114 research outputs found

    Assessment of potential environmental impacts of nature-based tours originating within Clark County, Nevada

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    The purpose of this thesis was to assess the potential magnitude of negative environmental damage of nature-based tours originating in Clark County, Nevada. An ordinal ranking system was used for assessment of five variables. These variables were resource use, noise pollution, soil degradation, vegetation degradation, and wildlife disturbance. There were two proposed answers. The first was that as distance increased, negative tour impact would increase. This was not supported, since tours had high impacts for destinations that were close by and far away. The second was that most tours were not causing high damage to the environment. This hypothesis was supported; most tours had average ranks that were on the lower half of the value scale. The study was a first attempt to assess the nature-tour industry locally, and should be used as a baseline in future studies for measuring growth in the industry

    Bioaccumulation of mercury in the aquatic food chain of walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) in Lake Siskiwit, northern Wisconsin, United States

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    The Great Lakes fishery is highly utilized, despite known contamination. The Great Lakes Region has experienced elevated amounts of atmospheric deposition of mercury, with many of its water bodies having documented levels of mercury (ASTDR 1999, Dellinger 2004, Greib et al. 1990, Kleinert and Degurse 1971). The chemical characteristics of methylmercury contribute to high rates of absorption (highly lipophilic and readily crosses biological membranes) and low rates of elimination. As a result of the properties of methylmercury, 60-90% of the mercury in fish is methylmercury (O\u27Neill 1993). Methylmercury is taken in by fish from food sources, through the gills (Haydon and Barron 1990), and by absorption through the skin (Hayton, & Barron, 1990); The Ojibwa Tribal members depend on the fish from this area as a valuable component of their diet and economic health (Dellinger 2004). Lake Siskiwit, located in the Great Lakes region, has some of the highest documented levels of mercury in fish of any lake ever studied (Dellinger et al. 1995, Dellinger 2004, Gerstenberger et al. 1993, WDNR 1999). Based on the United States Food and Drug Association (USDA) action level of 0.5 ppm for human fish consumption, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and Local Tribes issued a fish consumption advisory for Lake Siskiwit in 1993 (Advisory No. 950) that is still active. The advisory calls for no consumption of walleye, by pregnant women and children; The key findings of this study involve prey species of the walleye food chain. This study identified a significant inverse relationship for Perca flavescens between mercury concentrations (ppm) and both total mass (mg) and total length (mm), inconsistent with the previous findings within the literature. It also detected mercury concentrations in all seven species of invertebrate samples, through the method of whole organism analysis. Through the calculations of an analytical model, Amphipoda was identified at the potential key contributor to mean mercury concentrations in yellow perch and therefore walleye, however further analysis would be necessary to raise confidence levels

    Aggrecan is required for growth plate cytoarchitecture and differentiation

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    AbstractThe proteoglycan aggrecan is a prominent component of the extracellular matrix in growth plate cartilage. A naturally occurring, recessive, perinatally lethal mutation in the aggrecan core protein gene, cmdbc (Acancmd-Bc), that deletes the entire protein-coding sequence provided a model in which to characterize the phenotypic and morphologic effects of aggrecan deletion on skeletal development. We also generated a novel transgenic mouse, Tg(COL2A1-ACAN), that has the chick ACAN coding sequence driven by the mouse COL2A1 promoter to enable the production of cmdbc/cmdbc; Tg(COL2A1-ACAN) rescue embryos. These were used to assess the impact of aggrecan on growth plate organization, chondrocyte survival and proliferation, and the expression of mRNAs encoding chondrocyte differentiation markers and growth factors. Homozygous mutant (cmdbc/cmdbc) embryos exhibited severe defects in all skeletal elements with deformed and shortened (50%) limb elements. Expression of aggrecan in rescue embryos reversed the skeletal defects to varying degrees with a 20% increase in limb element length and near-full reversal (80%) of size and diameter of the ribcage and vertebrae. Aggrecan-null growth plates were devoid of matrix and lacked chondrocyte organization and differentiation, while those of the rescue embryos exhibited matrix production concomitant with partial zonation of chondrocytes having proliferative and hypertrophic morphologies. Deformation of the trachea, likely the cause of the mutation׳s lethality, was reduced in the rescue embryos. Aggrecan-null embryos also had abnormal patterns of COL10A1, SOX9, IHH, PTCH1, and FGFR3 mRNA expression in the growth plate. Expression of chick aggrecan in the rescue embryos notably increased COLX expression, accompanied by the reappearance of a hypertrophic zone and IHH expression. Significantly, in transgenic rescue embryos, the cell death and decreased proliferation phenotypes exhibited by the mutants were reversed; both were restored to wild-type levels. These findings suggest that aggrecan has a major role in regulating the expression of key growth factors and signaling molecules during development of cartilaginous tissue and is essential for proper chondrocyte organization, morphology, and survival during embryonic limb development

