4 research outputs found

    Dos nuevas versiones breves del Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire y su relación con la depresión y ansiedad

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    The Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) (Garnefski, et al., 2001) is a 36-item instrument for measuring cognitive strategies of emotional regulation. There is a brief, 18-item version that measures the same nine strategies as the full version (Garnefski and Kraaij, 2006a). The aim of this study was to develop a brief form of the CERQ, taking into account two different proposals: a 27-item and an 18-item instrument, the latter focusing solely on the assessment of the two general factors obtained in the second-order structure of the original CERQ model and identified in previous studies as adaptive strategies and less adaptive strategies. Participants in the study were 872 individuals aged 18-58 (mean 33.86, SD=8.43). The confirmatory factor analyses yield adequate overall indices in both versions, together with satisfactory validity. In the discussion, it is argued that the 27-item version is more appropriate for the specific rating of the nine regulation strategies people employ, and we propose the 18-item version as a suitable instrument in clinical context for an overall rating of an individual’s cognitive emotion regulation profile, furthermore, the criterion validity with depression and anxiety keeps similar to the larger versions. El Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) (Garnefski, et al., 2001) es un instrumento de 36 ítems que mide las estrategias cognitivas de la regulación emocional. Hay una versión breve de 18 elementos que mide las mismas nueve estrategias que la versión completa (Garnefski y Kraaij, 2006a). El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar una versión breve, teniendo en cuenta dos propuestas: un instrumento de 27 ítems y otro de 18, el cual se centra exclusivamente en la evaluación de los dos factores generales obtenidos en la estructura de segundo orden del CERQ original e identificado en estudios previos como estrategias adaptativas y estrategias menos adaptativas. Los participantes en el estudio fueron 872 personas de 18 a 58 años (M = 33.86; DT = 8.43). El análisis factorial confirmatorio, proporciona índices globales adecuados en ambas versiones, junto con una validez satisfactoria. En la discusión, se argumenta que la versión de 27 ítems es más apropiada para la evaluación específica de las nueve estrategias de regulación que emplean las personas, y proponemos la versión de 18 ítems como un instrumento adecuado en el contexto clínico para una calificación global del perfil de regulación emocional cognitiva, además, la validez de criterio con depresión y ansiedad se mantiene similar a las versiones completas

    Exploiting the passenger ACO1-deficiency arising from 9p21 deletions to kill T-cell lymphoblastic neoplasia cells

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    Precursor T-cell lymphoblastic neoplasms are aggressive malignancies in need for more effective and specific therapeutic treatments. A significant fraction of these neoplasms harbor deletions on the locus 9p21, targeting the tumor suppressor CDKN2A but also deleting the aconitase 1 (ACO1) gene, a neighboring housekeeping gene involved in cytoplasm and mitochondrial metabolism. Here we show that reducing the aconitase activity with fluorocitrate decreases the viability of T-cell lymphoblastic neoplasia cells in correlation to the differential aconitase expression. The consequences of the treatment were evidenced in vitro using T-cell lymphoblastic neoplasia cell lines exhibiting 9p21 deletions and variable levels of ACO1 expression or activity. Similar results were observed in melanoma cell lines, suggesting a true potential for fluorocitrate in different cancer types. Notably, ectopic expression of ACO1 alleviated the susceptibility of cell lines to fluorocitrate and, conversely, knockdown experiments increased susceptibility of resistant cell lines. These findings were confirmed in vivo on athymic nude mice by using tumor xenografts derived from two T-cell lines with different levels of ACO1. Taken together, our results indicate that the non-targeted ACO1 deficiency induced by common deletions exerts a collateral cellular lethality that can be used as a novel therapeutic strategy in the treatment of several types of cancerInstituto de Salud Carlos III (ACCI-CIBERER-17); Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SAF2015-70561 R;MINECO/FEDER, EU); Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTI2018-093330-B-I00; MCIU/FEDER, EU); Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (B2017/BMD-3778; LINFOMAS-CM); Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC, 2018; PROYE18054PIRI); Fundación Ramón Areces (CIVP19S7917); Institutional grants from Fundación Ramón Areces and Banco de Santander to Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa are also acknowledge

    Two new brief versions of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and its relationships with depression and anxiety

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    El Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) (Garnefski, et al., 2001) es un instrumento de 36 ítems que mide las estrategias cogniti- vas de la regulación emocional. Hay una versión breve de 18 elementos que mide las mismas nueve estrategias que la versión completa (Garnefski y Kraaij, 2006a). El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar una versión breve, teniendo en cuenta dos propuestas: un instrumento de 27 ítems y otro de 18, el cual se centra exclusivamente en la evaluación de los dos factores ge- nerales obtenidos en la estructura de segundo orden del CERQ original e identificado en estudios previos como estrategias adaptativas y estrategias menos adaptativas. Los participantes en el estudio fueron 872 personas de 18 a 58 años (M = 33.86; DT = 8.43). El análisis factorial confirmatorio, proporciona índices globales adecuados en ambas versiones, junto con una validez satisfactoria. En la discusión, se argumenta que la versión de 27 ítems es más apropiada para la evaluación específica de las nueve estrategias de regulación que emplean las personas, y proponemos la versión de 18 ítems como un instrumento adecuado en el contexto clínico para una califi- cación global del perfil de regulación emocional cognitiva, además, la vali- dez de criterio con depresión y ansiedad se mantiene similar a las versiones completas.The Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) (Garnefski et al., 2001) is a 36-item instrument for measuring cognitive strategies of emotional regulation. There is a brief, 18-item version that measures the same nine strategies as the full version (Garnefski & Kraaij, 2006a). The aim of this study was to develop a brief form of the CERQ, taking into account two different proposals: a 27-item and an 18-item in- strument, the latter focusing solely on the assessment of the two general factors obtained in the second-order structure of the original CERQ model and identified in previous studies as adaptive strategies and less adaptive strate- gies. Participants in the study were 872 individuals aged 18-58 (M = 33.86, SD = 8.43). The confirmatory factor analyses yield adequate overall indices in both versions, together with satisfactory validity. In the discussion, it is argued that the 27-item version is more appropriate for the specific rating of the nine regulation strategies people employ, and we propose the 18- item version as a suitable instrument in clinical context for an overall rating of an individual’s cognitive emotion regulation profile, furthermore, the cri- terion validity with depression and anxiety keeps similar to the larger ver- sions