12 research outputs found
Die Aufbereitung von kommunalem Abwasser druch Anwendung der Membranverfahren fĆ¼r die BewƤsserung landwirtschaftlicher FlƤchen
Komunalna otpadna voda obraÄena je hibridnim procesom koji se sastojao od membranskog bioreaktora (MBR), nanofiltracije (NF) i reverzne osmoze (RO) te je procijenjena primjena RO/NF permeata za navodnjavanje poljoprivrednih povrÅ”ina. ElektriÄna provodnost, mutnoÄa, koncentracija suspendiranih Äestica i kemijska potroÅ”nja kisika smanjeni su s MBR-om za prosjeÄno 19,1 %, 99,8 %, 100,0 % i 96,7 %. Dodatnom obradom MBR permeata s RO/NF membranama sniženi su svi parametri gdje je reverzno osmotska XLE membrana pokazala najveÄe smanjenje praÄenih parametara, a nanofiltracijska NF270 najmanje. RO/NF permeati zadovoljavaju upute Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije uz prilagodbu
elektriÄne provodnosti i natrijevog adsorpcijskog indeksa dodavanjem kalcijevih soli ili mijeÅ”anjem MBR efluenta s permeatom NF270 membrane u omjeru 50:50. Prema uputama Europske unije RO/NF permeati spadaju u Klasu A kvalitete oporabljene vode.The urban waste water treatment was a hybrid process that included a membrane bioreactor (MBR), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO). The application of RO/NF permeates for irrigation of agricultural land was assessed. Electrical conductivity, turbidity, concentration of suspended particles and chemical oxygen demand were reduced when using MBR by 19.1 %, 99.8 %, 100.0 % and 96.7 % on average. Additional treatment of MBR permeates using RO/NF membranes resulted in a reduction of all parameters. The reverse osmosis XLE membrane caused the biggest reduction in all monitored parameters, and the nanofiltration NF270 membrane caused the least. RO/NF permeates comply with the instructions of the World Health Organization, with adaptation of the electrical conductivity and sodium adsorption ratio by the addition of calcium salts or mixing the MBR effluent with the permeate of the NF270 membrane in a 50:50 ratio. According to the European Union instructions, RO/NF permeates belong to Class A quality of reused water.Kommunales Abwasser wurde durch Anwendung eines Hybridverfahrens behandelt, das Membranbioreaktor, Nanofiltration und Umkehrosmose kombinierte, und die Anwendung des in Umkehrosmose und Nanofiltration produzierten Permeats fĆ¼r die landwirtschaftliche BewƤsserung wurde beurteilt. Elektrische LeitfƤhigkeit, TrĆ¼bheit, Schwebeteilchenkonzentration und chemischer Sauerstoffverbrauch wurden mit dem Einsatz des Membranbioreaktors durchschnittlich um 19,1%, 99,8%, 100,0% und 96,7% reduziert. Nach der zusƤtzlichen Filtration des durch den Membranreaktor filtrierten Permeats durch die Umkehrosmose- und Nanofiltrationsmembranen wurden alle Parameter reduziert, wobei die Membran XLE in der Umkehrosmose die hƶchste Reduzierung der beobachteten Parameter und die Membran NF270 in der Nanofiltration die kleinste Reduzierung zeigte. Die in der Umkehrosmose und der Nanofiltration produzierten Permeate erfĆ¼llen die Richtlinien der Weltgesundheitsorganisation mit der Anpassung der elektrischen LeitfƤhigkeit und des NatriumadsorptionsverhƤltnisses durch Zusatz von Kalziumsalzen oder durch Mischen des Abwassers im Membranreaktor mit Permeat aus der Nanofiltration mit der Membran NF270 im MischverhƤltnis von 50:50. Nach den Anweisungen der EuropƤischen Union gehƶren die in der Umkehrosmose und Nanofiltration produzierten Permeate zur GĆ¼teklasse A des aufbereiteten Wassers
Die Aufbereitung von kommunalem Abwasser druch Anwendung der Membranverfahren fĆ¼r die BewƤsserung landwirtschaftlicher FlƤchen
