938 research outputs found

    Astrophysical SS factor for the 15N(p,γ)16O{}^{15}{\rm N}(p,\gamma){}^{16}{\rm O} reaction from RR-matrix analysis and asymptotic normalization coefficient for 16O15N+p{}^{16}{\rm O} \to {}^{15}{\rm N} + p. Is any fit acceptable?

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    The 15N(p,γ)16O^{15}{\rm N}(p,\gamma)^{16}{\rm O} reaction provides a path from the CN cycle to the CNO bi-cycle and CNO tri-cycle. The measured astrophysical factor for this reaction is dominated by resonant capture through two strong Jπ=1J^{\pi}=1^{-} resonances at ER=312E_{R}= 312 and 962 keV and direct capture to the ground state. Recently, a new measurement of the astrophysical factor for the 15N(p,γ)16O^{15}{\rm N}(p,\gamma)^{16}{\rm O} reaction has been published [P. J. LeBlanc {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. {\bf C 82}, 055804 (2010)]. The analysis has been done using the RR-matrix approach with unconstrained variation of all parameters including the asymptotic normalization coefficient (ANC). The best fit has been obtained for the square of the ANC C2=539.2C^{2}= 539.2 fm1{}^{-1}, which exceeds the previously measured value by a factor of 3\approx 3. Here we present a new RR-matrix analysis of the Notre Dame-LUNA data with the fixed within the experimental uncertainties square of the ANC C2=200.34C^{2}=200.34 fm1{}^{-1}. Rather than varying the ANC we add the contribution from a background resonance that effectively takes into account contributions from higher levels. Altogether we present 8 fits, five unconstrained and three constrained. In all the fits the ANC is fixed at the previously determined experimental value C2=200.34C^{2}=200.34 fm1{}^{-1}. For the unconstrained fit with the boundary condition Bc=Sc(E2)B_{c}=S_{c}(E_{2}), where E2E_{2} is the energy of the second level, we get S(0)=39.0±1.1S(0)=39.0 \pm 1.1 keVb and normalized χ~2=1.84{\tilde \chi}^{2}=1.84, i.e. the result which is similar to [P. J. LeBlanc {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. {\bf C 82}, 055804 (2010)]. From all our fits we get the range 33.1S(0)40.133.1 \leq S(0) \leq 40.1 keVb which overlaps with the result of [P. J. LeBlanc {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. {\bf C 82}, 055804 (2010)]. We address also physical interpretation of the fitting parameters.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Coulomb renormalization and ratio of proton and neutron asymptotic normalization coefficients for mirror nuclei

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    Asymptotic normalization coefficients (ANCs) are fundamental nuclear constants playing important role in nuclear reactions, nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics. In this paper the physical reasons of the Coulomb renormalization of the ANC are addressed. Using Pinkston-Satchler equation the ratio for the proton and neutron ANCs of mirror nuclei is obtained in terms of the Wronskians from the radial overlap functions and regular solutions of the two-body Schr\"odinger equation with the short-range interaction excluded. This ratio allows one to use microscopic overlap functions for mirror nuclei in the internal region, where they are the most accurate, to correctly predict the ratio of the ANCs for mirror nuclei, which determine the amplitudes of the tails of the overlap functions. Calculations presented for different nuclei demonstrate the Coulomb renormalization effects and independence of the ratio of the nucleon ANCs for mirror nuclei on the channel radius. This ratio is valid both for bound states and resonances. One of the goals of this paper is to draw attention on the possibility to use the Coulomb renormalized ANCs rather than the standard ones especially when the standard ANCs are too large.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    Adaptive Finite Element Methods with Inexact Solvers for the Nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann Equation

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    In this article we study adaptive finite element methods (AFEM) with inexact solvers for a class of semilinear elliptic interface problems. We are particularly interested in nonlinear problems with discontinuous diffusion coefficients, such as the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation and its regularizations. The algorithm we study consists of the standard SOLVE-ESTIMATE-MARK-REFINE procedure common to many adaptive finite element algorithms, but where the SOLVE step involves only a full solve on the coarsest level, and the remaining levels involve only single Newton updates to the previous approximate solution. We summarize a recently developed AFEM convergence theory for inexact solvers, and present a sequence of numerical experiments that give evidence that the theory does in fact predict the contraction properties of AFEM with inexact solvers. The various routines used are all designed to maintain a linear-time computational complexity.Comment: Submitted to DD20 Proceeding

    Опыт смешанного обучения основам цифровой электроники ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины

