3 research outputs found

    An open access database of plant species suitable for usefull for controlling soil erosion and substrate mass movement

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    The risk of shallow landslides and erosion has increased enormously over the last decade, often due to poor management or a lack of understanding of basic soil instability processes. Although the planting of vegetation is widely acknowledged as improving soil conservation on slopes, how to plant and manage a vegetated slope over time can be problematic. Correct identification of the mass-wasting process and site characterization is necessary before choosing the plant species best suited to a site. To aid the site manager choose the most appropriate species, we have developed an open access database ‘Stability,’ containing species sorted by their utility for retaining soil on slopes subject to shallow landslides, wind and water erosion. The list of species was compiled from the literature and suitability is based on ecological attributes, shoot and root traits. The database is open to experts who can add new information via a website, whereas the general public can access the data freely: http://publish.plantnet-project.org/project/stability_e

    How biologically formed macropores influence subsurface flow

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    How biologically formed macropores influence subsurface flow. EcoSummit 2016 Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Chang

    Tropical forest structure and understorey determine subsurface flow through biopores formed by plant roots

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    International audienceErosion and mass wasting processes on mountain slopes can benefit from or be adversely affected by the presence of biopores formed by plant root systems or soil fauna. The relationship between biopores and subsurface flow during rainstorms is poorly understood. Here, we examined the link between subsurface flow and biopores formed through different processes, including soil faunal activity and abundance of fine and coarse roots. As the distribution of biopores is influenced by the type of vegetation present, we investigated the effect of plant diversity (forest with or without understorey vegetation) on the pattern of water infiltration throughout the soil. We hypothesized that increased species diversity would enhance the extension of subsurface flow because biopores would be distributed throughout the soil profile and that more coarse roots would create large biopores, increasing subsurface flow. In situ experiments were conducted on hillslopes with plantations of rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) growing on terraces, or with secondary mixed forests, in the tropical zone of Yunnan province, China. Three sites with Ferralsol soils and different vegetation types were examined: (1) plantation with no understorey; (2) clear-cut plantation with understorey; and (3) secondary mixed forest with understorey. Irrigation experiments with Brilliant Blue FCF dyed water were performed upslope of trees at each site and staining patterns resulting from infiltrated dyed water were examined at two different scales. After dye irrigation, soil was removed in 1.0 × 0.8 m slices starting 1 m downslope and soil profiles were photographed for subsequent mapping of dyed areas in the profile (macroscale). Each profile was then divided into a 0.1 × 0.1 m grid (microscale) and burrows formed by macrofauna and fine and coarse root densities were measured. At the macroscale, the greatest lateral extension in subsurface flow occurred in the natural forest and the least in the rubber tree plantation with no understorey vegetation. At the microscale, and in all types of vegetation, fine roots significantly increased the incidence of subsurface flow compared to coarse roots and macrofauna activity. We conclude that in tropical Ferralsols, fine roots, and hence understorey vegetation, play a positive role in promoting subsurface flow and therefore reducing water erosion and mass wasting processes. Thus, planting mixtures that include a diversity of species and strata could significantly improve soil conservation