12 research outputs found

    Do not waste your electrodes - Principles of optimal electrode geometry for spike sorting

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    Objective: This study examines how the geometrical arrangement of electrodes influences spike sorting efficiency, and attempts to formalise principles for the design of electrode systems enabling optimal spike sorting performance. Approach: The clustering performance of KlustaKwik, a popular toolbox, was evaluated using semi-artificial multi-channel data, generated from a library of real spike waveforms recorded in the CA1 region of mouse Hippocampus in vivo. Main results: Based on spike sorting results under various channel configurations and signal levels, a simple model was established to describe the efficiency of different electrode geometries. Model parameters can be inferred from existing spike recordings, which allowed quantifying both the cooperative effect between channels and the noise dependence of clustering performance. Significance: Based on the model, analytical and numerical results can be derived for the optimal spacing and arrangement of electrodes for one- and two-dimensional probe systems, targeting specific brain areas

    Divergent in vivo activity of non-serotonergic and serotonergic VGluT3-neurones in the median raphe region

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    KEY POINTS: *Median raphe is a key subcortical modulatory centre involved in several brain functions e.g. regulation of sleep-wake cycle, emotions and memory storage. *A large proportion of median raphe neurones are glutamatergic and implement a radically different mode of communication than serotonergic cells, but their in vivo activity is unknown. *We provide the first description of the in vivo, brain state-dependent firing properties of median raphe glutamatergic neurones identified by immunopositivity for the vesicular glutamate transporter type 3 (VGluT3) and serotonin (5HT). Glutamatergic populations (VGluT3+/5HT- and VGluT3+/5HT+)were compared to the purely serotonergic (VGluT3-/5HT+) and VGluT3-/5HT- neurones. *VGluT3+/5HT+ neurones fired similar to VGluT3-/5HT+ cells, whereas significantly diverged from the VGluT3+/5HT- population. Activity of the latter subgroup resembled the spiking of VGluT3-/5HT- cells, except their diverging response to sensory stimulation. *The VGluT3+ population of the median raphe may broadcast rapidly varying signals on top of a state-dependent, tonic modulation. ABSTRACT: Subcortical modulation is crucial for information processing in the cerebral cortex. Besides the canonical neuromodulators, glutamate has recently been identified as a key cotransmitter of numerous monoaminergic projections. In the median raphe, a pure glutamatergic neurone population projecting to limbic areas was also discovered with a possibly novel, yet undetermined function. Here, we report the first functional description of the vesicular glutamate transporter type 3 (VGluT3)-expressing median raphe neurones. Since there is no appropriate genetic marker for the separation of serotonergic (5HT+) and non-serotonergic (5HT-) VGluT3+ neurones, we utilised immunohistochemistry after recording and juxtacellular labelling in anaesthetised rats. VGluT3+/5HT- neurones fired faster, more variably and were permanently activated during sensory stimulation, as opposed to the transient response of the slow firing VGluT3-/5HT+ subgroup. VGluT3+/5HT- cells were also more active during hippocampal theta. In addition, the VGluT3-/5HT- population - putative GABAergic cells - resembled the firing of VGluT3+/5HT- neurones, but without significant reaction to the sensory stimulus. Interestingly, the VGluT3+/5HT+ group - spiking slower than the VGluT3+/5HT- population - exhibited a mixed response i.e. the initial transient activation was followed by sustained elevation of firing. Phase coupling to hippocampal and prefrontal slow oscillations was found in VGluT3+/5HT- neurones, also differentiating them from the VGluT3+/5HT+ subpopulation. Taken together, glutamatergic neurones in the median raphe may implement multiple, highly divergent forms of modulation in parallel: a slow, tonic mode interrupted by sensory-evoked rapid transients and a fast one, capable of conveying complex patterns influenced by sensory inputs. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Broadening the phenotype of the TWNK gene associated Perrault syndrome

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    Perrault syndrome is a genetically heterogenous, very rare disease, characterized clinically by sensorineural hearing loss, ovarian dysfunction and neurological symptoms. We present the case of a 33 years old female patient with TWNK-associated Perrault syndrome. The TWNK gene is coding the mitochondrial protein Twinkle and currently there are only two reports characterizing the phenotype of TWNK-associated Perrault syndrome. None of these publications reported about special brain MRI alterations and neuropathological changes in the muscle and peripheral nerves.Our patients with TWNK-dependent Perrault syndrome had severe bilateral hypoacusis, severe ataxia, polyneuropathy, lower limb spastic paraparesis with pyramidal signs, and gonadal dysgenesis. Psychiatric symptoms such as depression and paranoia were present as well. Brain MRI observed progressive cerebellar hyperintensive signs associated with cerebellar, medulla oblongata and cervical spinal cord atrophy. Light microscopy of the muscle biopsy detected severe neurogenic lesions. COX staining was centrally reduced in many muscle fibers. Both muscle and sural nerve electron microscopy detected slightly enlarged mitochondria with abnormal cristae surrounded by lipid vacuoles. In the sural nerve, dystrophic axons had focally uncompacted myelin lamellae present. Genetic investigation revealed multiple mtDNA deletion and compound heterozygous mutations of the TWNK gene (c.1196 A > G, c.1358 G > A).This study demonstrates that TWNK associated Perrault syndrome has a much broader phenotype as originally published. The coexistence of severe hypoacusis, spastic limb weakness, ataxia, polyneuropathy, gonadal dysgensia, hyperintense signals in the cerebellum and the presence of the mtDNA multiple deletion could indicate the impairment of the TWNK gene. This is the first report about pyramidal tract involvement and cerebellar MRI alteration associated with TWNK-related Perrault syndrome

