23 research outputs found

    Zasada zrównoważonego rozwoju w turystyce

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    Tourism has become one of the most popular leisure activities and the number of tourists has increased remarkably in recent years. UNWTO forecasts further development of this sector, predicting that the number of international arrivals will reach nearly 1.6 billion by the year 2020. Growth in the number of tourists poses a serious threat to the environment. The way to solve this problem is by introducing a more sustainable approach to this sector. The concept of sustainability was recently introduced into tourism and we can already notice many good practices. The article focuses on presenting the concept of sustainable tourism, its key objectives, and main characteristics, cases of its application, challenges connected with a more sustainable approach to tourism. Sustainable tourism is presented as the solution for environmental and social problems caused by intensified tourist activity

    Zmiany klimatu a zrównoważona turystyka – płaszczyzna etyczna

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    Tourism is one of the fastest developing sectors of the economy and one of the sectors extremely vulnerable to climate change. As all tourism destinations rely on their unique natural or cultural values, any changes in climate and an increase in extreme climate events impact on the industry more than the other economic sectors. The article presents the relationship between climate change and tourism, focusing on the ethical dimension of sustainable tourism. The aim of the article is to present the moral questions on sustainability in tourism in the context of climate change. It focuses on environmental values and presents its role in the context of sustainable tourism development

    Zagadnienie cnót mniejszych w etyce środowiskowej

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    Environmental virtue ethics is an answer to the deficiency of normative ethical traditions in dispute on environmental crisis. Usually a discussion on virtue concentrates on cardinal virtues and vices providing various catalogues of the character traits that support or hinder our moral development. However, cardinal virtues and vices do not exhaust all of the debate over character; discussions on environmental character can include virtues that are not classified as cardinal but can be equally important. These are so called minor virtues; they are not on the first front of environmental virtue discussion but can play a crucial role in forming the right attitude towards the natural world. This paper analyzes so called minor environmental virtues and their role in forming environmental character

    Wady środowiskowe jako etyczne i antropologiczne źródła kryzysu środowiskowego

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    The root of the environmental crisis is not only the failure to recognize the intrinsic value of the non-human world, but it can also be perceived as a failure in moral excellence and in the cultivation of virtue. The word “virtue” is an old-fashioned one, representing tradition, and today we mostly associate it with academic discussion. However, the term is not only connected with traditional ethical reflection; nowadays, we can witness a revival of virtue discourse in environmental ethics, namely in environmental virtue ethics. The paper analyzes the problem of cardinal virtue and vices and tries to answer which vices are the most responsible for the environmental crisis. Thus the five crucial environmental vices are defined as egoism, greed, arrogance, ignorance, and apathy

    Wkład Hansa Jonasa w filozofię odpowiedzialności

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    Article presents the concept of responsibility in Hans Jonas’s philosophy. Biocentric character of his ethics gives it new outlook to the phenomenon of responsibility. It seems that mankind cannot anymore afford ignoring environmental problems. And Jonas’s imperative of responsibility is the answer to the ecological crisis. It is based on Kant’s imperative, but new imperative goes beyond anthropocentric ethics to biocentric ethics. It aimed at preserving all forms of life, life in its rich diversity. Its basic motivation is fear of progressing destruction of nature, this fear, when dosed properly by politicians, leads to undertaking actions aiming at preserving nature from man’s activity. It seems that taking responsibility for nature may be way to preserve it

    Virtue and vice in environmental discourse

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    For effective environmental protection, the necessary tools are not only the external ones in the form of commands, and legal or economic instruments. A very necessary tool for dealing with the environmental crisis can be inner work on one’s own character and personality, as well as on the social virtues and vices that determine our approach to the environment. Recently, a growing interest in environmental virtue discourse can be noticed, and this paper presents a proposal for five cardinal environmental virtues, and oppositional to these, five cardinal vices. The presented virtues are care, moderation, respect, wisdom, and responsibility. On the opposite side of the barricade are the following vices: egoism, greed, arrogance, ignorance (stupidity), and apathy

    Environmental vices as ethical and anthropological roots of the environmental crisis

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    The root of environmental crisis is not only the failure to recognize the intrinsic value of the non-human world, but it can also be perceived as a failure in moral excellence and in the cultivation of virtue. The word “virtue” is an old-fashioned one, representing tradition and today we mostly associate it with academic discussion. However, the term is not only connected with traditional ethical reflection; nowadays, we can witness a revival of virtue discourse in environmental ethics, namely in environmental virtue ethics. The paper analyses the problem of cardinal virtue and vice, and tries to answer which vices are the most responsible for the environmental crisis. Thus the five crucial environmental vices are defined as egoism, greed, arrogance, ignorance and apathy

    Filozoficzny realizm między naturą a zdrowym rozsądkiem, część II

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    W pierwszej części tego artykułu, opublikowanej w poprzednim numerze tego czasopisma, omawiałem renesans filozoficznego realizmu, skupiając się głównie na różnych wersjach zdroworozsądkowego realizmu. W tym artykule omówię realizm naukowy i inną, pośrednią wersję realizmu (pluralistyczną pod względem ontologicznym i epistemologicznym). Moim zdaniem ta wersja realizmu jest w stanie uwzględnić najlepsze elementy realizmu zdroworozsądkowego i naukowego, a jednocześnie uniknąć ich wad