Komunalna otpadna voda obraÄena je hibridnim procesom koji se sastojao od membranskog bioreaktora (MBR), nanofiltracije (NF) i reverzne osmoze (RO) te je procijenjena primjena RO/NF permeata za navodnjavanje poljoprivrednih povrÅ”ina. ElektriÄna provodnost, mutnoÄa, koncentracija suspendiranih Äestica i kemijska potroÅ”nja kisika smanjeni su s MBR-om za prosjeÄno 19,1 %, 99,8 %, 100,0 % i 96,7 %. Dodatnom obradom MBR permeata s RO/NF membranama sniženi su svi parametri gdje je reverzno osmotska XLE membrana pokazala najveÄe smanjenje praÄenih parametara, a nanofiltracijska NF270 najmanje. RO/NF permeati zadovoljavaju upute Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije uz prilagodbu
elektriÄne provodnosti i natrijevog adsorpcijskog indeksa dodavanjem kalcijevih soli ili mijeÅ”anjem MBR efluenta s permeatom NF270 membrane u omjeru 50:50. Prema uputama Europske unije RO/NF permeati spadaju u Klasu A kvalitete oporabljene vode.The urban waste water treatment was a hybrid process that included a membrane bioreactor (MBR), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO). The application of RO/NF permeates for irrigation of agricultural land was assessed. Electrical conductivity, turbidity, concentration of suspended particles and chemical oxygen demand were reduced when using MBR by 19.1 %, 99.8 %, 100.0 % and 96.7 % on average. Additional treatment of MBR permeates using RO/NF membranes resulted in a reduction of all parameters. The reverse osmosis XLE membrane caused the biggest reduction in all monitored parameters, and the nanofiltration NF270 membrane caused the least. RO/NF permeates comply with the instructions of the World Health Organization, with adaptation of the electrical conductivity and sodium adsorption ratio by the addition of calcium salts or mixing the MBR effluent with the permeate of the NF270 membrane in a 50:50 ratio. According to the European Union instructions, RO/NF permeates belong to Class A quality of reused water.Kommunales Abwasser wurde durch Anwendung eines Hybridverfahrens behandelt, das Membranbioreaktor, Nanofiltration und Umkehrosmose kombinierte, und die Anwendung des in Umkehrosmose und Nanofiltration produzierten Permeats fĆ¼r die landwirtschaftliche BewƤsserung wurde beurteilt. Elektrische LeitfƤhigkeit, TrĆ¼bheit, Schwebeteilchenkonzentration und chemischer Sauerstoffverbrauch wurden mit dem Einsatz des Membranbioreaktors durchschnittlich um 19,1%, 99,8%, 100,0% und 96,7% reduziert. Nach der zusƤtzlichen Filtration des durch den Membranreaktor filtrierten Permeats durch die Umkehrosmose- und Nanofiltrationsmembranen wurden alle Parameter reduziert, wobei die Membran XLE in der Umkehrosmose die hƶchste Reduzierung der beobachteten Parameter und die Membran NF270 in der Nanofiltration die kleinste Reduzierung zeigte. Die in der Umkehrosmose und der Nanofiltration produzierten Permeate erfĆ¼llen die Richtlinien der Weltgesundheitsorganisation mit der Anpassung der elektrischen LeitfƤhigkeit und des NatriumadsorptionsverhƤltnisses durch Zusatz von Kalziumsalzen oder durch Mischen des Abwassers im Membranreaktor mit Permeat aus der Nanofiltration mit der Membran NF270 im MischverhƤltnis von 50:50. Nach den Anweisungen der EuropƤischen Union gehƶren die in der Umkehrosmose und Nanofiltration produzierten Permeate zur GĆ¼teklasse A des aufbereiteten Wassers
Removal of Dyes from Textile Wastewater by Ultrafiltration Membranes
Otpadne vode tekstilne industrije pripadaju kategoriji najjaÄe oneÄiÅ”Äenih industrijskih otpadnih voda te su posebna opasnost za vodeni okoliÅ”. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati membransku uÄinkovitost zadržavanja bojila iz tekstilne otpadne vode (TOV) s komercijalnim ultrafiltracijskim (UF) membranama (GH, GK, PT, PU, PW, MW) Å”irokog podruÄja graniÄnih molekulskih masa (MWCO), od 2 do 50 kDa. Testirane UF membrane rezultirale su smanjenjem obojenja i intenziteta obojenja od 56,35 % do 97,93 %. Membrane nižih MWCO vrijednosti (ispod 3 kDa) mogu se smatrati prikladnim za uklanjanje bojila iz realnog uzorka TOV-a.
