11 research outputs found

    Rings with finite decomposition of identity

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    A criterion for semiprime rings with finite decomposition of identity to be prime is given. We also give a short survey on some finiteness conditions related to the decomposition of identity. We consider the notion of a net of a ring and show that the lattice of all two-sided ideals of a right semidistributive semiperfect ring is distributive. An application of decompositions of identity to groups of units is given.Наведено критерiй первинностi напiвпервинних кiлець iз скiнченним розкладом одиницi, а також короткий огляд деяких умов скiнченностi вiдносно розкладу одиницi. Розглянуто поняття сiтки кiльця i показано, що решiтка всiх двобiчних iдеалiв правого напiвдистрибутивного напiвдосконалого кiльця є дистрибутивною. Наведено застосування розкладу одиницi до груп одиниць

    Exponent matrices and Frobenius rings

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    We give a survey of results connecting the exponent matrices with Frobenius rings. In particular, we prove that for any parmutation σ ∈ Sn there exists a countable set of indecomposable Frobenius semidistributive rings Am with Nakayama permutation σ

    Gorenstein matrices

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    Let A = (aij ) be an integral matrix. We say that A is (0, 1, 2)-matrix if aij ∈ {0, 1, 2}. There exists the Gorenstein (0, 1, 2)-matrix for any permutation σ on the set {1, . . . , n} without fixed elements. For every positive integer n there exists the Gorenstein cyclic (0, 1, 2)-matrix An such that inx An = 2. If a Latin square Ln with a first row and first column (0, 1, . . . n − 1) is an exponent matrix, then n = 2m and Ln is the Cayley table of a direct product of m copies of the cyclic group of order 2. Conversely, the Cayley table Em of the elementary abelian group Gm = (2)×. . .×(2) of order 2 m is a Latin square and a Gorenstein symmetric matrix with first row (0, 1, . . . , 2 m − 1) and σ(Em) = 1 2 3 . . . 2 m − 1 2m 2 m 2 m − 1 2m − 2 . . . 2 1

    Gorenstein Latin squares

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    We introduce the notion of a Gorenstein Latin square and consider loops and quasigroups related to them. We study some properties of normalized Gorenstein Latin squares and describe all of them with order n≤8

    Tiled orders over discrete valuation rings, finite Markov chains and partially ordered sets. I

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    We prove that the quiver of tiled order over a discrete valuation ring is strongly connected and simply laced. With such quiver we associate a finite ergodic Markov chain. We introduce the notion of the index in A of a right noetherian semiperfect ring A as the maximal real eigen-value of its adjacency matrix. A tiled order Λ is integral if in Λ is an integer. Every cyclic Gorenstein tiled order is integral. In particular, in Λ = 1 if and only if Λ is hereditary. We give an example of a non-integral Gorenstein tiled order. We prove that a reduced (0, 1)-order is Gorenstein if and only if either inΛ = w(Λ) = 1, or inΛ = w(Λ) = 2, where w(Λ) is a width of Λ

    Tiled orders over discrete valuation rings, finite Markov chains and partially ordered sets. II

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    The main concept of this part of the paper is that of a reduced exponent matrix and its quiver, which is strongly connected and simply laced. We give the description of quivers of reduced Gorenstein exponent matrices whose number s of vertices is at most 7. For 2 ≤ 6 s ≤ 5 we have that all adjacency matrices of such quivers are multiples of doubly stochastic matrices. We prove that for any permutation σ on n letters without fixed elements there exists a reduced Gorenstein tiled order Λ with σ(ε) = σ. We show that for any positive integer k there exists a Gorenstein tiled order Λk with inΛk = k. The adjacency matrix of any cyclic Gorenstein order Λ is a linear combination of powers of a permutation matrix Pσ with non-negative coefficients, where σ = σ(Λ). If A is a noetherian prime semiperfect semidistributive ring of a finite global dimension, then Q(A) be a strongly connected simply laced quiver which has no loops

    Quasi-Frobenius Rings and Nakayama Permutations of Semiperfect Rings

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    We say that A is a ring with duality for simple modules, or simply a DSM-ring, if, for every simple right (left) A-module U, the dual module U* is a simple left (right) A-module. We prove that a semiperfect ring is a DSM-ring if and only if it admits a Nakayama permutation. We introduce the notion of a monomial ideal of a semiperfect ring and study the structure of hereditary semiperfect rings with monomial ideals. We consider perfect rings with monomial socles.Кільце A називається кільцем з дуальністю для простих модулів, або DSM-кільцем, якщо модуль U, дуальний до будь-якого простого правого (лівого) A-модуля U∗, с простим лівим (правим) A-модулем. Встановлено, що напівдосконале кільце є DSM-кільцем тоді і тільки тоді, коли воно допускає підстановку Накаями. Введено поняті я мопоміального ідеалу напівдоско-малого кільця та вивчено будову спадкових напівдосконалих кілець із такими ідеалами. Розглянуто досконалі кільця з мопоміальнимн цоколями

    Development procedures formalization modal knowledge, using theory fuzzy logics for real time expert systems

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    В статье предложен метод формализации модальных высказываний с использованием математического аппарата нечетких множеств. Метод обеспечивает повышение описательных возможностей, расширения используемых моделей знаний, достоверности результатов логического вывода при выработке решений в экспертных системах управления сложными объектами.У статті запропонований метод формалізації модальних висловлювань з використанням математичного апарату нечітких множин. Метод забезпечує підвищення описових можливостей, розширення використовуваних моделей знань, достовірності результатів логічного висновку при виробленні рішень в експертних системах управління складними об'єктами.In the article proposals method formalization modal knowledge, using mathematical apparatus fuzzy logics. The method of raising obespechyvaet of opportunities, expansion of used models known, logical withdrawal of results in formulation of solutions to systems management for real time expert systems