2,757 research outputs found

    PMBOK 6th meets 7th: How to link both guides in order to support project tailoring?

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    Project Management is evolving more rapidly than ever[1]. Driven by the progress in new technologies and the emergence of agile methodologies, organizations such as the Project Management Institute (PMI) reviewed their Project Management Standards to reflect on this phenomenon. In its latest edition, the Project Management Body Of Knowledge 7th[1] (PMBOK), gather the largest number of evolutionary [2] and a disruptive approach based on Principles and focuses on emerging trends such as tailoring, to enhance value delivery through project results[3][4][2]. Nevertheless, the PMI states that this new release does not invalidate previously published versions of PMBOK. However, the coexistence of these two perspectives may initially be an unclear subject for managers and teams, used to a process-oriented [5]. This research studied the relationship between PMBOK 6th[5] and PMBOK 7th[1] and the importance of their connection applied to project tailoring and value creation, through a model that relates concepts from PMBOK 7th[1] (Methods, Models and Artifacts and Performance Domains) and the PMBOK 6th[5] (Processes).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Screening of the Potential Bioactivities of Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.) Essential Oil

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    Increasing resistance of pathogens towards conventional antibiotics presents a major threat to public health because it reduces the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment. Mentha pulegium L., also known as pennyroyal, is an aromatic herb that belongs to the family Lamiaceae. Its essential oil has been traditionally used in medicine, aromatherapy, and cosmetics. The purpose of this work was to study the chemical composition of a pennyroyal essential oil and to evaluate their bioactivities, specifically, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-quorum sensing, and anti-inflammatory. A special focus was given to the antibacterial activity of the essential oil against Acinetobacter baumannii. The chemical composition of the essential oil was studied by GC-MS/GC-FID. The DPPH free radical scavenging assay and the β-carotene/linoleic acid system were used to evaluate the antioxidant properties. The antimicrobial and anti-quorum sensing activities were evaluated by disk diffusion assays and complemented with optical microscopy observations. The results showed that pulegone was the major compound (88.64%) of the pennyroyal essential oil. Regarding the antimicrobial activity, the action against Acinetobacter baumannii stands out, which, together with the capacity of the essential oil to inhibit the quorum sensing mechanisms, may suggest the use of the pennyroyal essential oil to further develop surface disinfectants for hospitals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of an RGD-Human Chitin-Binding Domain fusion protein on the adhesion of fibroblasts to reacetylated chitosan films

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    Biomaterials used for tissue engineering applications must provide a structural support for the tissue development and also actively interact with cells, promoting adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. To achieve this goal, adhesion molecules may be used, such as the tripeptide Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD). RGD was found to be the major functional amino acid sequence responsible for cellular adhesion. This sequence can be used to elicit specific cellular responses and it has been extensively demonstrated that RGD sequence improves cell adhesion, spreading and proliferation in different materials. Chitosan and chitin represent a family of biopolymers, made up of b(14)-linked N-acetyl-Dglucosamine and D-glucosamine subunits. Due to their biodegradability and biocompatibility, chitin and chitosan, are widely studied for biomedical applications. A method based on the use of a human Carbohydrate-Binding Module, with affinity for chitin, was tested as an alternative approach to the chemical grafting of bioactive peptides. This approach would simultaneously allow the production of recombinant peptides (alternatively to peptide synthesis) and provide a simple way for the specific and strong adsorption of the peptides to the biomaterial. A fusion recombinant protein, containing the RGD sequence fused to a human chitin-binding module (ChBM), was expressed in E. coli. The adhesion of fibroblasts to reacetylated chitosan (RC) films was the model system selected to analyse the properties of the obtained proteins. Thus, the evaluation of cell attachment and proliferation on polystyrene surfaces and reacetylated chitosan films, coated with the recombinant proteins, was performed using mouse embryo fibroblasts 3T3. The results show that the recombinant proteins affect negatively fibroblasts anchorage to the materials surface, inhibiting its adhesion and proliferation. We also conclude that this negative effect is fundamentally due to the human chitinbinding domain

    Avaliação da capacidade de discriminação quiral da fase estacionária TRIS(3,5- Dimetilfenilcarbamato) de amilose em função do tempo de utilização da coluna cromatográfica.

