8 research outputs found

    Short and long term results of the laparoscopic Heller–Dor myotomy. The influence of age and previous conservative therapies

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    Analisi dei risultati della terapia chirurgica dell'acalasia esofagea con tecnica di Heller-Dor laparoscopica in pazienti anziani con e senza dilatazione pneumatica pregress

    Comparison of methods for logic-query implementation

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    AbstractA logic query Q is a triple < G, LP, D, where G is the query goal, LP is a logic program without function symbols, and D is a set of facts, possibly stored as tuples of a relational database. The answers of Q are all facts that can be inferred from LP âˆȘ D and unify with G. A logic query is bound if some argument of the query goal is a constant; it is canonical strongly linear (a CSL query) if LP contains exactly one recursive rule and this rule is linear, i.e., only one recursive predicate occurs in its body. In this paper, the problem of finding the answers of a bound CSL query is studied with the aim of comparing for efficiency some well-known methods for implementing logic queries: the eager method, the counting method, and the magic-set method. It is shown that the above methods can be expressed as algorithms for finding particular paths in a directed graph associated to the query. Within this graphical formalism, a worst-case complexity analysis of the three methods is performed. It turns out that the counting method has the best upper bound for noncyclic queries. On the other hand, since the counting method is not safe if queries are cyclic, the method is extended to safely implement this kind of queries as well

    Laparoscopic One-Stage vs Endoscopic Plus Laparoscopic Management of Common Bile Duct Stones – A Prospective Randomized Study

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    Improvements in diagnostic and operative approach to CBD stones associated with cholelithiasis allow the surgeon to treat in a single stage the disease through a laparoscopic approach, The AA report the results of a prospective randomised study comparing this approach to a a double stage endoscopic plus laparoscopic cholecistectomy in 124 patients. techniques and procedures are referred and the results are statistically analysed. the outcome of the two procedures were recorded as success or failure according to the complete clearance of the CB

    Laparoscopic one-stage vs. Endoscopic plus laparoscopic management of Common Bile Duc Stones. A prospective randomized study.

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    Improvements in diagnostic and operative approach to CBD stones associated with cholelithiasis allow the surgeon to treat in a single stage the disease through a laparoscopic approach, The AA report the results of a prospective randomised study comparing this approach to a a double stage endoscopic plus laparoscopic cholecistectomy in 124 patients. techniques and procedures are referred and the results are statistically analysed. the outcome of the two procedures were recorded as success or failure according to the complete clearance of the CB

    Inguinal hernia repair under local anaesthesia in elderly patients: results of a prospective study

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    A prospective study has been accomplished evaluating the outcome of inguinal prosthetic repair under local anaesthesia in patients over 70 years looking at the compliance, the surgical outcome and the return to a normal life according to the functional recover

    Laparoscopic treatment of recurrent incisional hernia: our experience.

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    Recurrent incisional hernia could be a challenge to the surgeon, laparoscopic approach allows to treat the pathology without further manipulation of the abdominal wall, it seems to be safe and effective in our experience related to 25 pts treated by laparoscopic implantantion of a double-layer mes