47 research outputs found

    Laurel Woodcock : The Stigma of Words

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    Wyn Geleynse : Caress

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    A slowly moving hand that appears to be caressing something is the projected image in Geleynse’s video installation, and Dompierre speculates on the significance of this suggestive gesture. For Dompierre, the installation evokes a reflection on the operations of memory and the subjective response to specific situations. List of works. Biographical notes

    Attila Richard Lukacs

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    Aligning Lukacs's work with feminist and gay deconstructive practices, Dompierre considers the painter's rendering of skinheads in classical art-historical scenarios as a critical and often parodic rewriting of art history. Biographical notes. 51 bibl. ref

    Louis Stokes : Trees of Life : Recent Sculpture, 1982-84

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    Emphasizing the interpretive role of the viewer, Dompierre discusses Stokes's use of mythology, judeo-christian themes and trees in outdoor sculpture pieces. Biographical notes. 28 bibl. ref

    Gerhard Harpe : Suspended Series : Vortex

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    Dompierre describes the exploration of the concept of infinity which informs Harpe's outdoor sculpture work. Biographical notes. 1 bibl. ref

    Louise Noguchi : Selected Works, 1982-1985

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    Relating Noguchi's symbolism to Japanese tradition, Dompierre views nature as the common ground for the artist's explorations of the cultural and the primitive. Biographical notes. 18 bibl. ref

    Robin Collyer

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    Dompierre explains how Collyer's sculptures dialectically expose the relationship between objects and language. In an interview, Collyer discusses the use of found materials and social issues related to a critique of formalist values. Biographical notes. 48 bibl. ref

    Karl Ciesluk : Land Art

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    Dompierre describes the metamorphosis inherent to Ciesluk's outdoor landworks and the process by which the event is transformed into an artwork. Biographical notes. 1 bibl. ref

    Tim Zuck : Paintings

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    Analysing the subject matter and form of Zuck's paintings, Dompierre interprets his images as visual signs opened to layered meanings. Biographical notes. 15 bibl. ref

    Ann Hamilton : A Round

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    Dompierre offers an interpretative description of the experience of an installation involving stacked body forms, elements of a boxing ring, and a woman knitting. Biographical notes. 2 bibl. ref