Ovo djelo je dano na koriÅ”tenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 meÄunarodna.Wastewater from the textile industry belongs to the category of the most polluted industrial wastewaters and poses a special danger to the aquatic environment. The aim of this study was to examine the membrane retention efficiency of textile wastewater (TOV) with commercial ultrafiltration (UF) membranes (GH, GK, PT, PU, PW, MW) with a wide range of molecular weight cut-off (MWCO), 2ā50 kDa. The tested UF membranes resulted in a reduction in colour and colour intensity from 56.35 % to 97.93 %. Membrane of lower MWCO values (below 3 kDa) may be suitable for removing dyes from the real TOV sample.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Treatment of Municipal Wastewater by Membrane Processes
Industrijalizacija, porast populacije i urbanizacija glavni su uzroci stvaranja sve veÄih koliÄina komunalnih otpadnih voda (KOV) koje, neobraÄene, predstavljaju ozbiljnu prijetnju prirodnim vodonosnicima. Radi zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a i prirodnih resursa potrebno je primjenjivati visokouÄinkovite i okoliÅ”u naklonjene tehnologije obrade KOV-a. Cilj ovog rada bio je obrada KOV-a naprednim membranskim postupcima; membranskim bioreaktorom (MBR) te dodatnom obradom MBR efluenta s nanofiltracijom (NF) i reverznom osmozom (RO). Laboratorijska i pilot-obrada KOV-a MBR-om rezultirala je smanjenjem kemijske potroÅ”nje kisika (KPK), biokemijske potroÅ”nje kisika (BPK5), mutnoÄe i suspendiranih tvari za viÅ”e od 92 %. MikrobioloÅ”ki parametri smanjeni su za 4,12 log10 do 4,88 log10. Naknadna obrada MBR efluenta s RO/NF membranama (XLE i NF270) pokazala je dodatno smanjenje svih mjerenih parametara.
Ovo djelo je dano na koriÅ”tenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 meÄunarodna.Industrialization, population growth, and urbanization are the main causes for the generation of increasing quantities of municipal wastewater (MWW) which, untreated, pose a serious threat to natural aquifers. In order to protect the environment and natural resources, it is necessary to use high-efficiency and environmentally friendly technologies for the treatment of MWW. The goal of this work was treatment of MWW with advanced membrane processes; membrane bioreactor (MBR) and nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO). Laboratory and pilot treatment of MWW with MBR resulted in a reduction of more than 92 % in chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), turbidity and suspended matter. The number of microbiological parameters decreased by 4.12 log10 to 4.88 log10. Subsequent treatment of MBR effluent with RO/NF membranes (XLE and NF270) further reduced all measured parameters.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Investigation of Pretreatment of Textile Wastewater for Membrane Processes and Reuse for Washing Dyeing Machines
The aim of this study was to investigate the best pretreatment of textile wastewater (TWW) for membrane separation processes and the previously unexplored reuse of treated TWW for washing dyeing machines. Sand filtration (SF), coagulation, coagulation/flocculation, and ultrafiltration (UF) with hollow fiber membrane (ZW1) were used for pretreatment. Pretreatment selection was based on turbidity, total organic carbon (TOC), and color. SF and ZW1 were found to be the best pretreatments. In addition, the SF and ZW1 effluents were subjected to the 5 (PT) and 50 (MW) kDa UF flat sheet membranes to test removal efficiency. ZW1-PT was better in terms of removal results and fouling. To reduce the use of drinking water for washing dyeing machines, the characteristics of ZW1-PT effluent were compared with drinking water from a textile factory. TWW treated with this hybrid process fulfils the purpose of reuse for washing dyeing machines and can be used in Galeb d.d., Croatia, or in any other textile factory, saving up to 26,000 m3 of drinking water per year. This contributes to both sustainable production and the conservation of water resources
OdreÄivanje toksiÄnosti ksenobiotika u vodi
