536 research outputs found

    Long duct nacelle aerodynamic development for DC-10 derivatives

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    The results are presented of a wind tunnel test utilizing a 4.7-percent-scale semispan model of the DC-10 in the Calspan 8-foot transonic wind tunnel. The effect of a revised long-duct nacelle shape on the channel velocities, the incremental drag relative to the baseline long-duct nacelle, and channel velocities for the baseline long-duct nacelle were determined and compared with data obtained at Ames. The baseline and the revised long-duct nacelles are representative of a CF6-50 mixed-flow configuration and were evaluated on a model of a proposed DC-10 stretched-fuselage configuration. The results showed that the revised long-duct nacelle has an appreciable effect on the inboard channel velocities, resulting in an increased channel Mach number. However, the pressure recovery on the nacelle afterbody was about the same for both nacelles. The lift curves for both long-duct nacelle configurations were the same. The channel pressures measured at Calspan were in good agreement with those measured at Ames for the baseline long-duct nacelle. The incremental drag for the revised nacelle was measured as two to four counts (three counts is approximately equal to one percent of the airplane drag) higher than that of the baseline long-duct nacelle

    Analysis of dependence among size, rate and duration in internet flows

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    In this paper we examine rigorously the evidence for dependence among data size, transfer rate and duration in Internet flows. We emphasize two statistical approaches for studying dependence, including Pearson's correlation coefficient and the extremal dependence analysis method. We apply these methods to large data sets of packet traces from three networks. Our major results show that Pearson's correlation coefficients between size and duration are much smaller than one might expect. We also find that correlation coefficients between size and rate are generally small and can be strongly affected by applying thresholds to size or duration. Based on Transmission Control Protocol connection startup mechanisms, we argue that thresholds on size should be more useful than thresholds on duration in the analysis of correlations. Using extremal dependence analysis, we draw a similar conclusion, finding remarkable independence for extremal values of size and rate.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOAS268 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Energy use, growth and survival of coral reef snapper larvae reared at elevated temperatures

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    The success of individuals during the pelagic larval phase is critical to maintaining healthy and viable populations of coral reef fishes; however, it is also the most environmentally sensitive and energetically demanding life stage. Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of marine heatwaves, which could have significant effects on the development and survival of larval coral reef fishes. However, little is known about how the larvae of pelagic-spawning coral reef fishes will be affected due to the difficulty of spawning and rearing these species in captivity. In this study, we tested how elevated temperatures, similar to those occurring during a marine heatwave, affected the yolk utilization, growth, and survival of larval, Lutjanus carponotatus, a common mesopredatory fish on Indo-west Pacific coral reefs. Eggs and larvae were reared at a current-day average summer temperature (28.5 °C) and two elevated temperatures (30 °C and 31.5 °C) until 14 d post-hatch (dph). Larvae in the elevated temperatures depleted their yolk reserves 39% faster than at the control temperature. The standard length of larvae was 55% (30 °C) and 92% (31.5 °C) longer in the elevated temperature treatments than the control temperature at 14 dph. Conversely, survival of larvae was 54% (30 °C) and 68% (31.5 °C) lower at elevated temperatures compared with the control temperature. This study provides new insights as to how the early life stages of coral reef fishes could be affected by ocean warming and marine heatwaves, with implications for their population dynamics

    EFN-4 Functions in LAD-2-mediated Axon Guidance in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    During development of the nervous system, growing axons rely on guidance molecules to direct axon pathfinding. A well-characterized family of guidance molecules are the membrane-associated ephrins, which together with their cognate Eph receptors, direct axon navigation in a contact-mediated fashion. InC. elegans, the ephrin-Eph signaling system is conserved and is best characterized for their roles in neuroblast migration during early embryogenesis. This study demonstrates a role for theC. elegansephrin EFN-4 in axon guidance. We provide both genetic and biochemical evidence that is consistent with theC. elegansdivergent L1 cell adhesion molecule LAD-2 acting as a non-canonical ephrin receptor to EFN-4 to promote axon guidance. We also show that EFN-4 probably functions as a diffusible factor because EFN-4 engineered to be soluble can promote LAD-2-mediated axon guidance. This study thus reveals a potential additional mechanism for ephrins in regulating axon guidance and expands the repertoire of receptors by which ephrins can signal

    Airframe noise prediction evaluation

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the accuracy and adequacy of current airframe noise prediction methods using available airframe noise measurements from tests of a narrow body transport (DC-9) and a wide body transport (DC-10) in addition to scale model test data. General features of the airframe noise from these aircraft and models are outlined. The results of the assessment of two airframe prediction methods, Fink's and Munson's methods, against flight test data of these aircraft and scale model wind tunnel test data are presented. These methods were extensively evaluated against measured data from several configurations including clean, slat deployed, landing gear-deployed, flap deployed, and landing configurations of both DC-9 and DC-10. They were also assessed against a limited number of configurations of scale models. The evaluation was conducted in terms of overall sound pressure level (OASPL), tone corrected perceived noise level (PNLT), and one-third-octave band sound pressure level (SPL)

    The effects of water temperature on the juvenile performance of two tropical damselfishes expatriating to temperate reefs

