88 research outputs found

    Mięso wieprzowe i jego przetwory jako źródło selenu dla konsumentów – możliwości oraz zagrożenia

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    Pork meat and pork products as a source of selenium for consumers – possibilities and dangersThe article presents possibilities of adding selenium to pork meat and pork products during meat production, to obtain functional products. Selenium is mineral important for human well-being, responsible for glutathione peroxidase generation, which protects cells from oxidation by peroxides, generated in biochemical processes. Deficiencies of selenium may result in arthritis, circulatory diseases, Keshan disease and nephropathy. Results of research indicate, that organic selenium from various sources, results in higher selenium content in meat, than is observed in the case of inorganic selenium. Moreover, selenium from various sources in most of the research results in similar qualitative features of carcass (mass, percent of meat, fat cover), meat (pH, components of colour measured in the L*a*b* system). It was also concluded that drip loss is negatively correlated with selenium content in diet of animals, that is important, as an excessive drip loss is associated not only with product and economical wastes, but also with lower quality of meat and meat products. Research also indicate, that addition of selenium (especially organic selenium) to meat products, may lead to obtaining functional pork meat and pork meat products, characterized by features not different than in the case of typical market products, but at the same time, by enhanced health-promoting value

    Zwyczaje żywieniowe osób chorych na cukrzycę typu 2

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    BACKGROUND. Diet plays an important role in metabolic control of diabetes mellitus type 2. The aim of the study was to evaluate the nutritional habits of individuals with diabetes type 2 taking oral hypoglycemic drugs. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The object of the study were 328 nutrition questionnaires (120 from men and 208 from women), got during encounter about diabetes mellitus type 2 management. The questionnaire concerned: gender, height, body mass, type of diabetes, treatment, number of meals during a day, breakfast consumption, frequency of fruits, vegetables, soft drinks, sweets, fish and diary products consumption. RESULTS. The average age of participants was 64.2 ± 7.7 (42-83 years). Majority of people were preobese (47%) or obese (42%). Majority (80%) of participating women consumed 4 or 5 meals a day, while majority of men (70%) consumed 2–3 or 4 meals a day. Almost all individuals (95%) consumed breakfast every day. Most part of people (73%) consumed fruits every day. Vegetables were consumed once a day by 45%, and three times a day - by 27% of participants. Diary products were consumed once a day by 41% of individuals, while 48% consumed it lees often. Close to half of participants consumed fish 1–3 times a week. Majority of people consumed occasionally soft drinks (81%) and fruit juices (53%). Fourty one percent of participants consumed sweets not often than once a week. CONCLUSIONS. Participating women with diabetes mellitus type 2, consumed more meals daily than participating men. Almost every individual consumed breakfast everyday. Majority of participants consumed not enough servings of vegetables, diary products and fish. Higher proportion of women than men, consumed fruits everyday. Not high frequency of fruit juices, soft drinks and sweets consumption was observed. (Diabet. Prakt. 2010; 11, 1: 17-23)WSTĘP. Dieta w leczeniu chorego na cukrzycę typu 2 pozwala na utrzymanie dobrej kontroli metabolicznej. Celem pracy była ocena zwyczajów żywieniowych chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 przyjmujących leki hipoglikemizujące. MATERIAŁ I METODY. W badaniu oceniono 328 ankiet uzyskanych od 120 mężczyzn i 208 kobiet uczestniczących w szkoleniach dotyczących zasad postępowania w cukrzycy. Ankieta zawierała pytania dotyczące: płci, wzrostu, masy ciała, typu cukrzycy, rodzaju stosowanej terapii, liczby spożywanych w ciągu dnia posiłków, spożywania pierwszego śniadania, częstości spożywania warzyw, owoców, słodkich napojów, słodyczy, ryb i produktów mlecznych. WYNIKI. Średni wiek badanych wynosił 64,2 ± 7,7 roku (42-83 lat). U większości osób stwierdzono nadwagę (47%) lub otyłość (42%). Większość (80%) badanych kobiet zgłosiła spożywanie 4 lub 5 posiłków dziennie, natomiast mężczyźni częściej informowali (70%) o spożywaniu 2-3 lub 4 posiłków. Prawie wszystkie osoby (95%) spożywały codziennie pierwsze śniadanie. Większość badanych (73%) codziennie jadła owoce. Warzywa raz dziennie występowały w diecie u 45% badanych, a 3 razy dziennie u 27% osób. Produkty mleczne były spożywane raz dziennie przez 41% badanych, a 48% spożywało je z mniejszą częstością. Ryby były spożywane 1-3 razy w tygodniu przez blisko połowę ankietowanych. Większość osób sporadycznie piła słodkie napoje (81%) i soki owocowe (53%), a 41% badanych jadło słodycze nie częściej niż raz w tygodniu. WNIOSKI. Badane kobiety z cukrzycą typu 2 spożywały większą liczbę posiłków w ciągu dnia niż mężczyźni. Prawie wszystkie badane osoby codziennie spożywały pierwsze śniadanie. Większość badanych jadła za mało warzyw, produktów mlecznych i ryb. Większy odsetek kobiet niż mężczyzn spożywał owoce codziennie. Stwierdzono małą częstość konsumpcji soków owocowych, słodkich napojów i słodyczy. (Diabet. Prakt. 2010; 11, 1: 17-23