    Huygens synchronization of medial septal pacemaker neurons generates hippocampal theta oscillation

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    Episodic learning and memory retrieval are dependent on hippocampal theta oscillation, thought to rely on the GABAergic network of the medial septum (MS). To test how this network achieves theta synchrony, we recorded MS neurons and hippocampal local field potential simultaneously in anesthetized and awake mice and rats. We show that MS pacemakers synchronize their individual rhythmicity frequencies, akin to coupled pendulum clocks as observed by Huygens. We optogenetically identified them as parvalbumin-expressing GABAergic neurons, while MS glutamatergic neurons provide tonic excitation sufficient to induce theta. In accordance, waxing and waning tonic excitation is sufficient to toggle between theta and non-theta states in a network model of single-compartment inhibitory pacemaker neurons. These results provide experimental and theoretical support to a frequency-synchronization mechanism for pacing hippocampal theta, which may serve as an inspirational prototype for synchronization processes in the central nervous system from Nematoda to Arthropoda to Chordate and Vertebrate phyla

    Brainstem nucleus incertus controls contextual memory formation

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    Hippocampal pyramidal cells encode memory engrams, which guide adaptive behavior. Selection of engram-forming cells is regulated by somatostatin-positive dendrite-targeting interneurons, which inhibit pyramidal cells that are not required for memory formation. Here, we found that gamma-aminobutyric acid ( GABA)-releasing neurons of the mouse nucleus incertus (NI) selectively inhibit somatostatin-positive interneurons in the hippocampus, both monosynaptically and indirectly through the inhibition of their subcortical excitatory inputs. We demonstrated that NI GABAergic neurons receive monosynaptic inputs from brain areas processing important environmental information, and their hippocampal projections are strongly activated by salient environmental inputs in vivo. Optogenetic manipulations of NI GABAergic neurons can shift hippocampal network state and bidirectionally modify the strength of contextual fear memory formation. Our results indicate that brainstem NI GABAergic cells are essential for controlling contextual memories

    Hippocampal Network Dynamics during Rearing Episodes

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    Summary: Animals build a model of their surroundings on the basis of information gathered during exploration. Rearing on the hindlimbs changes the vantage point of the animal, increasing the sampled area of the environment. This environmental knowledge is suggested to be integrated into a cognitive map stored by the hippocampus. Previous studies have found that damage to the hippocampus impairs rearing. Here, we characterize the operational state of the hippocampus during rearing episodes. We observe an increase of theta frequency paralleled by a sink in the dentate gyrus and a prominent theta-modulated fast gamma transient in the middle molecular layer. On the descending phase of rearing, a decrease of theta power is detected. Place cells stop firing during rearing, while a different subset of putative pyramidal cells is activated. Our results suggest that the hippocampus switches to a different operational state during rearing, possibly to update spatial representation with information from distant sources. : By combining high speed tracking in three dimensions and multichannel recording, Barth et al. characterize the network dynamics in the hippocampus during rearing episodes. They observe augmented impulse flow through the medial perforant pathway accompanied by the activation of certain principal cells and decrease of place cell activity. Keywords: theta rhythm, gamma oscillation, cross-frequency coupling, place cell, motion capture, silicone probe, independent component analysis, CA1, dentate gyrus, navigatio

    Recurrent rewiring of the adult hippocampal mossy fiber system by a single transcriptional regulator, Id2

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    Circuit formation in the central nervous system has been historically studied during development, after which cell-autonomous and nonautonomous wiring factors inactivate. In principle, balanced reactivation of such factors could enable further wiring in adults, but their relative contributions may be circuit dependent and are largely unknown. Here, we investigated hippocampal mossy fiber sprouting to gain insight into wiring mechanisms in mature circuits. We found that sole ectopic expression of Id2 in granule cells is capable of driving mossy fiber sprouting in healthy adult mouse and rat. Mice with the new mossy fiber circuit solved spatial problems equally well as controls but appeared to rely on local rather than global spatial cues. Our results demonstrate reprogrammed connectivity in mature neurons by one defined factor and an assembly of a new synaptic circuit in adult brain

    Recurrent rewiring of the adult hippocampal mossy fiber system by a single transcriptional regulator, Id2

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    Circuit formation in the central nervous system has been historically studied during development, after which cell-autonomous and nonautonomous wiring factors inactivate. In principle, balanced reactivation of such factors could enable further wiring in adults, but their relative contributions may be circuit dependent and are largely unknown. Here, we investigated hippocampal mossy fiber sprouting to gain insight into wiring mechanisms in mature circuits. We found that sole ectopic expression of Id2 in granule cells is capable of driving mossy fiber sprouting in healthy adult mouse and rat. Mice with the new mossy fiber circuit solved spatial problems equally well as controls but appeared to rely on local rather than global spatial cues. Our results demonstrate reprogrammed connectivity in mature neurons by one defined factor and an assembly of a new synaptic circuit in adult brain.ISSN:0027-8424ISSN:1091-649