28 research outputs found

    Paraneoplastic thrombocytosis in ovarian cancer

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    <p>Background: The mechanisms of paraneoplastic thrombocytosis in ovarian cancer and the role that platelets play in abetting cancer growth are unclear.</p> <p>Methods: We analyzed clinical data on 619 patients with epithelial ovarian cancer to test associations between platelet counts and disease outcome. Human samples and mouse models of epithelial ovarian cancer were used to explore the underlying mechanisms of paraneoplastic thrombocytosis. The effects of platelets on tumor growth and angiogenesis were ascertained.</p> <p>Results: Thrombocytosis was significantly associated with advanced disease and shortened survival. Plasma levels of thrombopoietin and interleukin-6 were significantly elevated in patients who had thrombocytosis as compared with those who did not. In mouse models, increased hepatic thrombopoietin synthesis in response to tumor-derived interleukin-6 was an underlying mechanism of paraneoplastic thrombocytosis. Tumorderived interleukin-6 and hepatic thrombopoietin were also linked to thrombocytosis in patients. Silencing thrombopoietin and interleukin-6 abrogated thrombocytosis in tumor-bearing mice. Anti–interleukin-6 antibody treatment significantly reduced platelet counts in tumor-bearing mice and in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. In addition, neutralizing interleukin-6 significantly enhanced the therapeutic efficacy of paclitaxel in mouse models of epithelial ovarian cancer. The use of an antiplatelet antibody to halve platelet counts in tumor-bearing mice significantly reduced tumor growth and angiogenesis.</p> <p>Conclusions: These findings support the existence of a paracrine circuit wherein increased production of thrombopoietic cytokines in tumor and host tissue leads to paraneoplastic thrombocytosis, which fuels tumor growth. We speculate that countering paraneoplastic thrombocytosis either directly or indirectly by targeting these cytokines may have therapeutic potential. </p&gt

    Individually ventilated cages impose cold stress on laboratory mice: a source of systemic experimental variability.

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    Individual ventilated cages (IVC) are increasing in popularity. Although mice avoid IVC in preference testing, they show no aversion when provided additional nesting material or the cage is not ventilated. Given the high ventilation rate in IVC, we developed 3 hypotheses: that mice housed in IVC experience more cold stress than do mice housed in static cages; that IVC-induced cold stress affects the results of experiments using mice; and that, when provided shelters, mice behaviorally thermoregulate and thereby rescue the cold-stress effects of IVC. To test these hypotheses, we housed mice in IVC, IVC with shelters, and static cages maintained at 20 to 21 °C. We quantified the cold stress of each housing system on mice by assessing nonshivering thermogenesis and brown adipose vacuolation. To test housing effects in a common, murine model of human disease, we implanted mice with subcutaneous epidermoid carcinoma cells and quantified tumor growth, tumor metabolism, and adrenal weight. Mice housed in IVC had histologic signs of cold stress and significantly higher nonshivering thermogenesis, smaller subcutaneous tumors, lower tumor metabolism, and larger adrenal weights than did mice in static cages. Shelters rescued IVC-induced nonshivering thermogenesis, adrenal enlargement, and phenotype-dependent cold-mediated histologic changes in brown adipose tissue and tumor size. IVC impose chronic cold stress on mice, alter experimental results, and are a source of systemic confounders throughout rodent-dependent research. Allowing mice to exhibit behavioral thermoregulation through seeking shelter markedly rescues the experiment-altering effects of housing-imposed cold stress, improves physiologic uniformity, and increases experimental reproducibility across housing systems

    Transcriptomic predictors of inflammation-induced depressed mood.

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    Inflammation plays a significant role in the pathophysiology of depression. However, not all individuals exposed to inflammatory challenge develop depression, and identifying those at risk is necessary to develop targeted monitoring, prevention, and treatment strategies. Within a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study (n = 115), we examined whether leukocyte transcriptome profiles predicted inflammation-induced depressed mood in volunteers who received low-dose intravenous endotoxin (n = 58; aged 18-50). At baseline, transcription factor (TF) activities were assessed using genome-wide transcriptional profiling of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and promoter-based bioinformatic analyses. Then, participants were administered endotoxin. Self-reported depressed mood was assessed using the Profile of Mood States. Based on extant studies linking transcriptional profiles to depressive disorder, we examined whether post-endotoxin depressed mood is predicted by baseline activity of TFs related to immune activation, sympathetic activation, and glucocorticoid insensitivity: respectively, nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB), cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB), and glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Twenty-one participants (36%) experienced an increase in depressed mood from baseline to 2 h post endotoxin, when depressive response peaks. Bioinformatics analyses controlling for age, sex, ethnicity, body mass index, and physical sickness response revealed that post-endotoxin depressed mood was predicted by increased baseline activity of TFs related to inflammation (NF-kB) and beta-adrenergic signaling (CREB) and by decreased activity of GR-related TFs (P's < 0.001). Inflammation-induced depressed mood is predicted by peripheral transcriptome profiles related to immune activation, sympathetic activation, and glucocorticoid insensitivity. With further replication, these stress-related molecular profiles could be used for a novel genomic approach for identifying individuals at high-risk for the inflammatory subtype of depression