    Vegetables and fruits consumption by individuals with diabetes mellitus type 2

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    WSTĘP. Zgodnie z wytycznymi Polskiego Towarzystwa Diabetologicznego, dieta w cukrzycy nie powinna odbiegać od zaleceń żywienia osób zdrowych. Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia zaleca spożywanie dziennie przynajmniej 400 g warzyw i owoców, co przekłada się na 5 porcji różnego rodzaju warzyw i owoców. Celem badania była ocena spożycia tych produktów przez osoby chore na cukrzycę typu 2, będące członkami Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Diabetyków. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Oceniono 223 ankiety uzyskane od 82 mężczyzn i 141 kobiet chorych na cukrzycę typu 2, uczestniczących w szkoleniach na temat zasad postępowania w cukrzycy. Ankieta zawierała pytania dotyczące częstotliwości spożywania warzyw i owoców oraz najczęściej wybieranych gatunków. Dla każdej osoby oszacowano dobową podaż węglowodanów przyswajalnych oraz błonnika z warzyw i owoców. WYNIKI. Średni wiek badanych wynosił 63,6 ± 7,6 roku (42–81 lat). U większości stwierdzono występowanie nadwagi (39,5%) lub otyłości (42,9%). Przeciętnie spożywano 1 porcję/dzień, zarówno warzyw, jak i owoców. Stwierdzono wyższą przeciętną podaż węglowodanów przyswajalnych w diecie z owoców (10,10 g) niż z warzyw (3,81 g), natomiast przeciętna podaż błonnika z warzyw (2,73 g) była większa niż z owoców (2,00 g). WNIOSKI. Stwierdzono zbyt małą częstość spożywania warzyw przez badanych. Kobiety spożywały owoce częściej niż mężczyźni. Większa częstotliwość spożywania owoców wpływała w badanej grupie na znaczne zwiększenie ilości węglowodanów przyswajalnych w diecie, podczas gdy większa częstość spożywania warzyw podwyższała ilość błonnika, nie wpływając tak istotnie na podaż węglowodanów przyswajalnych. Wydaje się, że dla chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 znacznie bezpieczniejsze jest rekomendowanie zwiększonej podaży warzyw niż owoców. (Diabet. Prakt. 2010; 11, 6: 221–229)INTRODUCTION. According to Polish Diabetology Association, diet in diabetes mellitus type 2 should not differ from nutritional guidelines for healthy individuals. World Health Organization recommends to consume minimum 400 g of vegetables and fruits daily, that may be fulfilled by 5 servings a day. The aim of the study was to evaluate vegetables and fruits consumption in the group of individuals with diabetes type 2 taking oral hypoglycemic drugs. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The object of the study were 223 nutrition questionnaires (82 from men and 141 from women), got during encounter about diabetes mellitus type 2 management. The questionnaire concerned frequency of fruits and vegetables consumption as well as most frequently chosen species. For each individual, daily supply of available carbohydrates and fibre from fruits and vegetables was estimated. RESULTS. The average age of participants was 63.6 ± 7.6 (42–81) years. Majority of people were overweight (39.5%) or obese (42.9%). Median of vegetables and fruits consumption was in both cases 1 serving daily. Supply of available carbohydrates from fruits (10.10 g) was higher than from vegetables (3.81 g), while supply of fibre from vegetables (2.73 g) was higher than from fruits (2.00 g). CONCLUSIONS. Majority of participants consumed not enough servings of vegetables. Women consumed more often fruits than men. Higher frequency of fruits consumption was associated with higher supply of available carbohydrates, while higher frequency of vegetables consumption was associated with higher supply of fibre. It seems to be reasonable, to recommend patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 higher consumption of vegetables, rather than fruits. (Diabet. Prakt. 2010; 11, 6: 221–229

