143 research outputs found

    Testing water-soluble carbohydrate QTL effects in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) by marker selection

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    Water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) are an important factor determining the nutritional value of grass forage and development of genetic markers for selection of WSC traits in perennial ryegrass would benefit future breeding programmes. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for WSC have been published for an F-2 ryegrass mapping family. Markers showing significant associations with these QTLs were used to design narrow-based populations with homozygosity for target QTLs. Founders were selected from within the mapping family. The divergent populations produced were analysed for WSC content in the glasshouse and the field. There was evidence of complex interactions between WSC content and other factors and traits, including the scale of assessment, time/degree of sward establishment and other forage quality parameters. Differences between the divergent pairs of the various populations were small. However, differences observed between the founder selection groups were maintained and the roles of the QTL regions in regulating forage WSC content were confirmed. In general, the individual divergent populations exploited only a limited extent of the large phenotypic variation available within the mapping family. However, this study sets the scene for exploring the opportunities for marker-assisted breeding strategies for complex traits in obligate out-breeding species, and the challenges of doing this are discussed

    Synthesis and fertility of Brassicoraphanus and ways of transferring Raphanus characters to Brassica

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    About 250 intergeneric hybrids with the genome constitution AR, AARR or ARR were obtained from over 15 000 crosses between Brassicacampestris (AA or AAAA, female parent) and Raphanussativus (RR or RRRR). The poor crossability was shown to be a consequence of various breeding barriers. The diploid and tetraploid hybrids were studied in form, fertility, chromosome association at meiosis and crossability both among the hybrids and in crosses with the parental species and Brassicanapus . x Brassicoraphanus (AARR) was backcrossed twice with B . campestris (AA), and was also crossed and backcrossed with B . napus (AACC). Form and chromosome association at meiosis in AAR and AACR hybrids were studied.Two populations of X Brassicoraphanus (AARR) were propagated and studied in more detail, partly for possible suitability as a new crop. Most plants were highly sterile because of breeding barriers, which were similar to those in the original intergeneric crosses. The increase in fertility and chromosomal stability were studied in the first three generations of the populations

    Screening Genes for Association with Loci for Nitrogen-Use Efficiency in Perennial Ryegrass by Pyrosequencing\u3csup\u3eTM\u3c/sup\u3e

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    The application of marker-assisted selection to improve quantitative traits in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is cumbersome. It requires a priori knowledge on the association of markers and genes. The knowledge on the chromosomal location of major genes for quantitative traits as well as on gene sequences is rapidly growing. However, determination of the genetic constitution of parents prior to their use in breeding still is impractical. More realistic is to collect association data along with the testing activities needed for breeding new varieties. This study uses changes in allele frequency due to selection as a criterion for gene-trait association. Selection-dependent changes are detected with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of candidate genes using DNA-pools of F2 plants differing in nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE). The procedure and its feasibility are outlined for one locus

    Specific mapping of disease resistance genes in tetraploid cut roses

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    Control of fungal diseases is a major constraint of cut-rose cultivation in greenhouses and in transportation around the world. Therefore, development of resistant cultivars is a promising way to reduce the use of chemicals required for controlling the diseases. Genetic analyses and breeding for resistance, however, are hampered by the high degree of heterozygosity and the polyploid nature of cultivated roses. Nucleotide-binding site (NBS) profiling of Van der Linden et al. (2004) was used as a tool enabling a more directed way of studying the genetics of resistance to pathogens responsible for diseases such as powdery mildew. NBS profiling is a multiplex screening technique, producing amplified resistance gene (R-gene) and resistance gene analogue (RGA) fragments by using degenerated primers based on the conserved motifs present in the NBS domain of resistance genes. Since RGAs are abundantly distributed and highly polymorphic within the plant genome, NBS profiling generates multiple markers of putative resistance genes. Twelve NBS degenerated primer/ restriction enzyme combinations were used to genotype the whole rose tetraploid K5 population (Yan, 2005) and its parents. To generate RGA profiles, the restriction enzymes: AluI, HaeIII, Mse and RsaI were used in combination with degenerated primers NBS1, NBS3, and NBS5a6. The profiles were dominantly scored resulting in 106 polymorphic RGA markers which segregated in a 1:1 or 3:1 ratio. Uni-and bi-parental simplex markers will be mapped on the two available AFLP/SSR K5 maps (Yan, 2005) with Joinmap 4.0. The resulting parental tetraploid maps will be used to dissect the genetic variation for resistance to powdery mildew resistance. Additional Rosaceae SSRs mentioned in the literature are currently tested on the K5 population to obtain allelic bridges between the tetraploid and diploid genetic maps in rose and related species in order to align them. These bridges will improve cross-ploidy comparisons in roses in order to strengthen cut rose breedin

