132 research outputs found

    Evaluation of strain values of critical anatomic regions for two different pterygomaxillary approaches in Le Fort I osteotomy : an experimental study

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    The purpose of this experimental study was to measure stresses both on the pterygoid plates and the skull base following two different pterygomaxillary approaches in Le Fort I osteotomy. The prepared skull models were randomly divided into 2 groups of 7. In the first group (A), the pterygomaxillary area was left intact. In the second group (B), pterygomaxillary separation was performed with a fine bur. The stresses were measured by using strain gauges. These strain gauges were attached to 6 different anatomical sites. The skull models were mounted on a servo-hydraulic testing unit. Each model was then subjected to a continuous linear tension until a plastic deformation was seen. The statistical analyses showed that there were no significant differences (p >.05) between the 2 groups regarding the strain values. Moreover, no statistical differences (p >.05) were found between the two groups in terms of maximum applied forces. Considering the clinical conditions, the present study shows that when Le Fort I osteotomy performed without pterygomaxillary separation, there is no significant stress on the skull base during the downfracture. Moreover, it is considered that there is no need for an excessive force applied to perform downfracture in Le Fort osteotomies without pterygomaxillary separation

    Non-sendromik dudak damak yarığı hastalarında multidisipliner tedavi: 2 vaka raporu

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    Objective: It is intended in this case report to explain the multidisciplinary treatment of 2 non-syndromic cleft lip and palate patients with different approaches, the treatment phases of prosthetic rehabilitation and the results obtained. Case Reports:15-year-old unilateral cleft lip and palate patient and 25-year-old bilateral cleft lip and palate patient was admitted to our clinic with the functional and aesthetic complaints. Orthodontic, surgical and prosthetic treatments were applied Results: With multidisciplinary treatments aesthetic and functional solutions were provided. Aesthetic and functional results were obtained for both cases with fixed restorations. The treatments protocols had no complications. The outcomes were of high quality and brought satisfaction to the patients. Conclusion: Multidisciplinary treatment should be considered in cleft lip and palate patients in order to be able to fully ensure speech and hearing, continuation of occlusion and maxillofacial growth in the normal course and the improvement of physical appearance and psychological state. However, different treatment plans should be considered in its different timing for each case.Amaç: Bu vaka raporunda 2 non-sendromik dudak damak yarıklı vakanın farklı yaklaşımlarla protetik tedavisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Vaka Raporu: 15 yaşında tek taraflı dudak damak yarıklı erkek hasta ve 25 yaşında çift taraflı dudak damak yarıklı kadın hastalarımız kliniğimize estetik ve fonksiyon kaybından dolayı başvurmuşlardır. Ortodontik, cerrahi ve prostodontik yaklaşımlarla hastalara uygulanmıştır. Her iki vakada da sabit protetik restorasyonlar protokolleri uygulanan hastalarımızda herhangi bir komplikasyon gözlemlenmemiştir. Tedaviler yüksek hayat kalitesi ve memnuniyet sağlamıştır. Sonuçlar: Dudak damak yarıklı hastalarda; konuşma, maxillofacial büyümenin normal seyrinde devamı, fiziksel görünüşün arttırılması ve psikolojik durumun düzeltilmesi için multidisipliner yaklaşım gereklidir. zamanlamaları değerlendirilmelidir

    Dysaesthesia in the mental nerve distribution triggered by a foreign body: a case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Foreign bodies' entrapments in the mandibular and submandibular regions are quite common. CASE PRESENTATION: We report an unusual case of foreign body (amalgam filling) entrapment over the mental foramen causing dysaesthesia in the distribution of the mental nerve. An interesting sign was blue discoloration of the overlaying oral mucosa which was interpreted as amalgam tattooing. CONCLUSION: Surgical removal of the foreign object eliminated the reported symptoms

    Evaluation of stress distribution in critical anatomic regions following the Le Fort I osteotomy by three-dimensional finite element analysis

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    In this study, we aimed to measure the stresses both on the pterygoid plates and the cranial base during the down-fracture and at the time of pterygomaxillary osteotomy by using the finite element analysis method to have an idea about the possible causes of complications. Three different surgical approaches were applied to the obtained models. In the Model 1, Le Fort I cuts without pterygomaxillary separation was applied. In the Model 2, same standard Le Fort I cuts were applied with pterygomaxillary separation. Then both models were subjected to a force of 150 N over the anterior spina nasalis to simulate down-fracture. In the third model, same standard Le Fort I cuts were applied. Following this procedure, a force of 50 N was applied with a sharp osteotome to the pterygomaxillary junction to simulate osteotomy. According to the results of this experimental study, the cranial base stress values decreased during the down-fracture in the Model 2. Moreover, it was found that the force transmitted to the base of the skull is less when the height of the pterygomaxillary osteotome is limited to 1 cm as we applied in Model 3.Scientific Research Projects Coordinatorship of Necmettin Erbakan University, Turke

    Evaluation of stress by finite element analysis of the midface and skull base at the time of midpalatal osteotomy in models with or without pterygomaxillary dysjunction

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    Surgically-assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) is commonly used to treat skeletally mature patients with transverse discrepancies. Some osteotomies are made in areas that resist expansion, but there is no clear consensus about the sequence in which the osteotomies are made. Some clinicians do the pterygomaxillary osteotomy last, while others do it before the midpalatal osteotomy. We used the finite element method to measure the stresses on the midface, cranial base and pterygoid plates at the time of midpalatal osteotomy in two models, one with and one without pterygomaxillary dysjunction (PMD). In both, SARME consisted of maxillary bilateral osteotomy from the piriform rim to the pterygoid plate. Midpalatal osteotomy was also done in both. In the PMD model, minimum principal stresses increased on the midface, and maximum principal and von Mises stresses increased at the cranial base and on the pterygoid plates. Our results suggest that the stresses on the midface and cranial base can be reduced during midpalatal osteotomy in adults if the pterygomaxillary osteotomy is done last