    Cor do lombo defumado de animais alimentados com substâncias bioativas acrescentadas à forragem

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the breed and of the addition of bioactive substances to forage on the color of smoked pork loin. Two pig breeds (Polish Landrace and the crossbreed Polish Landrace x Duroc), three types of bioactive components (organic selenium; 2% of canola oil and 1% of flaxseed oil; and 2% of flaxseed oil and 1% of canola oil), and a control treatment were evaluated. Computer image analysis included the color assessment of muscle, fat, connective tissues, and smoked loin surface. For Polish Landrace, selenium supplementation caused higher values of red, green, and blue color components of the muscle tissue, which were lower for the crossbreed. However, there was no difference in the color components of loin fat tissue of the Polish Landrace breed due to selenium supplementation. In the case of oil supplementation, values of the color components of the muscle tissue for the Polish Landrace x Duroc crossbreed were also lower. The color components of muscle, fat, connective tissues, and smoked loin surface depend on the pig breed and on the bioactive compounds added to the forage.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da raça e da adição de substâncias bioativas à forragem sobre a cor do lombo defumado de porco. Foram avaliados: duas raças de porcos (Landrace Polonesa e o cruzamento Landrace Polonesa x Duroc), três tipos de componentes bioativos (selênio orgânico; 2% de óleo de canola e 1% de óleo de linhaça; 2% de óleo de linhaça e 1% de óleo de canola) e um tratamento controle. A análise de imagem por computador incluiu a avaliação da cor dos tecidos muscular, gorduroso e conjuntivo e da superfície defumada do lombo. Na raça Landrace Polonesa, a suplementação com selênio promoveu aumento dos valores das cores vermelha, verde e azul do tecido muscular, que foram inferiores no cruzamento Landrace Polonesa x Duroc. Contudo, não foram observadas diferenças significativas nas cores do tecido gorduroso do lombo da raça Landrace Polonesa em razão da suplementação com selênio. No caso da suplementação com óleos, os valores das cores integrantes do tecido muscular também foram inferiores no cruzamento Landrace Polonesa x Duroc. As cores integrantes dos tecidos muscular, gorduroso e conjuntivo e da superfície defumada do lombo dependem da raça dos porcos e das substâncias biotivas acrescentadas à forragem

    Produkty mięsne należące do grupy żywności funkcjonalnej, z uwzględnieniem potrzeb chorych na nieswoiste stany zapalne jelit

