48 research outputs found

    Tissue Penetration of Meropenem in Patients Undergoing Gynecologic Surgery

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the tissue-penetrating ability of a new β-lactam antibiotic, meropenem, in 64 patients undergoing elective gynecologic surgery. Patients received a single 500-mg dose intravenously before surgery. Plasma and tissue concentrations of meropenem were highest at ∼1 hour, and good tissue penetration was seen in the variety of specimens evaluated. The median plasma concentration at ∼1 hour was 13.3 µg/mL. The median fluid and tissue concentrations at ∼1 hour were as follows: cervix, 8.5 µg/g; endometrium, 2.3 µg/g; fallopian tube, 1.9 µg/g; myometrium, 3.6 µg/g; ovary, 2.3 µg/g; and uterus, 2.3 µg/g. These tissue concentrations exceed the MICs of meropenem for 90% of typical pathogens associated with gynecologic infections. Meropenem readily penetrates gynecologic tissue. A single 500-mg dose provides adequate tissue concentrations for treatment of gynecologic infections caused by susceptible pathogen

    How Do Different Sources of Partisanship Influence Government Accountability in Europe?

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    The possibility of holding representatives to account through regular elections is one of the cornerstones of representative democracy. The precise role of partisanship in doing this has not been extensively examined. Using survey data from Europe (2002–2012), we show that partisanship can weaken or strengthen accountability, depending on its sources. If it is an affective-psychological attitude, as the Michigan school suggests, then it weakens accountability because it acts as a perceptual screen. If, however, it is a calculation of party performance which is constantly updated by citizens, then it strengthens accountability. The findings suggest that partisanship in Europe has been quite responsive to performance over the ten-year period. Instead of acting as a screen that inhibits accountability, partisanship appears rooted in calculations of party performance and so enhances accountability. However, the effects are asymmetric with left-leaning partisans more sensitive to the performance of their governments than right-leaning partisans

    Spinal Analgesia with Spinocain

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