10 research outputs found

    Changes in phytoplankton population along the saline gradient of the Júcar estuary and plume

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    This paper presents the results of phytoplankton counts carried out with epifluorescence at five sampling stations: two in the Júcar River Estuary and the other three in the region of freshwater influence of the Júcar River. From June 2002 to July 2003, nine sampling campaigns were carried out as a part of the EU's ECOSUD project. Two of these campaigns (the 2nd and 8th) were selected for analysis. These sampling campaigns represent two different conditions: in the 2nd campaign the discharge of the Júcar River was almost null, while in the 8th campaign it was significantly higher. Along the salinity gradient, as the influence of fresh water and nutrient loads decreases, a decrease in the population density of eukaryotic phytoplankton was observed. Typical freshwater phytoplankton groups (colonial cyanobacteria and chlorophyceae) clearly decrease in density and percentage as salinity increases. In general, picocyanobacteria exhibit the opposite behavior. The behavior pattern of groups with species adapted to fresh water and seawater is less clear. The density of these groups (diatoms and prymnesiophytes) is highest in the salt-wedge area due to nutrient accumulation. However, the densities are generally higher at the freshwater stations than in the marine environment. The vertical distribution at the estuarine stations shows clear density maximums in the interface area, which seems to have two causes: the retention of senescent phytoplankton affected by saline shock in this quiescent area and the growth of phytoplankton that exploit the accumulated nutrients.González Del Rio Rams, J.; Romero Gil, I.; Falco, S.; Rodilla, M.; Sierra, JP.; Sánchez-Arcilla, A.; Mösso, C. (2007). Changes in phytoplankton population along the saline gradient of the Júcar estuary and plume. Journal of Coastal Research. SI 47:63-68. doi:10.2112/1551-5036-47.sp1.63S6368SI 4

    Future marine zooplankton research - a perspective

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    During the Second Marine Zooplankton Colloquium (MZC2) 3 issues were added to those developed 11 yr ago during the First Marine Zooplankton Colloquium (MZC1). First, we focused on hot spots, i.e., locations where zooplankton occur in higher than regular abundance and/or operate at higher rates. We should be able to determine the processes leading to such aggregations and rates, and quantify their persistence. Second, information on the level of individual species, even of highly abundant ones, is limited. Concerted efforts should be undertaken with highly abundant to dominant species or genera (e.g., Oithona spp., Calanus spp., Oikopleura spp., Euphausia superba) to determine what governs their abundance and its variability. Third, zooplankton clearly influence biogeochemical cycling in the ocean, but our knowledge of the underlying processes remains fragmentary. Therefore a thorough assessment of variables that still need to be quantified is required to obtain an understanding of zooplankton contributions to biogeochemical cycling. Combining studies on the 7 issues from MZC1 with the 3 from MZC2 should eventually lead to a comprehensive understanding of (1) the mechanisms governing the abundance and existence of dominant zooplankton taxa, and (2) the control of biodiversity and biocomplexity, for example, in the tropical ocean where diversity is high. These recommendations come from an assemblage of chemical, physical and biological oceanographers with experience in major interdisciplinary studies, including modeling. These recommendations are intended to stimulate efforts within the oceanographic community to facilitate the development of predictive capabilities for major biological processes in the ocean