20 research outputs found


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    Current reform of health care in Ukraine, the integration of local medical science and practice into the global one require that medical educational institutions have to prepare modern medical specialists. Postgraduate medical education plays an important role in this case. The purpose of the work was to develop a theoretical basis for assessing the mastery of practical skills of a surgeon intern for the entire period of study in the internship, using the modern achievements of digital technologies. The period of study after obtaining a diploma is called internship and makes 36 months and only 12 months of them – full-time education. To master all this diverse material during the year, both theoretically and practically, is impossible. We unknowingly ignore the more detailed consideration of those issues with which a young specialist will meet more often at the beginning of his independent activity, where more errors may occur. Mastering of practical skills is more shifted to independent study. The achievements of the twenty-first century, namely developed digital technologies, Internet and smartphones are able to help every young citizen with this. The proposed innovation is based on the “curve of training”, we also developed the mechanism for objectification of assessment of acquired skills, it can also be used for monitoring of their acquirement on-line. Taking into consideration that the only document certifying the employment of an intern is “Intern’s Diary”, we propose to change the format of its management into an electronic one. The above mentioned ideas do not require significant financial costs, but will be able to change the situation for the better already, the accounting of mastered skills will be facilitated, possibility of remote control over the mastering of skills, regardless the location of the department in which the intern works part-time. The social consequence of which will be elimination of a number of hidden problems in acquiring postgraduate education by intern surgeons and as a result a qualitatively new qualification format for a young specialist.Реформа охорони здоров’я України, яка сьогодні відбувається, інтеграція вітчизняної медичної науки і практики у світову потребують від закладів медичної освіти підготовки сучасних медичних фахівців. Велике значення при цьому відіграє післядипломна медична освіта. Метою роботи було теоретичне обґрунтування методики об’єктивізації оволодіння практичними навичками лікаря-інтерна хірурга за період навчання в інтернатурі, використовуючи сучасні досягнення обігу цифрової інформації. Період навчання після отримання диплома лікаря, на сьогодні, називається інтернатурою і складає 36 міс., з них лише 12 міс. очна форма навчання. У гонитві за засвоєнням різнопланового теоретичного матеріалу відбувається нехтування детальним розглядом питань, з якими частіше стикається молодий спеціаліст. Освоєння практичних навичок більшою мірою зміщене на самостійне опрацювання в період заочної інтернатури. Для вирішення поставленого завдання було проаналізовано ряд англомовних джерел і пропонується використати розгалужені цифрові технології, глобальну мережу «Інтернет» та смартфон, який є у кожного громадянина молодого віку. В основі запропонованої інновації знаходиться «крива навчання», а також розроблений механізм об’єктивізації оцінки набутих навичок та моніторинг їх набуття on-line. Запропоновано змінення формату єдиного документа, що засвідчує зайнятість інтерна, «Щоденник обліку роботи інтерна» на електронний. Висунута ідея не потребує значних фінансових затрат, але зможе підвищити самодисципліну серед молодих спеціалістів, полегшити облік освоєних практичних навичок, а також проводити дистанційний контроль за освоєнням практичних навичок незалежно від місця розташування відділення, в якому лікар-інтерн проходить заочну частину інтернатури. Соціальним наслідком цього буде усунення ряду прихованих проблем у набутті післядипломної освіти інтернами-хірургами і як результат якісно новий формат кваліфікації молодого спеціаліста

    Quadratic Lie algebras and quasi-exact solvability of the two-photon Rabi Hamiltonian

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    It is proved that the two-photon Rabi Hamiltonian is quasi exactly solvable on the basis of the two different quadratic Lie algebras.Comment: 10 pages. Typos correcte

    Quasi-exactly solvable quartic Bose Hamiltonians

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    We consider Hamiltonians, which are even polynomials of the forth order with the respect to Bose operators. We find subspaces, preserved by the action of Hamiltonian These subspaces, being finite-dimensional, include, nonetheless, states with an \QTR{it}{infinite} number of quasi-particles, corresponding to the original Bose operators. The basis functions look rather simple in the coherent state representation and are expressed in terms of the degenerate hypergeometric function with respect to the complex variable labeling the representation. In some particular degenerate cases they turn (up to the power factor) into the trigonometric or hyperbolic functions, Bessel functions or combinations of the exponent and Hermit polynomials. We find explicitly the relationship between coefficients at different powers of Bose operators that ensure quasi-exact solvability of Hamiltonian.Comment: 21 pages, REVTeX 3.0, no figures. In v.2 couple of misprints in English corrected. To be published in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    General approach to potentials with two known levels

