22 research outputs found

    Genetics, lifestyles, evironment and longevity: a look in a complex phenomenon

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    In the last decades, the worldwide progressive ageing of population has had as a principal consequence to focus attention of researchers on the study of different variables that can help people to age well (1-6). The awareness that ageing is a complex phenomenon, that affects different aspects and dominions of life, has led researchers to analyze it from different points of view (physiological one, psychological one, sociological one and so on). From a functional and a physiological point of view, ageing could be seen as a complex process where something changes. The results of these changes can be a reduction of functional abilities, the quantity of these reduction can vary a lot (7). Nowadays there is a relative agreement between researchers in the findings that genetic and constitutional factors can control about 25%-30% of these changes and of the chance to age well, while other variables, mainly related to lifestyles, can control the remaining 70%-75 (8). What variables are related to these changes and what can be the real level of reduction of functional abilities is perhaps the consequences of the complex interaction between different variables, genetics or constitutional ones, on one side, and behavioral and environmental ones, on the other side. The study of this complex mechanism is the focus of recent studies, mainly aiming to derive specific models of intervention to promote well-being in people who are ageing. A field of specific interest is the study of genetic basis of longevity (6, 8-18). In this paper we will describe and analyze some recent findings in this field, also deriving from the experiences of long-lived people and centenarians (15) which can be a sort of “natural experiment” from which we could derive information about ageing and ageing well. Then, we will discuss some issues for future researches and for intervention

    Psychological aspects of students with learning disabilities in e-environments: a mini review and future research directions

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    What are the main learning difficulties or advantages encountered by students with learning disabilities within e-environments? As a result of the Covid-19 emergency, e-learning is being increasingly used to support students’ learning processes. A number of countries closed their schools altogether, so face-to-face lessons were and have been replaced by distance lessons. A search of current literature via Scopus, Eric and Google Scholar electronic databases was conducted according to Prisma Guidelines. Other sources of literature were also considered, starting from the references in the full text of the articles consulted. We used the following search keywords: “learning disabilities” combined with the “AND/OR” Boolean operator and “e-learning platforms”, “well-being”, “psychological factors”, “emotional distress”, “self-regulation”. One body of literature highlights the lack of inclusive accessibility standards and a lack of attention to specific tools for addressing neuropsychological syndromes, which causes students to develop high levels of stress/anxiety and emotional distress, in addition to low levels of well-being, self-esteem and self-efficacy. Another area of literature looks at how students can develop high levels of self-regulation and emotional awareness, as well as high levels of inclusion. Results are discussed in terms of the promotion of e-learning that focuses on the psychological well-being of students and teachers use of technological tool

    Ageing and Disability According to the Perspective of Clinical Psychology of Disability

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    The progressive ageing of the global population is an important anthropological and social phenomenon, and it is due to the overall increasing of life expectancy and the overall increasing of health and living conditions, even if with various trends and speeds in various countries all over the world [...

    L’invecchiamento sano ed attivo, attività di vita quotidiana, demenza: il progetto A.Te.ne (ageing and teulada’s neurocognition),

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    Nell’attuale rivoluzione demografica, gli oldest old rappresentano la fascia di età che si caratterizza per maggiore velocità di accrescimento di numerosità. I pochi studi epidemiologici relativi a questa fascia d’età indicano una attesa di elevata prevalenza di forme di demenza ed una elevata frequenza di difficoltà nello svolgimento in autonomia delle attività di vita quotidiana e di disabilità (Corrada et al., 2010, Brumback- Peltz et al., 2011, Bullain e Corrada, 2013, Gardner et al., 2013, Yang et al, 2013, Slavin et al., 2013) Emergono tuttavia dati contrastanti sia in riferimento alla prevalenza di demenza (che varia dal 6 al 21% negli studi) sia per descrizioni di riscontri di popolazioni di longevi che si caratterizzano per adeguate abilità cognitive, ridotto tasso di demenza e di disabilità (Corrada et al., 2010).Lo studio di queste popolazioni può fornire spunti sullo studio delle relazioni tra stili di vita, variabili alimentari e profilo funzionale e cognitivo negli anziani e stimolare la realizzazione di interventi di prevenzione dell’invecchiamento patologico. Allo scopo di fornire un contributo in questo ambito, il nostro lavoro si è focalizzato su un campione di oldest old residenti in un piccolo centro della Sardegna, la cui popolazione totale è di 3700 abitanti e che si caratterizza per un inatteso tasso di longevi (oltre il 9%). Al fine di valutare la frequenza di difficoltà cognitive, demenza e difficoltà nello svolgimento delle attività di vita quotidiana di base e strumentali, 88 ultraottantenni residenti a Teulada (media di età 88 anni) selezionati casualmente, sono stati sottoposti ad un protocollo di valutazione che includeva una valutazione delle ADL, delle IADL, il BIMC (Blessed Information Memory Concentration Test) e la scala CDR (Clinical Dementia Rating). Verranno discussi i dati emersi e la relazione tra questi e gli stili di vita, gli stili alimentari e variabili sociali e culturali

    Active ageing and success: A brief history of conceptual models

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    INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE OF THE STUDY:The aim of this paper is to analyse and describe different conceptual models of successful ageing, active and healthy ageing developed in Europe and in America in the 20° century, starting from Rowe and Kahn's original model (1987, 1997). METHODOLOGY:A narrative review was conducted on the literature on successful ageing. RESULTS: Our review included definition of successful ageing from European and American scholars. Models were found that aimed to describe indexes of active and healthy ageing, models devoted to describe processes involved in successful ageing, and additional views that emphasise subjective and objective perception of successful ageing. A description is also given of critiques on previous models and remedies according to Martin et al. (2014) and strategies for successful ageing according to Jeste and Depp (2014). The need is discussed for the enhancement of Rowe and Kahn's model and other models with a more inclusive, universal description of ageing, incorporating scientific evidence regarding active ageing

    Beliefs and attitudes among Italian high school students toward people with severe mental disorders.

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    The negative attitudes surrounding mental disorders and their treatment are a major obstacle to the correct identification and treatment of emerging psychopathologies. The purpose of this study was to investigate mental health literacy in a large and representative sample of high school students in Italy, via a booklet containing several questionnaires delivered to 1032 teenagers. The items in the questionnaires probed knowledge about mental health and illness, stigmatization, stereotypes, behaviors, opinions, and attitudes. In general, the students had a reasonable knowledge of mental disorders and were able to distinguish these from somatic disorders. However, a large portion of the students nourished some misconceptions about mental disorders and was also rather skeptical about the effectiveness of treatment or the chance of recovery for people with severe mental disorders. Nevertheless, roughly half of the students reported being willing to provide help to someone with a mental disorder when in need. Poor mental health literacy is a major barrier to seeking help and receiving effective treatment. Young people are the ideal target of raising awareness and antistigma campaigns because they are at a higher risk for developing a psychopathology