2 research outputs found

    Abordajes quirúrgicos de aorta: visión práctica para residentes

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    El abordaje quirúrgico adecuado es un aspecto esencial en la cirugía de aorta. Tras realizar múltiples accesos quirúrgicos en cadáveres en fresco para un curso de formación de residentes y revisar la literatura, se desarrolla de forma didáctica y práctica una visión anatómica y quirúrgica de las diferentes vías de acceso a la aorta

    Surgical anatomy applied to transperitoneal approaches of the abdominal aorta and visceral trunks. Dynamic article

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    Access to the abdominal aorta and its visceral trunks is possible through several approaches. Dissections of five cadavers performed during three National Surgical Anatomy courses applied to Aorta, Hepatobiliopancreatic and Digestive Surgery. Videos and pictures were taken throughout the dissections and showed different abdominal aorta approaches. Abdominal aorta and visceral trunks approaches: longitudinal inframesocolic access, supraceliac clamping, celiac trunk dissection, superior mesenteric artery approaches (retroperitoneal after Kocher menoeuvre, supramesocolic or inframesocolic), Cattell-Braasch manoeuvre and mattox manoeuvre: retrorenal and prerenal. Correct knowledge of the intraabdominal anatomy is necessary to perform all the abdominal aorta surgical approaches. Cadaveric dissection could help to achieve this objective. Cardiovascular and digestive surgeons need to know the possible strategies in order to choose the one which is best suited for each patient