2 research outputs found
NOAA-GFDL/FMS: 2023.04
<h2>[2023.04] - 2023-12-04</h2>
<h3>Known Issues</h3>
<li>GCC 9 and below as well as GCC 11.1.0 are unsupported due to compilation issues. See prior releases for more details.</li>
<li><code>NO_QUAD_PRECISION</code> macro is no longer set by FMS, the <code>ENABLE_QUAD_PRECISION</code> macro has replaced prior usage of <code>NO_QUAD_PRECISION</code>. <code>-DENABLE_QUAD_PRECISION</code> should be set if quad precision is to be used, otherwise FMS will not use quad precision reals where applicable.</li>
<li>DATA_OVERRIDE: A new namelist flag <code>use_data_table_yaml</code> has been added to enable usage of the yaml format data_override tables. This allows an executable built with yaml support be able to accept either format.</li>
<li>RESERVED KEYWORD CHANGES: Various routines in FMS have been updated to not use fortran keywords for variable names. The names changed were: <code>data</code>, <code>unit</code>, and <code>value</code>. This may affect usage of external code if argument names are explicitly used. Only required arguement names were changed to mitigate any breaking changes.</li>
<li>TESTS: Changes the testing scripts to allow for the <code>MPI_LAUNCHER</code> environment variable override to work with any provided arguments.</li>
<li>CMAKE: Fixed build issue with CMake where precision default flags were being overwritten when using GNU and MPICH.</li>
<li>AUTOTOOLS: Fixes issue affecting installs where the global libFMS.F90 module was not being installed correctly and adds post-install message.</li>
<li>DIAG_MANAGER: Fixes issue with incorrect start_time functionality (from the 2023.02.01 patch)</li>
<h3>Tag Commit Hashes</h3>
<li>2023.04-beta1 be1856c45accfe2fb15953c5f51e0d58a8816882</li>