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    We present the general form of potentials with two given energy levels E1E_{1}, E2E_{2} and find corresponding wave functions. These entities are expressed in terms of one function ξ(x)\xi (x) and one parameter ΔE=E2\Delta E=E_{2}-E1E_{1}. We show how the quantum numbers of both levels depend on properties of the function ξ(x)\xi (x). Our approach does not need resorting to the technique of supersymmetric (SUSY) quantum mechanics but automatically generates both the potential and superpotential.Comment: 14 pages, REVTeX 3.0. In v.2 misprints and inaccuracies in presentation corrected, discussion of 3-dim. case added. In v.3 misprint in eq. 41, several typos and inaccuracies in English corrected. To be published in J. of Phys. A: Math. Ge


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    The paper presents results of demand research for “park and ride” parking lots in the city of Kharkiv. The analysis of the previous research pertaining to demand for “park and ride” parking lots has been carried out in the paper. Disadvantages of the existing methods have been identified as well. A methodology in research on demand for “park and ride” demand for “park and ride” parking lots in the city of Kharkiv according to various characteristics. Distribution of traffic parking lots in the city of Kharkiv has been developed and it is based on modelling of transportation correspondence distribution on traffic networks and a questionnaire survey of car drivers. The obtained data have made it possible to segment the demand for drivers representing suburban areas according to frequency of visits to the city by private cars has been determined in the paper. Drivers’ satisfaction with their efficient movement through the city has been assessed in the paper. Segmentation of traffic demand in the places of possible locations for “park and ride” parking lots has been made according to urban transportation distance and on the basis of modelling distribution of transport correspondences. Quantity demanded for “park and ride” parking lots in the Kharkiv city in dependence to conditions for services has been calculated according to a questionnaire survey of car drivers. It has been established that conditions for parking services significantly determine the demand for “park and ride” parking lots. Analysis of segmentation results concerning the demand for “park and ride” parking lots has shown that under current condions demand for this type of parkings in Kharkiv is at rather low level and they are practically absent in case of 5 km urban transportation distance. Parameters demonstrating dependence of demand for “park and ride” parking lots on transportation distance through the city have beendetermined in the paper. The obtained results of the research are considered as initial data to study demand for “park and ride” parking lots.В статье приведены результаты исследований спроса на «перехватывающие» парковки в городе Харькове. Проанализированы выполненные ранее исследования по проблеме изучения спроса на них и определены недостатки существующих методов. Представлена методика исследований спроса на «перехватывающие» парковки в Харькове, которая основана на моделировании распределения транспортных корреспонденций по сети города и анкетном опросе водителей автомобилей. Полученные в результате исследований данные позволили сегментировать спрос на «перехватывающие» парковки в г. Харькове по различным признакам. Определено распределение транспортного спроса водителей пригородных зон в зависимости от регулярности поездок в город на личных автомобилях. Произведена оценка удовлетворенности водителей эффективностью их передвижений по городу. На основе моделирования распределения транспортных корреспонденций проведено сегментирование транспортного спроса в узлах возможного расположения «перехватывающих» парковок по признаку расстояния сообщения по городу. По данным анкетного опроса водителей автомобилей определена величина спроса на «перехватывающие» парковки в Харькове в зависимости от условий предоставлений услуг. Установлено, что условия предоставления услуг в парковании в значительной степени определяют спрос на «перехватывающие» парковки. Анализ результатов сегментирования спроса на «перехватывающие» парковки показал, что в современных условиях спрос на этот вид парковок в г. Харькове находится на достаточно низком уровне, а при расстоянии сообщения по городу до 5 км практически отсутствует. Определены параметры зависимости спроса на «перехватывающие» парковки от расстояния сообщения по городу. Полученные результаты исследований являются исходными данными для определения потребности в «перехватывающих» парковках

    International incidence of childhood cancer, 2001-10: A population-based registry study

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    Hypertension control during the COVID-19 pandemic: results of the MMM2021 in Russia