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    A síntese de substâncias opticamente puras e a separação de enantiômeros com elevado grau de pureza enantiomérica é uma importante tarefa das indústrias químicas e farmacêuticas modernas, as quais têm intensificado o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias devido à disponibilidade de eficientes técnicas de separação, como a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência em fases estacionárias quirais. Os fatores levados em consideração no desenvolvimento ou utilização destas fases são: elevada disponibilidade, custos relativamente baixos, variada aplicação, estabilidade mecânica e química, elevada capacidade de adsorção e enantioseletividade. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a capacidade de discriminação quiral da fase estacionária tris(3,5-dimetilfenilcarbamato) de amilose, sintetizada a partir de uma metodologia definida em escala analítica e em quantidade suficiente para a confecção de nove colunas cromatográficas semipreparativas. Os perfis de eluição e os parâmetros cromatográficos, resolução e fator de separação, foram avaliados após consecutivas injeções da mistura racêmica do omeprazol. Observou-se um aumento no tempo de retenção dos enantiômeros provavelmente devido a interações não específicas entre estes e o polissacarídeo não reagido e/ou a superfície da sílica não recoberta. A diminuição da capacidade de discriminação quiral da fase estacionária pode ser atribuída à perda de seletor quiral, o qual está apenas adsorvido fisicamente sobre as partículas de sílica

    Comportamento termodinâmico da adsorção dos enantiômeros do omeprazol na fase estacionária quiral TRIS(3,5-Dimetilfenilcarbamato) de amilose.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento termodinâmico da adsorção dos enantiômeros do omeprazol na fase estacionária quiral tris(3,5- dimetilfenilcarbamato) de amilose, sintetizada em larga escala a partir de uma metodologia definida em escala analítica. Para avaliar as constantes de Henry e os parâmetros termodinâmicos foram realizados experimentos de pulsos cromatográficos com soluções do traçador e da mistura racêmica em diferentes temperaturas e vazões da fase móvel. As isotermas de adsorção foram determinadas das curvas de ruptura obtidas com soluções da mistura racêmica em diferentes concentrações. As constantes de Henry diminuíram com a elevação da temperatura devido a uma aproximação dos picos cromatográficos. Valores negativos das variações de entalpia e entropia indicaram que é energeticamente mais favorável o soluto estar na adsorvido na fase estacionária do que em solução e que os enantiômeros encontram-se mais ordenados no estado adsorvido, respectivamente. No intervalo de concentração analisado, o modelo de isoterma de Langmuir foi bem correlacionado aos dados experimentais de equilíbrio. A capacidade de saturação da fase estacionária sintetizada é relativamente inferior à capacidade da mesma fase disponível comercialmente. A diferença está provavelmente relacionada à derivação dos grupos hidroxila da amilose e à obtenção de um derivado de uréia, durante a reação de síntese do carbamato, e ao processo de recobriment

    Influência da porosidade total do leito na cromatografia preparativa em batelada dos enantiômeros do omeprazol.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da porosidade total do leito na recuperação do enantiômero S-(-)-omeprazol em um processo cromatográfico preparativo em batelada. A variável foi calculada a partir do perfil de concentração dos enantiômeros e este obtido através da resolução numérica da equação do balanço de massa utilizando-se o modelo do equilíbrio-dispersivo. Foram avaliados dois conjuntos de dados e realizadas 50 simulações com cada um. No primeiro conjunto avaliou-se a recuperação do enantiômero de interesse em uma coluna. No segundo, a variável de desempenho foi avaliada levando-se em consideração a porosidade total média de sete colunas. Cada simulação gerou um perfil de concentração devido os dados de entrada serem aleatoriamente escolhidos pelo programa, dentro de um determinado intervalo de confiança. No primeiro conjunto de dados pode-se observar que variações da ordem de 1% na porosidade total (0,669-0,677) implicaram em uma recuperação na faixa de 51 a 100%. O valor médio dos dados forneceu uma recuperação de 92 ± 3%. Já no segundo conjunto de dados a recuperação do enantiômero de interesse variou de 10 a 100% quando consideradas variações da ordem de 3% na porosidade total (0,66-0,68). A recuperação média foi de 78 ± 10%. Diante disso, pode-se verificar que pequenas variações na porosidade total afetam significativamente a recuperação do produto