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    Functional meat products designed for individuals with inflammatory bowel diseaseThe diet high in meat products may be one of the reasons of inflammatory bowel diseases. Simultaneously, the meat consumption in this group of patients is in many cases high, however it may possibly have negative impact on the symptoms of disease. On the other hand, meat functional products may have a positive influence on health and well-being of people with inflammatory bowel diseases. Important may be especially meat and meat products characterized by reduced alergenicity, reduced preservatives content, modified fatty acids composition, with probiotics, antioxidants, that may be applied in case of people with inflammatory bowel diseases instead of typical products. They may allow to enhance intake of deficit nutrients and to eliminate components of adverse effect

    Vitamin D Supplementation and Mental Health in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients: A Systematic Review

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are associated with decreased quality of life and mental health problems. Among various approaches to supportive therapy that aims to improve mental health in affected individuals, vitamin D supplementation is considered to be an effective method which may also be beneficial in alleviating the symptoms during the course of IBDs and IBS. The aim of the present study was to conduct a systematic review of the literature presenting the data regarding the influence of vitamin D supplementation on mental health in adults with inflammatory and functional bowel diseases, including IBDs and IBS. This study was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) database (Registration number CRD42020155779). A systematic search of the PubMed and Web of Science databases was performed, and the intervention studies published until September 2021 were included. The human studies eligible to be included in the review should have described any intervention involving vitamin D as a supplement in a group of adult patients suffering from IBDs and/or IBS and should have assessed any component of mental health, but studies presenting the effects of combined supplementation of multiple nutrients were excluded. After eliminating the duplicates, a total of 8514 records were screened and assessed independently by two researchers. Further evaluation was carried out on the basis of title, abstract, and full text. Finally, 10 studies (four for IBDs and six for IBS) were selected for the current systematic review, and their quality was assessed using the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale (NOS). The studies analyzed the influence of various doses of vitamin D on bowel diseases, compared the results of vitamin D supplementation with placebo, or administered specific doses of vitamin D to obtain the required level in the blood. Supplementation was performed for at least 6 weeks. The analyzed mental health outcomes mainly included disease-specific quality of life/quality of life, anxiety, and depression. The majority of studies (including high-quality ones) confirmed the positive effect of vitamin D supplementation on the mental health of IBD and IBS patients, which was proven by all research works evaluating anxiety and depression and by the majority of research works evaluating quality of life. Although the studies followed different dosage regimens and supplementation protocols, the positive influence of vitamin D on mental health was found to be consistent. The number of studies on patients suffering from ulcerative colitis and the availability of trials randomized against the placebo group was low in the current review, which is considered to be a limitation of the present study and could also reflect the final outcome of the analysis. The conducted systematic review established the positive effect of vitamin D supplementation on the mental health of IBD and IBS patients, but this result requires further investigation, particularly in relation to other mental health outcomes

    Analysis of Heme and Non-Heme Iron Intake and Iron Dietary Sources in Adolescent Menstruating Females in a National Polish Sample

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    Iron intake and heme/non-heme iron proportions are crucial for iron deficiency anemia prevention. Women of childbearing age are indicated by World Health Organization as the primary target group, but maintaining iron balance is particularly challenging for adolescents. The aim of the presented study was to analyze heme and non-heme iron intake and dietary sources in adolescent menstruating females in a national Polish sample. The study was conducted in a representative sample of adolescents (aged 15−20) who were recruited from all regions of Poland based on secondary school sampling (random quota sampling), with 1385 female adolescents being included in the sample. The iron intake was assessed using the previously validated IRONIC-FFQ (IRON Intake Calculation−Food Frequency Questionnaire). The intakes of iron, heme iron, non-heme iron, and iron from food product groups were assessed and compared with those of male adolescents (n = 1025) who were recruited from the same schools, as well as between sub-groups stratified by age, body mass index, anemia history, following vegetarian diet, applying iron supplementation and school type. Compared with male individuals, females were characterized by a lower intake of all forms of iron. It was stated that non-heme iron intake was highest in younger ones, overweight ones, vegetarian ones, and comprehensive school students. Female adolescents with anemia history were characterized by similar iron intake as others. For the target group, there is inadequate nutritional education and a necessity to broaden the knowledge about specific sources of iron