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    Repetitive quarantines and social restrictions during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have negatively affected the population health in general, and the control of hypertension (HTN) in particular.Aim. To evaluate the control of HTN in the Russian population during the COVID-19 period based on the results of screening for HTN May Measurement Month 2021 (MMM2021).Material and methods. During May-August 2021, 2491 participants from 11 Russian regions took part in the screening. Participation was voluntary without restrictions on sex. All participants were over 18 years of age. During the screening, blood pressure (BP) was measured three times using automatic and mechanical BP monitors. In addition, a questionnaire was filled out on behavioral risk factors, comorbidities and therapy. HTN was diagnosed with systolic BP ≥140 mmHg and/ or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg and/or taking antihypertensive therapy. The questionnaire included questions about prior COVID-19, vaccinations and their impact on the intake of antihypertensive drugs.Results. The analysis included data from 2461 respondents aged 18 to 92, of which 963 were men (39,1%). The proportion of hypertensive patients was 41,0%, while among them 59,0% took antihypertensives and 30,9% were effectively treated. In comparison with pre-pandemic period according to MMM2018-2019, the higher proportion of HTN patients in the Russian sample was revealed during MMM2021 (41,0% vs 31,3%, p<0,001) with a comparable proportion of patients receiving antihypertensive therapy (60,7% vs 59,0%, p=0,05) and treatment efficacy (28,7% vs 30,9%, p=0,36). Monotherapy was received in 44,7% of cases, while dual and triple combination therapy — in 30,9% and 14,1%, respectively. The majority of respondents (~90%) did not adjust their antihypertensive therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic.Conclusion. According to HTN screening in Russia, there is persistent ineffective control of HTN, which may be due to both the worsening pattern of behavioral risk factors, limited access to healthcare during COVID-19, and the inertia of physicians and low adherence of patients due to the asymptomatic HTN course in the majority

    Changing geographical patterns and trends in cancer incidence in children and adolescents in Europe, 1991–2010 (Automated Childhood Cancer Information System): a population-based study

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    Background: A deceleration in the increase in cancer incidence in children and adolescents has been reported in several national and regional studies in Europe. Based on a large database representing 1·3 billion person-years over the period 1991–2010, we provide a consolidated report on cancer incidence trends at ages 0–19 years. Methods: We invited all population-based cancer registries operating in European countries to participate in this population-based registry study. We requested a listing of individual records of cancer cases, including sex, age, date of birth, date of cancer diagnosis, tumour sequence number, primary site, morphology, behaviour, and the most valid basis of diagnosis. We also requested population counts in each calendar year by sex and age for the registration area, from official national sources, and specific information about the covered area and registration practices. An eligible registry could become a contributor if it provided quality data for all complete calendar years in the period 1991–2010. Incidence rates and the average annual percentage change with 95% CIs were reported for all cancers and major diagnostic groups, by region and overall, separately for children (age 0–14 years) and adolescents (age 15–19 years). We examined and quantified the stability of the trends with joinpoint analyses. Findings: For the years 1991–2010, 53 registries in 19 countries contributed a total of 180 335 unique cases. We excluded 15 162 (8·4%) of 180 335 cases due to differing practices of registration, and considered the quality indicators for the 165 173 cases included to be satisfactory. The average annual age-standardised incidence was 137·5 (95% CI 136·7–138·3) per million person-years and incidence increased significantly by 0·54% (0·44–0·65) per year in children (age 0–14 years) with no change in trend. In adolescents, the combined European incidence was 176·2 (174·4–178·0) per million person-years based on all 35 138 eligible cases and increased significantly by 0·96% (0·73–1·19) per year, although recent changes in rates among adolescents suggest a deceleration in this increasing trend. We observed temporal variations in trends by age group, geographical region, and diagnostic group. The combined age-standardised incidence of leukaemia based on 48 458 cases in children was 46·9 (46·5–47·3) per million person-years and increased significantly by 0·66% (0·48–0·84) per year. The average overall incidence of leukaemia in adolescents was 23·6 (22·9–24·3) per million person-years, based on 4702 cases, and the average annual change was 0·93% (0·49–1·37). We also observed increasing incidence of lymphoma in adolescents (average annual change 1·04% [0·65–1·44], malignant CNS tumours in children (average annual change 0·49% [0·20–0·77]), and other tumours in both children (average annual change 0·56 [0·40–0·72]) and adolescents (average annual change 1·17 [0·82–1·53]). Interpretation: Improvements in the diagnosis and registration of cancers over time could partly explain the observed increase in incidence, although some changes in underlying putative risk factors cannot be excluded. Cancer incidence trends in this young population require continued monitoring at an international level. Funding: Federal Ministry of Health of the Federal German Government, the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme, and International Agency for Research on Cancer