4 research outputs found

    Imagistica recidivelor locale ale cancerului glandei mamare

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    Frequent resorting to a conservative treatment, as well as to a surgical one in case of mammary cancer with mammary gland after treatment for a long period of time by making use of medical imaging. The use of imaging methods of observation permits the control of surgical, non surgical and combined effectiveness for the investigation of a possible relapse

    Les polytraumatismes

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    The polytraumatisme took the fourth place of death causes in 2001, for all groups of ages, just after the heart illnesses, cancer and cerebro-vascular illnesses. The most affected age group is the 50 years group. In spite of the successes in the medical service field, the causes of polytraumatisms are real dilemmas while curing the injured people

    Менеджмент лучевой диагностики при тетраде Фалло (ТФ)

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    Background and purpose. The aim of our study was to assess the value of imaging methods (echocardiography, thorax radiography, cardiac catheterization) in diagnosing and selecting the surgical approach to patients with FT. The goal of the study was to determine the sensitive and specific diagnostic value of echocardiography (ECOCG) for a correct decision of the therapeutic or surgical approach in patients with congenital diseases (CHD). The main objectives objectives of this research were: conceiving a normalized protocol of echocardiographic examination of a patient with CHD, defining the most important echocardiographic parameters for a correct decision of surgical treatment and for a postoperative supervision of the patients, determining the sensitivity and specificity of ECOCG in the diagnosis of CHD, carrying out a comparative analysis of imagistic methods in the diagnosis of CHD, creating an algorithm for ECOCG diagnosis and decision of surgical treatment in CHD. Materials and methods. The study included 81 patients with Fallot tetralogy and ventricular septal defect with severe stenosis of pulmonary artery, operated in the Cardiosurgical Department of the Cardiac Surgery Centre between 2003 and 2007. Conclusion. Echocardiography represents a modern non-invasive method in diagnosing the congenital heart malformations, which allow timely determination of diagnosis, defining therapeutic approach and favorable conditions for surgical intervention and postoperative monitoring. The main ECOCG parameters for the decision of therapy and estimation of the efficiency of surgical care were determined for these 2 groups of patients. A normalized protocol for ECOCG examination of a patient with CHD was conceived. The algorithms for ECOCG diagnosis and decision of surgical treatment in the case of ventricular septal defect, tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonary stenosis were created, allowing the estimation of haemodynamic disturbances and choice of cardiac surgery.Цель исследования: оценка значимости методов лучевой визуализации (ЭХОкардиография, радиография грудной клетки, катетеризация сердца) в диагностике и выборе хирургической тактики при ТФ. Целью исследования было определение чувствительности и специфичности эхокардиографии для диагностики и выбора тактики лечения пациентов с врожденными пороками сердца (ВПС). Задачи: разработка унифицированного протокола эхокардиографического исследования больных с ВПС, определение эхокардиографических параметров, наиболее важных для выбора тактики лечения и оценки результатов хирургического вмешательства, определение чувствительности и специфичности ЭХОКГ в диагностике ВПС, сравнительная оценка изобразительных методов исследования в диагностике ВПС, разработка диагностического алгоритма, способствующего определению показаний к хирургическому лечению этой категории больных. Материалы и методы. В исследовании были включены пациенты с тетрадой Фалло или дефектом межжелудочковой перегородки со значительным стенозом легочного ствола, прооперированные в отделении кардиохирургии Центра Хирургии Сердца за период 2003-2007, общим числом 81 пациент. Выводы. Эхокардиография представляет собой современный неинвазивный метод диагностики врожденных мальформаций сердца, который позволяет произвести своевременное установление диагноза, определяя терапевтический подход и оптимальное время для хирургического вмешательства, и постоперационное мониторизирование пациента. Определены наиболее важные эхокардиографически определяемые параметры для правильного выбора тактики лечения и оценки результатов хирургической коррекции больных с ВПС. Разработан унифицированный протокол эхокардиографического исследования больных с ВПС и диагностические алгоритмы ЭХОКГ для больных с ДМЖП, тетрадой Фалло и стенозом легочной артерии

    Diagnosticul diferenţiat al formaţiunilor pulmonare ovolare

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    Rezumat. Cancerul bronhopulmonar se plasează pe primul loc în rândul cauzelor mortalităţii populaţiei Republicii Moldova. Această situaţie este în dependenţă directă de calitatea diagnosticului precoce al acestuia. Un rol important îl are atât examinarea radiologică oportună, cât şi interpretarea corectă a imaginii radiologice, care este neconvingătoare. Astfel, diagnosticul precoce al cancerului bronhopulmonar, care ar asigura un efect curativ satisfăcător rezidă, în fond, în elaborarea oportună şi strictă a unui algoritm investigaţional clinic şi paraclinic complex bazat pe confruntarea şi analiza minuţioasă a fenomenelor morbide în toate afecţiunile bronhopulmonare.Summary. Bronchial-lung cancer is on the first place in the range of death rate of Moldavian population, the situation which is in the direct dependence on the quality of the early diagnostics of the latter. An important role in the early diagnostics has both X-ray control and correct interpretation ob Xray film. Thus, the early diagnostics bronchial-lung cancer which would perform a possible fulfillment of a suitable treatment generally comes from a strict maintenance of complex clinical and paraclinical algorithm of examination of patients which would base on the comparison and strict analysis of symptoms of all bronchial lung diseases