    Implementation of a cellulase recycling system to the hydrolysis of recycled paper sludge

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    Although 2G-biofuels have been implemented in some countries for some decades now, its economic viability remains an important drawback, hampering it to compete with fossil fuels. Great attention has been given to the discovery of new lignocellulosic substrates and strategies to reduce the amount of enzyme required for this process, both representing critical factors on the process economics. Recycled paper sludge (RPS) is an cellulosic residue obtained from paper recycling process, being mostly incinerated or disposed in landfills. In spite of being comprised by a considerable carbohydrates content, very few studies have exploited this potential. Similarly, although several works have studied the profiles of enzyme adsorption/desorption on lignocellulosic substrates, strategies of cellulase recycling have poorly been implemented so far. Here, we describe the implementation of a cellulase recycling system for the particular case of RPS hydrolysis. Following preliminary results suggesting RPS suitability to be hydrolysed and later fermented, the distribution of enzymes at the end of hydrolysis was initially investigated. For a moderate enzyme loading, 20 FPU/gcellulose, and 5 % solids, 80 % of final Cel7A activity was found in the liquid fraction, and thus can be easily recovered and reutilized in a new round. Solid-bound enzymes, which still correspond to 20 %, were efficiently recovered to an extent around 85 % applying a simple alkaline wash, enabling its equal reutilization for a new hydrolysis. Following these results, 4 consecutive rounds of hydrolysis were conducted with this substrate recovering both cellulase fractions at the end of each round. Additionally, a portion of fresh enzyme, corresponding to 20 % of the original load, was added at each round to compensate activity loss. Ethanol was produced in all rounds although with a decrease over the process, possibly reflecting a reduction on substrate saccharification. Nonetheless, this system enabled a reduction of 60 % on process enzyme corresponding to a significant improvement in the process economics. These results also demonstrate that RPS, a residue that has been widely ignored so far, can be hydrolysed, fermented and is suitable for cellulase recycling, and thus have huge potential to be employed in a bio-refinery context

    Integration of cellulases recycling with 2nd generation bioethanol production from waste paper residues

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    Nowadays, the economic feasibility of 2G-bioethanol depends on two important factors: raw material and the cost of enzymes. Using urban and industrial residues may represent a significant improvement, as it refers to a material with a negative cost and with no soil competition. One of these materials is the recycled paper sludge (RPS), which presents a considerable fraction of carbohydrates, but is currently disposed on landfills. Also, the high cost of cellulases demands immediate improvements on their efficiency, where enzyme recycling comes as a promising strategy to achieve that. Here we study the potential of RPS on 2G-bioethanol coupled with a strategy of cellulase recycling. Firstly, after determining a glucan content of only 16 % on RPS, some studies were conducted to increase this fraction. With the neutralization of the carbonates present on RPS, it was possible to considerably increase glucans content to 30 %. Using this new material and employing a high dosage of celluclast, an 86 % saccharification efficiency was obtained within 48 hours at a temperature of 30ºC. Measurements of enzymatic activity in the different fractions indicated a high degree of total activity conservation during the hydrolysis process. Also, it was observed that 84 % of the initial total activity remained on the liquid fraction after hydrolysis, confirming the high potential for enzyme recycling. Current efforts aim the improvement of hydrolysis kinetics using higher temperatures, close to the optimum conditions for cellulases action. However, considering the negative effects of these conditions, a higher thermostability system is required, which will be pursued in the following studies