888 research outputs found

    Difficulty degree of the measuring instruments (multiple choice) in Morphophysiology

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    After an evaluation has been being administered and scored, it is convenient to analyze each of its items. This procedure gives information about the degree of difficulty determined by the amount of correct answers provided by the student. The degree of difficulty is calculated dividing following number of correct answers by the total number of students. It varies between values close to 0 (when the item is difficult) or to 1 (when it is of low difficulty). We analyzed 8 multiple choice items taken by 99 Physiology course students of the Dentistry School. The degree of difficulty for the items under analysis were: 0.73; 0.46; 0.35; 0.42; 0.53; 0.50; 0.68; 0.83, respectively. The lowest difficulty item was number 8 whereas the most difficult was item number 3. This instrument should be correlated with other didactic elements in order to take decisions.Resumen publicado en Ciencias Morfológicas, vol. 10, no. 2, 2012.Facultad de Odontologí

    Implication of teaching strategies on partial and final integrating examinations

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    We considered the academic performance of the students of the course in Physiology I during the first semester of the year 2008. We compared the results of expository classes, using different strategies Material and methods: 238 students were examined. Group “A” (119 students); group “B”(119 students). During the course both groups were evaluated three times with the same evaluation instrument. At the end of the semester each group sat for an integrating exam consisting in five open questions.Resumen publicado en Biocell, vol. 33, no. 2, 2009.Facultad de Odontologí

    Difficulty degree of the measuring instruments (multiple choice) in Morphophysiology

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    After an evaluation has been being administered and scored, it is convenient to analyze each of its items. This procedure gives information about the degree of difficulty determined by the amount of correct answers provided by the student. The degree of difficulty is calculated dividing following number of correct answers by the total number of students. It varies between values close to 0 (when the item is difficult) or to 1 (when it is of low difficulty). We analyzed 8 multiple choice items taken by 99 Physiology course students of the Dentistry School. The degree of difficulty for the items under analysis were: 0.73; 0.46; 0.35; 0.42; 0.53; 0.50; 0.68; 0.83, respectively. The lowest difficulty item was number 8 whereas the most difficult was item number 3. This instrument should be correlated with other didactic elements in order to take decisions.Resumen publicado en Ciencias Morfológicas, vol. 10, no. 2, 2012.Facultad de Odontologí

    Different assessment instruments in Morphophysiology

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    Assessment is a quality control system that determines the efficacy of the teaching process. As teachers of the School of Dentistry, we consider only one or two summative evaluations insufficient as controls for learning. For this purpose, we implemented daily assessment mechanisms using different instruments. The selected instruments were: 1) open book synthesis: emphasizing problem solving; 2) open questions: clear and precise interrogates; 3) conceptual maps: the concepts should be hierarchically related with an inner coherence; 4) multiple choice test (type I and II): the student should choose one answer from several options; 5) puzzles (type I and II), designed for stimulation of intellectual, sensorial and affective areas; 6) fill in the blanks sentences: principles, norms, regulations or statements where the main words have been deleted and the blank left to be properly fulfilled; 7) matching test: two series of data are presented and the student should match those that correspond; and 8) multiple election test.Resumen publicado en Ciencias Morfológicas, vol. 10, no. 2, 2012.Facultad de Odontologí

    Implication of teaching strategies on partial and final integrating examinations

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    We considered the academic performance of the students of the course in Physiology I during the first semester of the year 2008. We compared the results of expository classes, using different strategies Material and methods: 238 students were examined. Group “A” (119 students); group “B”(119 students). During the course both groups were evaluated three times with the same evaluation instrument. At the end of the semester each group sat for an integrating exam consisting in five open questions.Resumen publicado en Biocell, vol. 33, no. 2, 2009.Facultad de Odontologí

    Different assessment instruments in Morphophysiology

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    Assessment is a quality control system that determines the efficacy of the teaching process. As teachers of the School of Dentistry, we consider only one or two summative evaluations insufficient as controls for learning. For this purpose, we implemented daily assessment mechanisms using different instruments. The selected instruments were: 1) open book synthesis: emphasizing problem solving; 2) open questions: clear and precise interrogates; 3) conceptual maps: the concepts should be hierarchically related with an inner coherence; 4) multiple choice test (type I and II): the student should choose one answer from several options; 5) puzzles (type I and II), designed for stimulation of intellectual, sensorial and affective areas; 6) fill in the blanks sentences: principles, norms, regulations or statements where the main words have been deleted and the blank left to be properly fulfilled; 7) matching test: two series of data are presented and the student should match those that correspond; and 8) multiple election test.Resumen publicado en Ciencias Morfológicas, vol. 10, no. 2, 2012.Facultad de Odontologí

    Different assessment instruments in Morphophysiology

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    Assessment is a quality control system that determines the efficacy of the teaching process. As teachers of the School of Dentistry, we consider only one or two summative evaluations insufficient as controls for learning. For this purpose, we implemented daily assessment mechanisms using different instruments. The selected instruments were: 1) open book synthesis: emphasizing problem solving; 2) open questions: clear and precise interrogates; 3) conceptual maps: the concepts should be hierarchically related with an inner coherence; 4) multiple choice test (type I and II): the student should choose one answer from several options; 5) puzzles (type I and II), designed for stimulation of intellectual, sensorial and affective areas; 6) fill in the blanks sentences: principles, norms, regulations or statements where the main words have been deleted and the blank left to be properly fulfilled; 7) matching test: two series of data are presented and the student should match those that correspond; and 8) multiple election test.Resumen publicado en Ciencias Morfológicas, vol. 10, no. 2, 2012.Facultad de Odontologí

    Application of the bacterial plaque index

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    The objectives of the present work were 1) to determine the incidence of the gingival disease in adolescents, for the instrumentation of educational and preventive rules and 2) the evaluation of the preventive rules' impact in adolescents. The sample comprised 100 students, aged 14 18, from one Polimodal level school in Ensenada city.Resumen publicado en la revista Ciencias Morfológicas, vol. 9, no. 2, diciembre de 2007.Facultad de Odontologí

    Application of the bacterial plaque index

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    The objectives of the present work were 1) to determine the incidence of the gingival disease in adolescents, for the instrumentation of educational and preventive rules and 2) the evaluation of the preventive rules' impact in adolescents. The sample comprised 100 students, aged 14 18, from one Polimodal level school in Ensenada city.Resumen publicado en la revista Ciencias Morfológicas, vol. 9, no. 2, diciembre de 2007.Facultad de Odontologí

    Application of the bacterial plaque index

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    The objectives of the present work were 1) to determine the incidence of the gingival disease in adolescents, for the instrumentation of educational and preventive rules and 2) the evaluation of the preventive rules' impact in adolescents. The sample comprised 100 students, aged 14 18, from one Polimodal level school in Ensenada city.Resumen publicado en la revista Ciencias Morfológicas, vol. 9, no. 2, diciembre de 2007.Facultad de Odontologí