12,048 research outputs found

    A template-based approach for the generation of abstractable and reducible models of featured networks

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    We investigate the relationship between symmetry reduction and inductive reasoning when applied to model checking networks of featured components. Popular reduction techniques for combatting state space explosion in model checking, like abstraction and symmetry reduction, can only be applied effectively when the natural symmetry of a system is not destroyed during specification. We introduce a property which ensures this is preserved, open symmetry. We describe a template-based approach for the construction of open symmetric Promela specifications of featured systems. For certain systems (safely featured parameterised systems) our generated specifications are suitable for conversion to abstract specifications representing any size of network. This enables feature interaction analysis to be carried out, via model checking and induction, for systems of any number of featured components. In addition, we show how, for any balanced network of components, by using a graphical representation of the features and the process communication structure, a group of permutations of the underlying state space of the generated specification can be determined easily. Due to the open symmetry of our Promela specifications, this group of permutations can be used directly for symmetry reduced model checking. The main contributions of this paper are an automatic method for developing open symmetric specifications which can be used for generic feature interaction analysis, and the novel application of symmetry detection and reduction in the context of model checking featured networks. We apply our techniques to a well known example of a featured network – an email system

    Euler number of Instanton Moduli space and Seiberg-Witten invariants

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    We show that a partition function of topological twisted N=4 Yang-Mills theory is given by Seiberg-Witten invariants on a Riemannian four manifolds under the condition that the sum of Euler number and signature of the four manifolds vanish. The partition function is the sum of Euler number of instanton moduli space when it is possible to apply the vanishing theorem. And we get a relation of Euler number labeled by the instanton number kk with Seiberg-Witten invariants, too. All calculation in this paper is done without assuming duality.Comment: LaTeX, 34 page

    Introduction - History, Politics, Law

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    It would be difficult to find a major figure in the history of European political thought who would not have attempted to say something about how authority emerges, or is justified and critiqued, in the world beyond the single polity. Quite frequently, that effort would have involved some idea about a legal order, or at least a set of rules or regularities applicable in that world. Thomas Hobbes was neither the first nor the last major thinker who believed that the ‘international’ realm was characterised by the independence of states existing ‘in the state and posture of gladiators’, thus apparently denying that legal rules or practices or legal thinking could have much relevance therein. Yet others believed, as Immanuel Kant did, that without a constitutional vocabulary not much that was meaningful could be said about the human pursuit of freedom, and that silence about the latter would not only constitute a moral failure but an intellectual and perhaps political mistake. For a long time, the idiom of natural law claimed to offer a universally valid frame for thinking about the nature of the political, as well as providing authority for lawyers’ speculations about the rules and principles governing the conduct of individuals and corporate bodies wherever they might move. The name of the relevant discipline at German universities from the late seventeenth century onwards – ius naturae et gentium, the law of nature and of nations – revealed the full scope of its ambition. That discipline may have died away (although that is a debatable proposition) but any political thinking worth its salt will today (perhaps especially in the twenty-first century) aim to say something about how authority emerges, is maintained or critiqued not only within but also outside the single state. The world of ‘nations’ or even ‘humanity’ is established as an important theme of political and legal speculation

    Exotic Smoothness and Physics

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    The essential role played by differentiable structures in physics is reviewed in light of recent mathematical discoveries that topologically trivial space-time models, especially the simplest one, R4{\bf R^4}, possess a rich multiplicity of such structures, no two of which are diffeomorphic to each other and thus to the standard one. This means that physics has available to it a new panoply of structures available for space-time models. These can be thought of as source of new global, but not properly topological, features. This paper reviews some background differential topology together with a discussion of the role which a differentiable structure necessarily plays in the statement of any physical theory, recalling that diffeomorphisms are at the heart of the principle of general relativity. Some of the history of the discovery of exotic, i.e., non-standard, differentiable structures is reviewed. Some new results suggesting the spatial localization of such exotic structures are described and speculations are made on the possible opportunities that such structures present for the further development of physical theories.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    Donaldson-Thomas invariants and wall-crossing formulas