    Food Preferences and Food Choice Determinants in a Polish Adolescents’ COVID-19 Experience (PLACE-19) Study

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    Food preferences are within the most important determinants of food choices; however, little is known about their complex associations, and no studies were conducted in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the study was to analyze the association between food preferences and food choice determinants in adolescents aged 15–20 years within the Polish Adolescents’ COVID-19 Experience (PLACE-19) Study. The PLACE-19 Study included a random quota sampling conducted in the whole of Poland and covered a population-based sample of 2448 secondary school students. The food preferences were assessed using a validated Food Preference Questionnaire (FPQ), and the food choices were assessed using a validated Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ). The statistical analysis comprised k-means clustering and linear regression adjusted for sex and age. Four homogenous clusters of respondents were defined based on the food choice motives—“healthy eaters” (health as the most important determinant of food choices), “hedonists” (convenience, sensory appeal, and price as the most important determinants), “indifferent consumers” (low significance for all determinants), and “demanding consumers” (high significance for all determinants). The preferences for all food categories differed when comparing between clusters presenting various food choice determinants (p < 0.001). The “healthy eaters” were characterized by the highest preference for vegetables; the “hedonists” preferred meat/fish, dairy, and snacks; the “demanding consumers” had a high preference for all food categories, while “indifferent consumers” had a low preference for all food categories. All preference scores were positively associated with mood, convenience, sensory appeal, natural content, and price (p < 0.05). The results confirmed the association between food preferences and food choice determinants in adolescents, as well as allowed adolescents to be clustered into segments to define various needs and motives among the identified segments. For public health purposes, it may be crucial to educate “hedonists,” with a high preference for meat/fish, dairy and snacks, accompanied by convenience, sensory appeal, and price as the most important determinants of their food choices

    Effectiveness of Dietary Intervention with Iron and Vitamin C Administered Separately in Improving Iron Status in Young Women

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    In order to maintain an adequate iron status in young women, effective dietary interventions should provide sufficient amounts of iron in everyday meals and improve the bioavailability of non-heme iron by providing vitamin C. While some intervention studies administering products rich in vitamin C in conjunction with iron sources showed improved iron status, it is unknown whether a separate administration of products rich in iron and vitamin C may be a successful strategy as well. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of dietary intervention with iron and vitamin C administered separately in improving iron status in young women to prevent iron deficiency anemia. The study was conducted in a group of 29 women aged 18–30, and an 8-week dietary intervention was performed. Study participants with an adequate iron status received 50 g of iron-fortified oat flakes (as a source of non-heme iron) with breakfast and 200 mL of orange juice (as a source of vitamin C) in the second part of the day. Iron status was analyzed based on red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum ferritin, and serum iron, and it was assessed at baseline, after 4 weeks, and after 8 weeks of the intervention. The intakes of iron, vitamin C, and folate were controlled throughout the study period, and menstrual blood loss was estimated. After 8 weeks of intervention, statistically significant differences compared with baseline were observed only for hematocrit, as its level after 8 weeks of intervention was higher than the baseline (p = 0.0491). Comparing subsamples within the dietary intervention considered effective and ineffective for red blood cell levels, it was indicated that lower baseline vitamin C intake may result in a more effective dietary intervention (p = 0.0231). Comparing subsamples within the dietary intervention considered effective and ineffective for hemoglobin, hematocrit, iron, and serum ferritin levels, it was indicated that higher baseline levels of hemoglobin (p = 0.0143), hematocrit (p = 0.0497), iron (p = 0.0101), and serum ferritin (p = 0.0343) respectively may result in a more effective dietary intervention. It was concluded that dietary intervention with iron and vitamin C administered separately may be effective in improving iron status in young women to prevent iron deficiency anemia. It may be concluded that in the studied group, a better baseline iron status and lower baseline vitamin C intake may result in a more effective dietary intervention with iron and vitamin C administered separately to improve iron status in young women