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti toksiÄnost aktivnih supstancija navedenih na popisu praÄenja za tvari za koje je potrebno praÄenje diljem Unije u podruÄju vodne politike u skladu s europskom Direktivom 2008/105/EZ. To su makrolidni antibiotici, herbicidi, insekticidi, antioksidansi, nesteroidni antireumatici, estrogenski hormoni i sredstva za zaÅ”titu od sunca. Primijenjena je brza i jednostavna bioanalitiÄka metoda odreÄivanja akutne ekotoksiÄnosti ksenobiotika u vodi bakterijom Vibrio fischeri. Navedena bakterija osjetljiva je na organska oneÄiÅ”Äenja, odnosno dolazi do inhibicije rasta bakterije, Å”to se oÄituje smanjenjem njezine prirodno uroÄene luminiscencije. U tim eksperimentima mjerila se inhibicija luminiscencije bakterije dodatkom razliÄitih koncentracija otopina ksenobiotika. Mjerenja su pokazala kako svi ksenobiotici, osim 2-etil-heksil-6-metoksicinamata uzrokuju inhibiciju bakterijske kulture, a najtoksiÄniji je insekticid metiokarb
Removal, Adsorption, and Cleaning of Pharmaceutical on Polyamide RO and NF Membranes
Pharmaceuticals are present in various waters and can be almost completely rejected by membrane separation processes, i.e., nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO). Nevertheless, the adsorption of pharmaceuticals can decrease their rejection, so adsorption can be considered a very important removal mechanism. In order to increase the lifetime of the membranes, the adsorbed pharmaceuticals must be cleaned from the membrane. The used pharmaceutical (albendazole), the most common anthelmintic for threatening worms, has been shown to adsorb to the membrane (solute-membrane adsorption). In this paper, which is a novelty, commercially available cleaning reagents, NaOH/EDTA solution, and methanol (20%, 50%, and ā„99.6%) were used for pharmaceutical cleaning (desorption) of the NF/RO membranes used. The effectiveness of the cleaning was verified by Fourier-transform infrared spectra of the membranes. Of all the chemical cleaning reagents used, pure methanol was the only cleaning reagent that removed albendazole from the membranes
Effect of Textile Wastewater Secondary Effluent on UF Membrane Characteristics
The influence of textile wastewater (TWW) secondary effluent on ultrafiltration (UF) membrane characteristics was investigated. TWW treated with a membrane bioreactor was subjected to four commercial UF membranes (2, 3, 5, and 10 kDa). Both the pristine membranes and the membranes after TWW secondary effluent treatment were characterized. Surface roughness, microscopic analysis of the membrane surface and cross-section, zeta potential, contact angle, membrane composition, and membrane flux were compared. After treatment of secondary effluent, the zeta potential decreased for 5 and 10 kDa membranes, while the contact angle and surface roughness increased for all investigated membranes. In addition, a fouling layer formed on all membranes, and new interactions with pollutants and membranes were confirmed. Membranes with larger pores (5 and 10 kDa) showed a greater decrease in permeate flux during treatment. Detailed analysis showed variations in membrane characteristics after TWW secondary effluent treatment, indicating the stability of the membranes used
Behavior of Mebendazole during NF/RO Adsorption and Photolysis
The idea of using drugs from the benzimidazole group as potential antitumor agents is becoming increasingly popular and widespread in research. However, their use as antiparasitics and in cancer treatment will increase their already recorded occurrence in the aquatic environment. In this study, the removal of the anthelmintic mebendazole from aqueous solution was investigated using nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes, adsorption on granular activated carbon (GAC), and photolytic degradation. The dense NF90 and reverse osmosis XLE membranes showed almost complete removal (>97.7%), while the NF270 membrane showed a large dependence of removal on initial concentration from 41.9% to 96.6%. Adsorption in the column resulted in complete removal of mebendazole at the highest GAC height used (40 cm) from the solution with the lowest concentration (1 mg/L). Photolytic degradation by artificial light for 2 and 12 h resulted in photodegradation of mebendazole in the range of 23.5–61.4%, forming a new degradation or transformation compound with an m/z ratio of 311. Mebendazole is a photosensitive drug whose photodegradation follows first-order kinetics and depends on the drug concentration. Toxicity was studied with Vibrio fischeri before and after photolysis, and showed a decrease in inhibition after 12 h