34 research outputs found


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    Na početku autor raspravlja o razlici između domovine i zavičaja. Premda zavičaj nije domovina, ipak odnos pojedinca prema njemu nije prirodna činjenica nego je tu od samog početka prisutna duhovna dimenzija. S druge strane, pojam domovine ima, uz političko-duhovne odredbe i prirodni element koji upućuje na njezinu zadanost. Autor postavlja pitanje o odnosu koji imamo prema domovini i kako ga pravno regulirati. U tom smislu, zastupa tezu da je samo građanski ustav domovinski ustav, tj. da nema domovine u despociji. Nakon ovoga, referira se na Prusiju gdje je došlo do stvaranja patriotskih osjećaja bez republikanskih institucija. Ovdje je vojska nadomjestila republiku čime je ljubav za domovinu postala služenje i spremnost za žrtvu, a ne “ljubav zakona”. Autor se zalaže za koncepciju domovine koja nije ni priroda ni ideja, nego medij našega vlastitog slobodnog djelovanja kojim se oživljava dobro. U tom se smislu domovini ne mora podanički služiti, nego se domovinska ljubav može iskazivati kao odgovorna i slobodna rasprava građana o pravednom i nepravednom. Time se pojam domovine vezuje ne samo za pisani ustav, nego za živi ustav u kojem svakodnevno sudjeluju građani zemlje koji ga tako nadograđuju.First the author discusses the distinction between the homeland and the country. Although a country is not a homeland, nevertheless the attitude of an individual to it is not a natural fact since it contains a spiritual dimension. On the other hand, the notion of the homeland – besides its political/spiritual elements – contains the natural element which makes it a given. The author investigates the attitudes that we have towards our homeland and how they can be regulated by law. He claims that only the civil constitution is the homeland constitution i.e. that there is no homeland in despotism. He then uses the example of Prussia, where the patriotic sentiments emerged without the republican institutions. The military replaced the republic, and the love for the homeland turned into the willingness to serve and sacrifice, and not into the “love of law”. The author promotes the concept of the homeland that is neither nature nor idea but a medium of our own free activity which reinforces the good. One need not serve the homeland as an underling but can manifest their love of it in an informed and free discussion among citizens about the concepts of the just and the unjust. In this way the notion of the homeland is linked not only to the written constitution but to the working constitution in which the citizens partake daily and thus amplify it

    Patriotismo constitucional

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    El poder legitimador del pueblo se basa en su capacidad de consentimiento y adhesión, que es el resultado de la realización cívica por la reconciliación civil, la cual está enmarcada en la Constitución como estructura fundamental que busca la lealtad cívica entorno del proyecto de comunidad política.patriotismo, Constitución, comunidad política

    Aus dem Wörterbuch des Unmenschen

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    Dolf Sternberger, Gerhard Storz und W. E. Süskind, Herausgeber und Mitarbeiter der "Wandlung", schrieben die Beiträge zum "Wörterbuch des Unmenschen", kritische Betrachtungen über die deutsche Sprache im Jahrhundert des "totalen Staates", zum erstenmal zwischen 1945 und 1948 für diese Zeitschrift. Ergänzt und überarbeitet, wurden sie 1957 als Buch herausgegeben und gehören seitdem zu den bedeutendsten Untersuchungen über die Sprache und deren Mißbrauch in unserer Zeit


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