    Effects of repleting organic phosphates in banked erythrocytes on plasma metabolites and vasoactive mediators after red cell exchange transfusion in sickle cell disease

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    Background - Red blood cell (RBC) exchange (RCE) transfusion therapy is indicated for certain patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). Although beneficial, this therapy is costly and inconvenient to patients, who may require it monthly or more often. Identification of blood and plasma biomarkers that could improve or help individualise RCE therapy is of interest. Here we examined relevant blood and plasma metabolites and biomarkers of vasoactivity and RBC fragility in a pilot study of SCD patients undergoing RCE using either standard RBC units or RBC units treated with a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved additive solution containing phosphate, inosine, pyruvate, and adenine ("PIPA"). Materials and methods - In this prospective, single-blind, cross-over pilot clinical trial, patients were randomised to receive either standard RBC exchange or PIPA-treated RBC exchange transfusion with each RCE session over a 6-month treatment period. Pre- and post-transfusion blood samples were obtained and analysed for RBC O2 affinity, ATP, purine metabolites, RBC microparticles, and cell free haemoglobin. Results - Red blood cell O2 affinity was maintained after PIPA-RCE in contrast to standard RCE, after which P50 fell (net O2 affinity rose). Plasma ATP did not change significantly after RCE using either of the RBC unit types. Exchange transfusion with PIPA-treated RBC units led to modest increases in plasma inosine and hypoxanthine. Plasma cell free haemoglobin fell after either standard or PIPA-treated RBC exchange transfusion (novel findings), and to a similar extent. RBC-derived microparticles in the plasma fell significantly and similarly after both standard and PIPA-treated RCE transfusion. Discussion - In summary, treatment of RBCs with PIPA prior to RCE elicited favourable or neutral changes in key metabolic and vascular biomarkers. Further study of its efficacy and safety is recommended and could ultimately serve to improve outcomes in chronically transfused SCD patients

    Waning efficacy in a long-term AAV-mediated gene therapy study in the murine model of Krabbe disease

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    Neonatal AAV9-gene therapy of the lysosomal enzyme galactosylceramidase (GALC) significantly ameliorates central and peripheral neuropathology, prolongs survival, and largely normalizes motor deficits in Twitcher mice. Despite these therapeutic milestones, new observations identified the presence of multiple small focal demyelinating areas in the brain after 6-8 months. These lesions are in stark contrast to the diffuse, global demyelination that affects the brain of naive Twitcher mice. Late-onset lesions exhibited lysosomal alterations with reduced expression of GALC and increased psychosine levels. Furthermore, we found that lesions were closely associated with the extravasation of plasma fibrinogen and activation of the fibrinogen-BMP-SMAD-GFAP gliotic response. Extravasation of fibrinogen correlated with tight junction disruptions of the vasculature within the lesioned areas. The lesions were surrounded by normal appearing white matter. Our study shows that the dysregulation of therapeutic GALC was likely driven by the exhaustion of therapeutic AAV episomal DNA within the lesions, paralleling the presence of proliferating oligodendrocyte progenitors and glia. We believe that this is the first demonstration of diminishing expression in vivo from an AAV gene therapy vector with detrimental effects in the brain of a lysosomal storage disease animal model. The development of this phenotype linking localized loss of GALC activity with relapsing neuropathology in the adult brain of neonatally AAV-gene therapy-treated Twitcher mice identifies and alerts to possible late-onset reductions of AAV efficacy, with implications to other genetic leukodystrophies

    Mutations in fam20b and xylt1 Reveal That Cartilage Matrix Controls Timing of Endochondral Ossification by Inhibiting Chondrocyte Maturation

