17 research outputs found

    Farm Business Analysis and Summary 21 Chautauqua County Grape Farms 1968

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    This report is a summary and analysis of the farm business records kept by 21 Chautauqua County grape growers for the 1968 calendar year. These farms were included in a record keeping project in this County in 1956 - 1958. This report was prepared so the individual growers could compare their operations with the average of the 21 growers as well as compare their physical inputs, expenses and returns with those of ten years ago. A report will be issued comparing 1968 with 1958. The growers included in this report were not selected at random. They were ones interested in a financial record of their businesses and a comparison with averages of other farms. This should be kept in mind as one studies this report. However, this report is useful to any grape grower. It provides a simple framework for summarizing and analyzing the farm business. Also, it provides standards which any grower can use as a basis for comparison to determine how his operations measure up to these averages

    Costs and Returns on Chautauqua County Grape Farms, 1958-1968

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    This study compares the farm businesses and labor incomes earned by vineyard operators on the same 21 farms in 1958 and 1968. During this period these farm businesses increased an average of almost 50 per cent in size, going from 35 acres and 137 tons of grapes in 1958 to 50 acres and 200 tons in 1968. The labor efficiency on these farms increased an average of 23 per cent in terms of acres of grapes per man and 24 per cent in tons of grapes produced per man. In addition, work units per man went up 17 per cent. These farms also became more specialized, with an average of 89 per cent of the work units allocated to grapes in 1968 as compared with 81 per cent in 1958. Further indication of greater specialization is a 19 per cent increase in the proportion of total farm receipts from grapes

    Analyzing Price Variations for Canning and Freezing Apples

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    Farm Business Analysis and Summary: 26 Grape Farms in the Finger Lakes Region: 1969

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    This is a summary and analysis of records obtained from 26 Finger Lakes grape growers for the 1969 calendar year. The records were obtained on a survey form by Mr. G. C. Smith, Cooperative Extension Specialist, Finger Lakes Grape Industry Program, and Mr. T. W. Markham, Cooperative Extension Agent, Steuben County Extension Service. The 26 farms included in this report were not selected at random and the data contained herein do not reflect the average costs and returns in producing grapes in the Finger Lakes area. Growers included were those interested in taking a closer look at their farm businesses and in comparing their operations with the averages for the group. However, this report provides a framework for summarizing and analyzing the farm business and can be useful to any grape grower. It also provides standards which a grower can use as a basis for comparison to see how his operations measure up to these averages. Grapes were by far the most important enterprise on all of the farms studied. The grape enterprises were considerably above average in size. These producers averaged 64 acres of grapes (bearing and nonbearing) while the average in the Finger Lakes in 1966 was 18 .5 acres (10, 819 acres reported by 585 farms). Only one of the 26 farms included in this study had fewer than 18.5 acres. This fact reinforces the statement that these are not average farms. They include some of the best managed and most productive grape farms in the area. Another measure of their outstanding performance is indicated by the fact that these farms, while accounting for less than one-half of one per cent of the number of farms in this area, produced 5,967 tons of grapes, or 14.5 per cent of the total tons reported purchased from the Finger Lakes area by New York State wineries and processing plants in 1969, The year was unusually favorable for Finger Lakes growers. Total production in this area in 1969 as indicated by processing plant receipts was 41,011 tons compared with 26,677 tons in 1968 -- an increase of 54 per cent -- while in the Chautauqua-Erie area receipts were 50,975 tons in 1969 compared with 56,765 tons in 1968 -- a decrease of 10 per cent. Another indication of the favorable production conditions was the average yield in 1969 on these farms of 4.0 tons of grapes per acre. In 1964, when the last farm management study was made in this area, the average yield was 3.4 tons per acre. The extremely favorable average labor income for the one year reported in this study was the result of excellent management as well as increased yield and higher average price for each grape variety sold. The weighted average price based on primary utilization of grape varieties weighted by amount of the leading varieties used (during the period 1964-1967) was 147pertonin1964.For1969thisaveragewas147 per ton in 1964. For 1969 this average was 202. In 1968 the average was $156 per ton

    Farm Business Analysis and Summary 9 Chautauqua County Grape Farms 1968

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    This report is a summary and analysis of the farm business records kept by 9 Chautauqua County grape growers for the 1968 calendar year. The records were kept under the Electronic Accounting Program with the assistance and supervision of T. D. Jordan, Associate County Agricultural Agent in Chautauqua County. Information recorded included expenses and receipts and beginning and ending inventories on the entire farm business. Except for one farm, grape growing was the most important single enterprise on each of the farms. An average of 85 per cent of the total work units were used on this fruit. The records from 12 farms in this County were summarized in 1967. Before that, the last grape record keeping project in this County covered the years 1956-1958. As was true in 1968 and in the earlier projects, growers included in this report were not selected at random. They were ones interested in a financial record of their businesses and a comparison with averages of other farms. This should be kept in mind as one studies this report. However, this report is useful to any grape grower. It provides a simple framework for summarizing and analyzing the farm business. Also, it provides standards which any grower can use as a basis for comparison to determine how his operations measure up to these averages