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    The article considers the practical experience of blended learning of students in the basics of digital electronics based on the use of the instrumental distance learning system DL.GSU.BY developed at the FranciskSkorinaGomelStateUniversity. There are described specialized tools for designing, modeling, debugging, and researching digital electronics devices developed specifically for learning the basics of digital electronics.В статье рассматривается практический опыт смешанного обучения студентов основам цифровой электроники на базе использования инструментальной системы дистанционного обучения DL.GSU.BY, разработанной в ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины. Описываются специализированные средства проектирования, моделирования, отладки и исследования устройств цифровой электроники, разработанные специально для обучения основам цифровой электроники

    Решение задач по информатике на тему «Сортировка»

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    The article considers the practical experience of mixed teaching first-year students the programming framework on the use of distance learning tool system DL.GSU.BY developed at the GSU. The main factors of increasing the intensity and quality of the learning process are illustrated: the integration of theory and practice, automated personalized learning, automatic knowledge testing, support and encouragement of independent work, automatic permanent visualization of the score sheet.В статье рассматривается практический опыт смешанного обучения первокурсников основам программирования на базе использования инструментальной системы дистанционного обучения DL.GSU.BY, разработанной в ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины. Иллюстрируются основные факторы повышения интенсивности и качества процесса обучения: интеграция теории и практики, автоматизированное персонализированное обучение, автоматическая проверка знаний, поддержка и поощрение самостоятельной работы, автоматическая перманентная визуализация ведомости оценок

    Bound, virtual and resonance SS-matrix poles from the Schr\"odinger equation

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    A general method, which we call the potential SS-matrix pole method, is developed for obtaining the SS-matrix pole parameters for bound, virtual and resonant states based on numerical solutions of the Schr\"odinger equation. This method is well-known for bound states. In this work we generalize it for resonant and virtual states, although the corresponding solutions increase exponentially when rr\to\infty. Concrete calculations are performed for the 1+1^+ ground and the 0+0^+ first excited states of 14N^{14}\rm{N}, the resonance 15F^{15}\rm{F} states (1/2+1/2^+, 5/2+5/2^+), low-lying states of 11Be^{11}\rm{Be} and 11N^{11}\rm{N}, and the subthreshold resonances in the proton-proton system. We also demonstrate that in the case the broad resonances their energy and width can be found from the fitting of the experimental phase shifts using the analytical expression for the elastic scattering SS-matrix. We compare the SS-matrix pole and the RR-matrix for broad s1/2s_{1/2} resonance in 15F{}^{15}{\rm F}Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures (figures 3 and 4 consist of two figures each) and 4 table

    Electromagnetic form factors in the J/\psi mass region: The case in favor of additional resonances

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    Using the results of our recent analysis of e^+e^- annihilation, we plot the curves for the diagonal and transition form factors of light hadrons in the time-like region up to the production threshold of an open charm quantum number. The comparison with existing data on the decays of J/\psi into such hadrons shows that some new resonance structures may be present in the mass range between 2 GeVand the J/\psi mass. Searching them may help in a better understanding of the mass spectrum in both the simple and a more sophisticated quark models, and in revealing the details of the three-gluon mechanism of the OZI rule breaking in K\bar K channel.Comment: Formulas are added, typo is corrected, the text is rearranged. Replaced to match the version accepted in Phys Rev

    Theory of deuteron stripping. From surface integrals to generalized RR-matrix approach

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    There are two main reasons for absence of the practical theory of stripping to resonance states which could be used by experimental groups: numerical problem of the convergence of the DWBA matrix element when the full transition operator is included and it is unclear what spectroscopic information can be extracted from the analysis of transfer reactions populating the resonance states. The purpose of this paper is to address both questions. The theory of the deuteron stripping is developed, which is based on the post continuum discretized coupled channels (CDCC) formalism going beyond of the DWBA and surface integral formulation of the reaction theory [A. S. Kadyrov et al., Ann. Phys. {\bf 324}, 1516 (2009)]. First, the formalism is developed for the DWBA and then extended to the CDCC formalism, which is ultimate goal of this work. The CDCC wave function takes into account not only the initial elastic d+Ad+ A channel but also its coupling to the deuteron breakup channel p+n+Ap + n + A missing in the DWBA. Stripping to both bound states and resonances are included. The convergence problem for stripping to resonance states is solved in the post CDCC formalism. The reaction amplitude is parametrized in terms of the reduced width amplitudes (ANCs), inverse level matrix, boundary condition and channel radius, that is the same parameters which are used in the conventional RR-matrix method. For stripping to resonance states many-level, one and two-channel cases are considered. The theory provides a consistent tool to analyze both binary resonant reactions and deuteron stripping in terms of the same parameters.Comment: 37 page