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    Differentiating cells interact with their extracellular environment over time. Chondrocytes embed themselves in a proteoglycan (PG)-rich matrix, then undergo a developmental transition, termed “maturation,” when they express ihh to induce bone in the overlying tissue, the perichondrium. Here, we ask whether PGs regulate interactions between chondrocytes and perichondrium, using zebrafish mutants to reveal that cartilage PGs inhibit chondrocyte maturation, which ultimately dictates the timing of perichondral bone development. In a mutagenesis screen, we isolated a class of mutants with decreased cartilage matrix and increased perichondral bone. Positional cloning identified lesions in two genes, fam20b and xylosyltransferase1 (xylt1), both of which encode PG synthesis enzymes. Mutants failed to produce wild-type levels of chondroitin sulfate PGs, which are normally abundant in cartilage matrix, and initiated perichondral bone formation earlier than their wild-type siblings. Primary chondrocyte defects might induce the bone phenotype secondarily, because mutant chondrocytes precociously initiated maturation, showing increased and early expression of such markers as runx2b, collagen type 10a1, and ihh co-orthologs, and ihha mutation suppressed early perichondral bone in PG mutants. Ultrastructural analyses demonstrated aberrant matrix organization and also early cellular features of chondrocyte hypertrophy in mutants. Refining previous in vitro reports, which demonstrated that fam20b and xylt1 were involved in PG synthesis, our in vivo analyses reveal that these genes function in cartilage matrix production and ultimately regulate the timing of skeletal development

    Retinoic acid regulates avian lung branching through a molecular network

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    Retinoic acid (RA) is of major importance during vertebrate embryonic development and its levels need to be strictly regulated otherwise congenital malformations will develop. Through the action of specific nuclear receptors, named RAR/RXR, RA regulates the expression of genes that eventually influence proliferation and tissue patterning. RA has been described as crucial for different stages of mammalian lung morphogenesis, and as part of a complex molecular network that contributes to precise organogenesis; nonetheless, nothing is known about its role in avian lung development. The current report characterizes, for the first time, the expression pattern of RA signaling members (stra6, raldh2, raldh3, cyp26a1, rar alpha, and rar beta) and potential RA downstream targets (sox2, sox9, meis1, meis2, tgf beta 2, and id2) by in situ hybridization. In the attempt of unveiling the role of RA in chick lung branching, in vitro lung explants were performed. Supplementation studies revealed that RA stimulates lung branching in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, the expression levels of cyp26a1, sox2, sox9, rar beta, meis2, hoxb5, tgf beta 2, id2, fgf10, fgfr2, and shh were evaluated after RA treatment to disclose a putative molecular network underlying RA effect. In situ hybridization analysis showed that RA is able to alter cyp26a1, sox9, tgf beta 2, and id2 spatial distribution; to increase rar beta, meis2, and hoxb5 expression levels; and has a very modest effect on sox2, fgf10, fgfr2, and shh expression levels. Overall, these findings support a role for RA in the proximal-distal patterning and branching morphogenesis of the avian lung and reveal intricate molecular interactions that ultimately orchestrate branching morphogenesis.The authors would like to thank Ana Lima for slide sectioning and Rita Lopes for contributing to the initiation of this project. This work has been funded by FEDER funds, through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE), and by National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the scope of the Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038; and by the Project NORTE-01-0145- FEDER-000013, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Staging of Schizophrenia with the Use of PANSS: An International Multi-Center Study

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    Introduction: A specific clinically relevant staging model for schizophrenia has not yet been developed. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the factor structure of the PANSS and develop such a staging method.Methods: Twenty-nine centers from 25 countries contributed 2358 patients aged 37.21 ± 11.87 years with schizophrenia. Analysis of covariance, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Discriminant Function Analysis, and inspection of resultant plots were performed.Results: Exploratory Factor Analysis returned 5 factors explaining 59% of the variance (positive, negative, excitement/hostility, depression/anxiety, and neurocognition). The staging model included 4 main stages with substages that were predominantly characterized by a single domain of symptoms (stage 1: positive; stages 2a and 2b: excitement/hostility; stage 3a and 3b: depression/anxiety; stage 4a and 4b: neurocognition). There were no differences between sexes. The Discriminant Function Analysis developed an algorithm that correctly classified >85% of patients.Discussion: This study elaborates a 5-factor solution and a clinical staging method for patients with schizophrenia. It is the largest study to address these issues among patients who are more likely to remain affiliated with mental health services for prolonged periods of time.<br /
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