50 research outputs found

    Interactive lectures: Clickers or personal devices?

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    Audience response systems (‘clickers’) are frequently used to promote participation in large lecture classes, and evidence suggests that they convey a number of benefits to students, including improved academic performance and student satisfaction. The limitations of these systems (such as limited access and cost) can be overcome using students’ personal electronic devices, such as mobile phones, tablets and laptops together with text message, web- or app-based polling systems. Using questionnaires, we compare student perceptions of clicker and smartphone based polling systems. We find that students prefer interactive lectures generally, but those that used their own device preferred those lectures over lectures using clickers. However, device users were more likely to report using their devices for other purposes (checking email, social media etc.) when they were available to answer polling questions. These students did not feel that this distracted them from the lecture, instead, concerns over the use of smartphones centred around increased battery usage and inclusivity for students without access to suitable technology. Our results suggest that students generally preferred to use their own devices over clickers, and that this may be a sensible way to overcome some of the limitations associated with clickers, although issues surrounding levels of distraction and the implications for retention and recall of information need further investigation

    Altering an extended phenotype reduces intraspecific male aggression and can maintain diversity in cichlid fish

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    Reduced male aggression towards different phenotypes generating negative frequency-dependent intrasexual selection has been suggested as a mechanism to facilitate the invasion and maintenance of novel phenotypes in a population. To date, the best empirical evidence for the phenomenon has been provided by laboratory studies on cichlid fish with different colour polymorphisms. Here we experimentally tested the hypothesis in a natural population of Lake Malawi cichlid fish, in which males build sand-castles (bowers) to attract females during seasonal leks. We predicted that if bower shape plays an important role in male aggressive interactions, aggression among conspecific males should decrease when their bower shape is altered. Accordingly, we allocated randomly chosen bowers in a Nyassachromis cf. microcephalus lek into three treatments: control, manipulated to a different shape, and simulated manipulation. We then measured male behaviours and bower shape before and after these treatments. We found that once bower shape was altered, males were involved in significantly fewer aggressive interactions with conspecific males than before manipulation. Mating success was not affected. Our results support the idea that an extended phenotype, such as bower shape, can be important in maintaining polymorphic populations. Specifically, reduced male conspecific aggression towards males with different extended phenotypes (here, bower shapes) may cause negative frequency-dependent selection, allowing the invasion and establishment of a new phenotype (bower builder). This could help our understanding of mechanisms of diversification within populations, and in particular, the overall diversification of bower shapes within Lake Malawi cichlids

    Gene duplication in an African cichlid adaptive radiation

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    Background Gene duplication is a source of evolutionary innovation and can contribute to the divergence of lineages; however, the relative importance of this process remains to be determined. The explosive divergence of the African cichlid adaptive radiations provides both a model for studying the general role of gene duplication in the divergence of lineages and also an exciting foray into the identification of genomic features that underlie the dramatic phenotypic and ecological diversification in this particular lineage. We present the first genome-wide study of gene duplication in African cichlid fishes, identifying gene duplicates in three species belonging to the Lake Malawi adaptive radiation (Metriaclima estherae, Protomelas similis, Rhamphochromis “chilingali”) and one closely related species from a non-radiated riverine lineage (Astatotilapia tweddlei). Results Using Astatotilapia burtoni as reference, microarray comparative genomic hybridization analysis of 5689 genes reveals 134 duplicated genes among the four cichlid species tested. Between 51 and 55 genes were identified as duplicated in each of the three species from the Lake Malawi radiation, representing a 38%–49% increase in number of duplicated genes relative to the non-radiated lineage (37 genes). Duplicated genes include several that are involved in immune response, ATP metabolism and detoxification. Conclusions These results contribute to our understanding of the abundance and type of gene duplicates present in cichlid fish lineages. The duplicated genes identified in this study provide candidates for the analysis of functional relevance with regard to phenotype and divergence. Comparative sequence analysis of gene duplicates can address the role of positive selection and adaptive evolution by gene duplication, while further study across the phylogenetic range of cichlid radiations (and more generally in other adaptive radiations) will determine whether the patterns of gene duplication seen in this study consistently accompany rapid radiation