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    Notes from the report at the Fields institute in Toronto. We introduce the Donaldson-Thomas invariants and describe the wall-crossing formulas for numerical Donaldson-Thomas invariants.Comment: 18 pages. To appear in the Fields Institute Monograph Serie

    Noncommutative Deformation of Spinor Zero Mode and ADHM Construction

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    A method to construct noncommutative instantons as deformations from commutative instantons was provided in arXiv:0805.3373. Using this noncommutative deformed instanton, we investigate the spinor zero modes of the Dirac operator in a noncommutative instanton background on noncommutative R^4, and we modify the index of the Dirac operator on the noncommutative space slightly and show that the number of the zero mode of the Dirac operator is preserved under the noncommutative deformation. We prove the existence of the Green's function associated with instantons on noncommutative R^4, as a smooth deformation of the commutative case. The feature of the zero modes of the Dirac operator and the Green's function derives noncommutative ADHM equations which coincide with the ones introduced by Nekrasov and Schwarz. We show a one-to-one correspondence between the instantons on noncommutative R^4 and ADHM data. An example of a noncommutative instanton and a spinor zero mode are also given.Comment: 34 pages, no figures, v3: an appendix and some definitions added,typos correcte

    Stability and Hermitian-Einstein metrics for vector bundles on framed manifolds

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    We adapt the notions of stability of holomorphic vector bundles in the sense of Mumford-Takemoto and Hermitian-Einstein metrics in holomorphic vector bundles for canonically polarized framed manifolds, i.e. compact complex manifolds X together with a smooth divisor D such that K_X \otimes [D] is ample. It turns out that the degree of a torsion-free coherent sheaf on X with respect to the polarization K_X \otimes [D] coincides with the degree with respect to the complete K\"ahler-Einstein metric g_{X \setminus D} on X \setminus D. For stable holomorphic vector bundles, we prove the existence of a Hermitian-Einstein metric with respect to g_{X \setminus D} and also the uniqueness in an adapted sense.Comment: 21 pages, International Journal of Mathematics (to appear

    Higher Spin Gravitational Couplings and the Yang--Mills Detour Complex

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    Gravitational interactions of higher spin fields are generically plagued by inconsistencies. We present a simple framework that couples higher spins to a broad class of gravitational backgrounds (including Ricci flat and Einstein) consistently at the classical level. The model is the simplest example of a Yang--Mills detour complex, which recently has been applied in the mathematical setting of conformal geometry. An analysis of asymptotic scattering states about the trivial field theory vacuum in the simplest version of the theory yields a rich spectrum marred by negative norm excitations. The result is a theory of a physical massless graviton, scalar field, and massive vector along with a degenerate pair of zero norm photon excitations. Coherent states of the unstable sector of the model do have positive norms, but their evolution is no longer unitary and their amplitudes grow with time. The model is of considerable interest for braneworld scenarios and ghost condensation models, and invariant theory.Comment: 19 pages LaTe

    The ADHM Construction of Instantons on Noncommutative Spaces

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    We present an account of the ADHM construction of instantons on Euclidean space-time R4\mathbb{R}^4 from the point of view of noncommutative geometry. We recall the main ingredients of the classical construction in a coordinate algebra format, which we then deform using a cocycle twisting procedure to obtain a method for constructing families of instantons on noncommutative space-time, parameterised by solutions to an appropriate set of ADHM equations. We illustrate the noncommutative construction in two special cases: the Moyal-Groenewold plane Rℏ4\mathbb{R}^4_\hbar and the Connes-Landi plane Rξ4\mathbb{R}^4_\theta.Comment: Latex, 40 page

    N=2 Topological Yang-Mills Theory on Compact K\"{a}hler Surfaces

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    We study a topological Yang-Mills theory with N=2N=2 fermionic symmetry. Our formalism is a field theoretical interpretation of the Donaldson polynomial invariants on compact K\"{a}hler surfaces. We also study an analogous theory on compact oriented Riemann surfaces and briefly discuss a possible application of the Witten's non-Abelian localization formula to the problems in the case of compact K\"{a}hler surfaces.Comment: ESENAT-93-01 & YUMS-93-10, 34pages: [Final Version] to appear in Comm. Math. Phy