    Investeringsimpuls riet

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    Riet is een gewas met veel nuttige functies zoals biomassaproductie voor energiewinning en de absorptie van nutriënten en zware metalen bij afvalwaterzuivering. Het doel van deze literatuurstudie is om a) riet als productief gewas te waarderen op agronomische kenmerken en te zoeken naar genetische variatie van die kenmerken die de teelt economisch en maatschappelijk verhogen en b) om om de genoemde kenmerken te kwantificeren voor Nederlandse of West-Europese omstandighede

    Selection for Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Perennial Ryegrass using Hydroponics

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    A selection method was tested for improving nitrogen use efficiency of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) using a hydroponics system that controls the plant nitrogen concentration. Divergent selection for plant production, leaf area increase and dry matter distribution in six segregating populations under limiting nitrogen supply resulted in differences between offspring of upward and downward selections larger than 20 % in most characteristics. Moderately high realized heritabilities were found for some characteristics (up to 0.88). It is concluded that early selection for nitrogen use efficiency is feasible using this hydroponics system

    Assessment of partial resistance to powdery mildew (Podosphaera pannosa) in a tetraploid rose population using a spore-suspension inoculation method

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    Powdery mildew (Podosphaera pannosa) is the most important fungal disease in greenhouse roses and is in practice controlled by fungicides. The creation of novel cultivars with durable resistance to powdery mildew is highly desirable. To understand the inheritance of mildew resistance, a tetraploid rose population with a size of 181 seedlings was obtained by crossing two tetraploid genotypes each having partial resistance. The population and its parents were tested under greenhouse conditions with two well-defined monospore isolates (2 and F1) using artificial inoculation with spore suspensions. Disease score at 11 days post-inoculation, latent period and rate of symptom development were used to describe seedling resistance. The tests for both isolates exhibited a wide and significant variation among genotypes for resistance. The distribution of the genotypic means of the disease scores was continuous and showed a considerable transgression. Statistical analysis, scatter plot of disease scores for the isolates, and correlation analyses indicated that the two isolates differed in pathogenicity. The outcome of the tests showed that the inoculation assay with spore suspensions was a reliable and effective way to screen large numbers of genotypes under greenhouse conditions for genetic and breeding studies. This is the first report on spore-suspension inoculation to be used successfully in rose

    Vigour evaluation for genetics and breeding in rose

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    Breeding of cut and pot rose cultivars for efficient production under low-energy conditions in greenhouses will be facilitated by understanding the inheritance of vigour. To get insight into the genetic variation of vigour-related traits, a diploid rose population was employed for an evaluation study in greenhouses in The Netherlands and Denmark. For all the traits investigated the population showed a continuous quantitative variation as well as a considerable transgression. For most of the traits, the genetic variation found among the tested entries was highly significant and tended to be large in comparison to the effects of genotype by environment interaction. The heritability based on means of the traits was high and ranged from 68 to 92%. Strong simple correlations (r = 0.65 to 0.95) were found among the traits shoot length, leaf area, leaf dry weight, stem dry weight, total dry weight and growth rate. The total dry weight and leaf area are suggested to be good parameters for early selection of rose genotypes with vigorous growth under suboptimal growth conditions
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