5 research outputs found

    Detection of subtelomere imbalance using MLPA: validation, development of an analysis protocol, and application in a diagnostic centre

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    BACKGROUND: Commercial MLPA kits (MRC-Holland) are available for detecting imbalance at the subtelomere regions of chromosomes; each kit consists of one probe for each subtelomere. METHODS: For validation of the kits, 208 patients were tested, of which 128 were known to be abnormal, corresponding to 8528 genomic regions overall. Validation samples included those with trisomy 13, 18 and 21, microscopically visible terminal deletions and duplications, sex chromosome abnormalities and submicroscopic abnormalities identified by multiprobe FISH. A robust and sensitive analysis system was developed to allow accurate interpretation of single probe results, which is essential as breakpoints may occur between MLPA probes. RESULTS: The validation results showed that MLPA is a highly efficient technique for medium-throughput screening for subtelomere imbalance, with 95% confidence intervals for positive and negative predictive accuracies of 0.951-0.996 and 0.9996-1 respectively. A diagnostic testing strategy was established for subtelomere MLPA and any subsequent follow-up tests that may be required. The efficacy of this approach was demonstrated during 15 months of diagnostic testing when 455 patients were tested and 27 (5.9%) abnormal cases were detected. CONCLUSION: The development of a robust, medium-throughput analysis system for the interpretation of results from subtelomere assays will be of benefit to other Centres wishing to implement such an MLPA-based service

    Assessment of QF-PCR as the First Approach in Prenatal Diagnosis

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    Quantitative fluorescent PCR (QF-PCR) has been used by many laboratories for prenatal diagnosis of the most common aneuploidies. QF-PCR is rapid, cost-effective, and suitable for automation and can detect most abnormalities diagnosed by conventional karyotyping. Whether QF-PCR should be used alone in most of the samples and in which karyotyping should also be offered is currently a topic of debate. We evaluated and compared the results obtained from 7679 prenatal samples in which conventional karyotype and QF-PCR had been performed, including 1243 chorionic villi and 6436 amniotic fluid samples. Concordant QF-PCR and karyotype results were obtained in 98.75% of the samples. An abnormal karyotype associated with adverse clinical outcome undetected by QF-PCR was found in 0.05% of samples. Therefore, QF-PCR can be used alone in a large number of samples studied in a prenatal laboratory, thereby reducing both the workload in cytogenetic laboratories and parental anxiety when awaiting results