both high- and low-frequency components from the preliminary features in the frequency domain via a frequency-adjustable filter; (iii) a complementary temporal aggregation module is designed for aggregating the high- and low-frequency components via two Long Short-Term Memory networks into discriminative features. Based on CFAN, we further propose an open-set fine-grained image recognition method, called CFAN-OSFGR, which learns image features via CFAN and classifies them via a linear classifier. Experimental results on 3 fine-grained datasets and 2 coarse-grained datasets demonstrate that CFAN-OSFGR performs significantly better than 9 state-of-the-art methods in most cases

    Recursive Counterfactual Deconfounding for Object Recognition

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    Image recognition is a classic and common task in the computer vision field, which has been widely applied in the past decade. Most existing methods in literature aim to learn discriminative features from labeled images for classification, however, they generally neglect confounders that infiltrate into the learned features, resulting in low performances for discriminating test images. To address this problem, we propose a Recursive Counterfactual Deconfounding model for object recognition in both closed-set and open-set scenarios based on counterfactual analysis, called RCD. The proposed model consists of a factual graph and a counterfactual graph, where the relationships among image features, model predictions, and confounders are built and updated recursively for learning more discriminative features. It performs in a recursive manner so that subtler counterfactual features could be learned and eliminated progressively, and both the discriminability and generalization of the proposed model could be improved accordingly. In addition, a negative correlation constraint is designed for alleviating the negative effects of the counterfactual features further at the model training stage. Extensive experimental results on both closed-set recognition task and open-set recognition task demonstrate that the proposed RCD model performs better than 11 state-of-the-art baselines significantly in most cases

    Comparison of IT Neural Response Statistics with Simulations

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    Lehky et al. (2011) provided a statistical analysis on the responses of the recorded 674 neurons to 806 image stimuli in anterior inferotemporalm (AIT) cortex of two monkeys. In terms of kurtosis and Pareto tail index, they observed that the population sparseness of both unnormalized and normalized responses is always larger than their single-neuron selectivity, hence concluded that the critical features for individual neurons in primate AIT cortex are not very complex, but there is an indefinitely large number of them. In this work, we explore an “inverse problem” by simulation, that is, by simulating each neuron indeed only responds to a very limited number of stimuli among a very large number of neurons and stimuli, to assess whether the population sparseness is always larger than the single-neuron selectivity. Our simulation results show that the population sparseness exceeds the single-neuron selectivity in most cases even if the number of neurons and stimuli are much larger than several hundreds, which confirms the observations in Lehky et al. (2011). In addition, we found that the variances of the computed kurtosis and Pareto tail index are quite large in some cases, which reveals some limitations of these two criteria when used for neuron response evaluation

    Zero-Shot Learning from Adversarial Feature Residual to Compact Visual Feature

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    Recently, many zero-shot learning (ZSL) methods focused on learning discriminative object features in an embedding feature space, however, the distributions of the unseen-class features learned by these methods are prone to be partly overlapped, resulting in inaccurate object recognition. Addressing this problem, we propose a novel adversarial network to synthesize compact semantic visual features for ZSL, consisting of a residual generator, a prototype predictor, and a discriminator. The residual generator is to generate the visual feature residual, which is integrated with a visual prototype predicted via the prototype predictor for synthesizing the visual feature. The discriminator is to distinguish the synthetic visual features from the real ones extracted from an existing categorization CNN. Since the generated residuals are generally numerically much smaller than the distances among all the prototypes, the distributions of the unseen-class features synthesized by the proposed network are less overlapped. In addition, considering that the visual features from categorization CNNs are generally inconsistent with their semantic features, a simple feature selection strategy is introduced for extracting more compact semantic visual features. Extensive experimental results on six benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method could achieve a significantly better performance than existing state-of-the-art methods by 1.2-13.2% in most cases

    Spatial-Temporal Attention Network for Open-Set Fine-Grained Image Recognition

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    Triggered by the success of transformers in various visual tasks, the spatial self-attention mechanism has recently attracted more and more attention in the computer vision community. However, we empirically found that a typical vision transformer with the spatial self-attention mechanism could not learn accurate attention maps for distinguishing different categories of fine-grained images. To address this problem, motivated by the temporal attention mechanism in brains, we propose a spatial-temporal attention network for learning fine-grained feature representations, called STAN, where the features learnt by implementing a sequence of spatial self-attention operations corresponding to multiple moments are aggregated progressively. The proposed STAN consists of four modules: a self-attention backbone module for learning a sequence of features with self-attention operations, a spatial feature self-organizing module for facilitating the model training, a spatial-temporal feature learning module for aggregating the re-organized features via a Long Short-Term Memory network, and a context-aware module that is implemented as the forget block of the spatial-temporal feature learning module for preserving/forgetting the long-term memory by utilizing contextual information. Then, we propose a STAN-based method for open-set fine-grained recognition by integrating the proposed STAN network with a linear classifier, called STAN-OSFGR. Extensive experimental results on 3 fine-grained datasets and 2 coarse-grained datasets demonstrate that the proposed STAN-OSFGR outperforms 9 state-of-the-art open-set recognition methods significantly in most cases