144 research outputs found

    Biology of endothelin receptors in the collecting duct

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    The collecting duct endothelin (ET) system, involving ET-1 and its two receptors, is involved in the physiologic regulation of renal sodium (Na), water, and acid excretion. Based on in vitro studies and experiments using genetically engineered rodents, the physiology of this system in the collecting duct is being elucidated. Activation of endothelin B (ETB) receptors on principal cells causes inhibition of Na transport through signaling pathways involving src kinase, MAPK1/2, nitric oxide, and possibly prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Principal-cell ETB receptors also cause inhibition of water transport through protein kinase C–mediated inhibition of AVP-dependent cAMP accumulation. ETB receptors expressed on intercalated cells augment acid secretion, possibly through nitric oxide–dependent mechanisms. The role of endothelin A (ETA) receptors in the collecting duct remains unclear; however, recent evidence suggests that these receptors can exert natriuretic and diuretic effects. Further complexity is lent to this system by studies indicating that ETA and ETB receptors can homo- and hetero-dimerize, with possible functional consequences. This brief review will describe our current state of knowledge about this complex regulatory system in the collecting duct, and will identify clinically relevant issues that need addressing

    Angiotensin II and endothelin in chronic glomerulonephritis

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    Clinical trials with endothelin receptor antagonists: What went wrong and where can we improve?

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    In the early 1990s, within three years of cloning of endothelin receptors, orally active endothelin receptor antagonists (ERAs) were tested in humans and the first clinical trial of ERA therapy in humans was published in 1995. ERAs were subsequently tested in clinical trials involving heart failure, pulmonary arterial hypertension, resistant arterial hypertension, stroke/subarachnoid hemorrhage and various forms of cancer. The results of most of these trials – except those for pulmonary arterial hypertension and scleroderma-related digital ulcers – were either negative or neutral. Problems with study design, patient selection, drug toxicity, and drug dosing have been used to explain or excuse failures. Currently, a number of pharmaceutical companies who had developed ERAs as drug candidates have discontinued clinical trials or further drug development. Given the problems with using ERAs in clinical medicine, at the Twelfth International Conference on Endothelin in Cambridge, UK, a panel discussion was held by clinicians actively involved in clinical development of ERA therapy in renal disease, systemic and pulmonary arterial hypertension, heart failure, and cancer. This article provides summaries from the panel discussion as well as personal perspectives of the panelists on how to proceed with further clinical testing of ERAs and guidance for researchers and decision makers in clinical drug development on where future research efforts might best be focused

    New insights from SONAR indicate adding sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors to an endothelin receptor antagonist mitigates fluid retention and enhances albuminuria reduction

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    The diuretic effects achieved with sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) may offset fluid retaining effects of the endothelin receptor antagonist (ERA) atrasentan while effects on albuminuria and kidney protection of both drug classes may be complimentary due to distinct mechanisms of action. Here, post-hoc analysis of the SONAR trial, in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease, show that six-weeks treatment with combined SGLT2i/atrasentan versus atrasentan alone decreased body weight, a surrogate for fluid retention, and further decreased albuminuria. Thus, these promising findings support future clinical studies to characterize the long-term efficacy and safety of combined SGLT2i/ERA treatment

    Combined knockout of collecting duct endothelin A and B receptors causes hypertension and sodium retention

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    The collecting duct (CD) endothelin (ET) system regulates blood pressure (BP) and Na excretion. CD-specific knockout (KO) of ET-1 causes hypertension, CD-specific KO of the ETA receptor does not alter BP, while CD-specific KO of the ETB receptor increases BP to a lesser extent than CD ET-1 KO. These findings suggest a paracrine role for CD-derived ET-1; however, they do not exclude compensation for the loss of one ET receptor by the other. To examine this, mice with CD-specific KO of both ETA and ETB receptors were generated (CD ETA/B KO). CD ETA/B KO mice excreted less urinary Na than controls during acute or chronic Na loading. Urinary aldosterone excretion and plasma renin concentration were similar during Na intake and both fell comparably during Na loading. On a normal sodium diet, CD ETA/B KO mice had increased BP, which increased further with high salt intake. The degree of BP elevation during normal Na intake was similar to CD ET-1 KO mice and higher than CD ETB KO animals. During 1 wk of Na loading, CD ETA/B KO mice had higher BPs than CD ETB KO, while BP was less than CD ET-1 KOs until the latter days of Na loading. These studies suggest that 1) CD ETA/B deficiency causes salt-sensitive hypertension, 2) CD ETA/B KO-associated Na retention is associated with failure to suppress the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, and 3) CD ETA and ETB receptors exerts a combined hypotensive effect that exceeds that of either receptor alone

    Endothelin receptor antagonists for the treatment of diabetic and nondiabetic chronic kidney disease

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    Purpose of review To summarize new clinical findings of endothelin receptor antagonists (ERA) in various etiologies of kidney disease targeted in clinical trials. Recent findings Endothelin-1 is a multifunctional peptide with potential relevance to glomerular and tubulointerstitial kidney diseases. The phase 3 SONAR trial demonstrated a significant reduction in clinically relevant kidney outcomes for patients with diabetic kidney disease (DKD) after long-term treatment with the ERA, atrasentan, in addition to blockade of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Promising preclinical disease models and small clinical trials in non-DKD resulted in the initiation of phase 3 trials investigating the effects of long-term treatment with ERA in patients with immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy and focal segmental glomeruloscelerosis (FSGS). The mechanisms by which ERA protects the kidneys have been extensively studied with evidence for the protection of tubule cells, podocytes, mesangial cells, the endothelial glycocalyx, and a reduction in glomerular perfusion pressure. The occurrence of fluid retention during ERA treatment, particularly in susceptible populations, necessitates strategies to support safe and effective treatment. Treatment with ERA induces long-term kidney protection in DKD. Phase 3 trials are underway to investigate ERA effects in patients with IgA nephropathy and FSGS
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