    Hotshots, hot spots, and female preference: exploring lek formation models with a bower-building cichlid fish

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    In many animals, males congregate in leks that females visit for the sole purpose of mating. We observed male and female behavior on 3 different-sized leks of the bower-building cichlid fish Nyassachromis cf. microcephalus to test predictions of 3 prominent lek models: the "hotshot,” "hot spot,” and "female preference” models. In this system, we were able to refine these predictions by distinguishing between indirect mate choice, by which females restrict their set of potential mates in the absence of individual male assessment, and direct mate choice, by which females assess males and their territories through dyadic behavioral interactions. On no lek were males holding central territories favored by indirect or direct mate choice, contrary to the prediction of the hotshot model that leks form because inferior males establish territories surrounding hotshot males preferred by females. Average female encounter rate of males increased with lek size, a pattern typically interpreted as evidence that leks form through female preference for lekking males, rather than because males congregate in hot spots of high female density. Female propensity to engage in premating behavior once courted did not increase with lek size, suggesting female preference for males on larger leks operated through indirect choice rather than direct choice based on individual assessment. The frequency of male-male competitive interactions increased with lek size, whereas their foraging rate decreased, implying a cost to males maintaining territories on larger leks. Together these data most strongly support the female preference model, where females may benefit through indirect mate choice for males able to meet the competitive cost of occupying larger lek

    DNA metabarcoding reveals the dietary profiles of a benthic marine crustacean,Nephrops norvegicus

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    Norwegian lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, are a generalist scavenger and predator capable of short foraging excursions but can also suspension feed. Existing knowledge about their diet relies on a combination of methods including morphology-based stomach content analysis and stable isotopes, which often lack the resolution to distinguish prey items to species level particularly in species that thoroughly masticate their prey. DNA metabarcoding overcomes many of the challenges associated with traditional methods and it is an attractive approach to study the dietary profiles of animals. Here, we present the diet of the commercially valuable Nephrops norvegicus using DNA metabarcoding of gut contents. Despite difficulties associated with host amplification, our cytochrome oxidase I (COI) molecular assay successfully achieves higher resolution information than traditional approaches. We detected taxa that were likely consumed during different feeding strategies. Dinoflagellata, Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta accounted for almost 50% of the prey items consumed, and are associated with suspension feeding, while fish with high fisheries discard rates were detected which are linked to active foraging. In addition, we were able to characterise biodiversity patterns by considering Nephrops as natural samplers, as well as detecting parasitic dinoflagellates (e.g., Hematodinium sp.), which are known to influence burrow related behaviour in infected individuals in over 50% of the samples. The metabarcoding data presented here greatly enhances a better understanding of a species’ ecological role and could be applied as a routine procedure in future studies for proper consideration in the management and decision-making of fisheries

    Acetylcholinesterase activity in partially isolated cerebral cortex after prolonged intermittent stimulation

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    Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) levels were determined in control samples of cat cerebral cortex, in partially neuronally isolated (undercut) cortex, and in undercut or intact cortex that had received long-term intermittent electrical stimulation. Assay of AChE activity was based on an automatic titration method using methalcholine as substrate. Tissues from ten of 15 undercut cerebral cortices showed the expected decrease in AChE. Long-term intermittent electrical stimulation of undercut cortex prevented the expected decrease in AChE in seven of 12 cortices. Previous data showed that similar long-term stimulation could prevent some electrical manifestations of supersensitivity. The present findings implicate, in part, a cholinergic system in the phenomenon of cortical supersensitivity.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/33224/1/0000614.pd

    Genetic consequences of improved river connectivity in brown trout (Salmo trutta L.)