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    Ocean warming associated with global climate change is already inducing geographic range shifts of marine species. Juvenile coral reef fishes transported into temperate latitudes (termed 'vagrant' fishes) can experience winter water temperatures below their normal thermal minimum. Such environmental extremes may increase energetic costs for such fishes, resulting in reduced performance, which may be the governing factor that limits the potential for poleward range expansion of such fishes. This study compared the juvenile physiological performance and behaviour of two congeneric tropical damselfishes which settle during austral summer months within temperate eastern Australia: Abudefduf vaigiensis have an extended southern range, and lower threshold survival temperature than the congeneric A. whitleyi. Physiological and behavioural performance parameters that may be affected by cooler temperature regimes at higher latitudes were measured in aquaria. Lower water temperature resulted in reduced growth rates, feeding rates, burst escape speed and metabolic rates of both species, with significantly reduced performance (up to six-fold reductions) for fishes reared at 18°C relative to 22°C and 26°C. However, A. whitleyi exhibited lower growth rates than A. vaigiensis across all temperatures, and lower aerobic capacity at the lowest temperature (18°C). This difference between species in growth and metabolic capacity suggests that the extended southern distribution and greater overwintering success of A. vaigiensis, in comparison to A. whitleyi is related to thermal performance parameters which are critical in maintaining individual health and survival. Our results support previous findings in the region that water temperature below 22°C represents a critical physiological threshold for tropical Abudefduf species expatriating into temperate south-eastern Australia

    Effects of elevated temperature on the performance and survival of pacific crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris)

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    Population irruptions of Pacific crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris) have caused substantial damage to coral reefs, but it is largely unknown how this asteroid will fare in a warmer ocean. We exposed these starfish to one of four thermal treatments, with final temperatures of 26 °C (control, annual average), 28 °C (summer average), 30 °C (summer maximum) and 32 °C (predicted summer maximum by 2100). We measured the righting time, movement rate, standard metabolic rate and probability of survival of the crown-of-thorns starfish at various timepoints over ~ 60 days. We found that while tempera- ture did not affect righting time, it did significantly affect movement rate. The movement rate of starfish increased across the 26 to 30 °C range, with those at 28 °C and 30 °C moving 18 and 27% faster than those at the control temperature. Similarly, the standard metabolic rate of starfish increased from 26 to 30 °C, with metabolism 100% and 260% faster at 28 °C and 30 °C compared to those at the 26 °C control. At 32 °C, individual starfish exhibited a 14% slower movement rate, a 33% slower metabolic rate, and also exhibited a fourfold lower probability of survival than those at 30 °C. These results indicate that 32 °C is above the thermal optimum of crown-of-thorns starfish, suggesting that prolonged exposure to temperatures that are expected to be regularly exceeded under near-future climate change may be detrimental to this species

    Impacts of ocean warming on the settlement success and post‐settlement survival of Pacific crown‐of‐thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris)

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    Ocean warming and population irruptions of crown-of-thorns starfish (CoTS; Acanthaster cf. solaris) are two of the greatest threats to coral reefs. As such, there is significant interest in understanding how CoTS may be directly impacted by rising ocean temperatures. Settlement of planktonic larvae and subsequent metamorphosis is purported to be a major population bottleneck in marine invertebrates, yet it is unknown how ocean warming will impact these processes in CoTS. Herein, the effect of temperature (28 °C ambient, 30 °C, 32 °C, 34 °C) on the settlement success, metamorphic success, and post-settlement survival of this corallivore was explored. While larval settlement was robust to elevated temperature, with at least 94% of larvae settling after 48 h across all temperatures, it was observed that settlement success was lower on substrate that had been pre-treated ≥ 32 °C. Metamorphic success was also significantly constrained at temperatures ≥ 32 °C. At 32 °C and 34 °C metamorphic success was 16% and 63% lower than at ambient temperature, respectively. Significant adverse effects of warming on post-settlement survival were observed at even cooler temperatures, with 10% lower survival at 30 °C compared to at ambient temperature, and at 34 °C, survival was 34% lower. Substantial reductions in metamorphic success and early post-settlement survival at elevated temperatures, as well as negative impacts of warming on the settlement substrate and its capacity to induce settlement, may present a bottleneck for recruitment in a warmer ocean

    The effects of climate change on the ecology of fishes

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    Ocean warming and acidification are set to reshuffle life on Earth and alter ecological processes that underpin the biodiversity, health, productivity, and resilience of ecosystems. Fishes contribute significantly to marine, estuarine, and freshwater species diversity and the functioning of marine ecosystems, and are not immune to climate change impacts. Whilst considerable effort has been placed on studying the effects of climate change on fishes, much emphasis has been placed on their (eco)physiology and at the organismal level. Fishes are affected by climate change through impacts at various levels of biological organisation and through a large variety of traits, making it difficult to make generalisations regarding fish responses to climate change. Here, we briefly review the current state of knowledge of climate change effects on fishes across a wide range of subfields of fish ecology and evaluate these effects at various scales of biological organisation (from genes to ecosystems). We argue that a more holistic synthesis of the various interconnected subfields of fish ecology and integration of responses at different levels of biological organisation are needed for a better understanding of how fishes and their populations and communities might respond or adapt to the multi-stressor effects of climate change. We postulate that studies using natural analogues of climate change, meta-analyses, advanced integrative modelling approaches, and lessons learned from past extreme climate events could help reveal some general patterns of climate change impacts on fishes that are valuable for management and conservation approaches. Whilst these might not reveal many of the underlying mechanisms responsible for observed biodiversity and community change, their insights are useful to help create better climate adaptation strategies for their preservation in a rapidly changing ocean