124 research outputs found

    Delays in IP routers, a Markov model

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    Delays in routers are an important component of end-to-end delay and therefore have a significant impact on quality of service. While the other component, the propagation time, is easy to predict as the distance divided by the speed of light inside the link, the queueing delays of packets inside routers depend on the current, usually dynamically changing congestion and on the stochastic features of the flows. We use a Markov model taking into account the distribution of the size of packets and self-similarity of incoming flows to investigate their impact on the queueing delays and their dynamics

    Clinical Cell Therapy Guidelines for Neurorestoration (IANR/CANR 2017)

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    Cell therapy has been shown to be a key clinical therapeutic option for central nervous system diseases or damage. Standardization of clinical cell therapy procedures is an important task for professional associations devoted to cell therapy. The Chinese Branch of the International Association of Neurorestoratology (IANR) completed the first set of guidelines governing the clinical application of neurorestoration in 2011. The IANR and the Chinese Association of Neurorestoratology (CANR) collaborated to propose the current version "Clinical Cell Therapy Guidelines for Neurorestoration (IANR/CANR 2017)". The IANR council board members and CANR committee members approved this proposal on September 1, 2016, and recommend it to clinical practitioners of cellular therapy. These guidelines include items of cell type nomenclature, cell quality control, minimal suggested cell doses, patient-informed consent, indications for undergoing cell therapy, contraindications for undergoing cell therapy, documentation of procedure and therapy, safety evaluation, efficacy evaluation, policy of repeated treatments, do not charge patients for unproven therapies, basic principles of cell therapy, and publishing responsibility

    Reducing the development gaps between regions in Poland with the use of European Union funds

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    The paper evaluates the processes of regional income convergence in Poland. This new research approach involves an attempt to assess the process of convergence from the point of view of development gaps. Six key development gaps were considered in the region of Eastern Poland, which is a singular case, significantly different from other regions. A dynamic panel data model was applied to investigate the impact of EU funds on the progress made towards closing these development gaps. Among the analysed development gaps, only the structural gap was not reduced in the period 2004–2015. Studies have also revealed the different impact of structural funds on each category of development gaps (a positive impact on reducing the regional transport accessibility gap and the investment gap, but negative – on reducing the innovation gap). Research has suggested the need for a change in the structure of using EU funds in the period 2014–2020 to favour stronger support for entrepreneurship and the creation of new jobs. Greater stimulation of the economic structure of peripheral regions has been proposed as the prerequisite for the future reduction in the discrepancies between regions and for the intensification of convergence. First published online 2 April 201

    XLIV Konferencja Komitetu Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu PAN: nauka, technologia i innowacje w żywności i żywieniu

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    Streszczenia w jęz. angielskimWydarzenie: XLIV Konferencja Komitetu Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu PAN; Łódź, 3-4 lipca 2019 r.; http://pan.binoz.p.lodz.plOrganizator konferencji: Wydział Biotechnologii i Nauk o Żywności PŁ; Komitet Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu PAN; Polskie Towarzystwo Technologów ŻywnościProjekt graficzny okładki: Grzelczyk, J.Projekt graficzny okładki: Klewicki, R.Skład: Oracz, J.Za treść zamieszczonych materiałów odpowiadają ich autorzy.Sesje Naukowe Komitetu Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu Polskiej Akademii Nauk (KNoŻiŻ PAN) są organizowane przez krajowe ośrodki akademickie związane z naukami o żywności i żywieniu w dwuletnich cyklach. Sesje te stanowią największe w skali kraju forum prezentacji najnowszych osiągnięć naukowych i technologicznych w dziedzinie technologii żywności i żywienia człowieka, jak również wymiany poglądów oraz doświadczeń pracowników jednostek naukowych i przedstawicieli przemysłu spożywczego. Tematyka XLIV Sesji dotyczyć będzie szeroko pojętej problematyki związanej z oddziaływaniem żywności i odżywiania na zdrowie człowieka

    Geochemistry and petrology of the Upper Silurian greywackes from the Holy Cross Mountains (central Poland) : implications for the Caledonian history of the southern part of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ)

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    The Ludlovian greywackes of the Holy Cross Mountains (HCM) represent a part of the sedimentary cover of the Łysogóry and Małopolska terranes located in the Trans-European Suture Zone, central Poland. The rocks form the sedimentary infill of the Caledonian foreland basin that developed at the Tornquist margin of Laurussia and had source-areas located on the orogen side of the basin. Until the present, the source terrane of the basin has not been identified in its potential location – at the south-west margin of the East European Platform. The Ludlovian greywackes of both parts of the HCM show a lot of similarities in clast spectrum, timing, and geochemical features, which implies similar sources of the clastic material. The petrographic modal composition and geochemical features indicate recycled orogen signatures with a distinct undissected, evolved magmatic arc component. The latter is particularly evident from the extraclast spectrum that contains andesite, trachyte and dacite clasts. Beside the volcanic rocks, the source area consisted of sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks with high amounts of cherts. The geochemical and petrological features in the rock succession point to an evolution of the tectonic setting from an active to a more passive margin type indicating synorogenic formation of the studied rocks. Based on the rock record, we suggest that the Upper Silurian greywackes originated as a result of the collision of the Tornquist margin of Laurussia with a volcanic arc (here: the Teisseyre Arc) – located probably at the easternmost extent of the Avalonian Plate. In this scenario, the arc-continent orogen was composed of an uplifted filling of the forearc basin, an accretionary prism, volcanic arc rocks, and an exhumed foreland basement - analogously to the present-day Taiwan orogen. The second key issue is the palaeogeographical relation between the Małopolska (Kielce Region) and the Łysogóry terranes in the Late Silurian. Despite the analogous grain composition and clast types, the Łysogóry Region greywackes are composed of distinctly more altered detritus, which is in accordance with the more distal character of the Łysogóry Basin. The latter is manifested, e.g., in the lack of Caledonian deformations. The present-day adjacency of both domains containing correlative greywacke formations coupled with contrasting alteration and Late Silurian transport directions parallel to the terrane boundary imply small to medium-scale (below palaeomagnetic resolution) left-lateral movements of the Małopolska and Łysogóry crustal blocks along the Holy Cross Fault in post-Silurian times