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    Fragmentation of watercourses poses a significant threat to biodiversity, particularly for migratory fish species. Mitigation measures such as fishways, have been increasingly implemented to restore river connectivity and support fish migration. The effects of such restoration efforts are typically tested using telemetry and fisheries methods, which do not fully capture the broader population movements that may have important consequences for population viability. We performed a before-and-after control-impact (BACI) study using genetic tools (SNPs) to investigate the effect of a newly implemented fishway, aiming to enhance upstream spawning migration of brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus) in a reservoir with two headwater tributaries fragmented by man-made weirs. Another reservoir with two barrier-free tributaries was also analysed as a control. Our results showed that the isolated brown trout population was spawning in the reservoir before the installation of the fishway, and we found genetic structuring and differentiation between fragmented headwater tributaries before the fishway construction, but not in the control reservoir. Unexpectedly, after the fishway construction we observed signals consistent with increased genetic differentiation between populations of newly recruited juvenile fish in the reservoir tributary and fish in the reservoir. We propose this was caused by newly enabled philopatric behaviour of brown trout to their natal spawning tributary. In contrast, we did not find any genetic changes in the tributary without a fishway or in the barrier-free reservoir system. Given the scarcity of similar studies, we advocate for an increased use of genetic analyses in BACI studies to monitor and evaluate the effect of efforts to restore habitat connectivity and inform future management strategies

    Gene duplication in an African cichlid adaptive radiation

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    BACKGROUND: Gene duplication is a source of evolutionary innovation and can contribute to the divergence of lineages; however, the relative importance of this process remains to be determined. The explosive divergence of the African cichlid adaptive radiations provides both a model for studying the general role of gene duplication in the divergence of lineages and also an exciting foray into the identification of genomic features that underlie the dramatic phenotypic and ecological diversification in this particular lineage. We present the first genome-wide study of gene duplication in African cichlid fishes, identifying gene duplicates in three species belonging to the Lake Malawi adaptive radiation (Metriaclima estherae, Protomelas similis, Rhamphochromis “chilingali”) and one closely related species from a non-radiated riverine lineage (Astatotilapia tweddlei). RESULTS: Using Astatotilapia burtoni as reference, microarray comparative genomic hybridization analysis of 5689 genes reveals 134 duplicated genes among the four cichlid species tested. Between 51 and 55 genes were identified as duplicated in each of the three species from the Lake Malawi radiation, representing a 38%–49% increase in number of duplicated genes relative to the non-radiated lineage (37 genes). Duplicated genes include several that are involved in immune response, ATP metabolism and detoxification. CONCLUSIONS: These results contribute to our understanding of the abundance and type of gene duplicates present in cichlid fish lineages. The duplicated genes identified in this study provide candidates for the analysis of functional relevance with regard to phenotype and divergence. Comparative sequence analysis of gene duplicates can address the role of positive selection and adaptive evolution by gene duplication, while further study across the phylogenetic range of cichlid radiations (and more generally in other adaptive radiations) will determine whether the patterns of gene duplication seen in this study consistently accompany rapid radiation

    The genomic basis of cichlid fish adaptation within the deepwater “twilight zone” of Lake Malawi

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    Deepwater environments are characterized by low levels of available light at narrow spectra, great hydrostatic pressure, and low levels of dissolved oxygen—conditions predicted to exert highly specific selection pressures. In Lake Malawi over 800 cichlid species have evolved, and this adaptive radiation extends into the “twilight zone” below 50 m. We use population-level RAD-seq data to investigate whether four endemic deepwater species (Diplotaxodon spp.) have experienced divergent selection within this environment. We identify candidate genes including regulators of photoreceptor function, photopigments, lens morphology, and haemoglobin, many not previously implicated in cichlid adaptive radiations. Colocalization of functionally linked genes suggests coadapted “supergene” complexes. Comparisons of Diplotaxodon to the broader Lake Malawi radiation using genome resequencing data revealed functional substitutions and signatures of positive selection in candidate genes. Our data provide unique insights into genomic adaptation within deepwater habitats, and suggest genome-level specialization for life at depth as an important process in cichlid radiation