24 research outputs found

    Exploiting the social and semantic web for guided web archiving

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    The constantly growing amount of Web content and the success of the Social Web lead to increasing needs for Web archiving. These needs go beyond the pure preservation of Web pages. Web archives are turning into "community memories" that aim at building a better understanding of the public view on, e.g., celebrities, court decisions, and other events. In this paper we present the ARCOMEM architecture that uses semantic information such as entities, topics, and events complemented with information from the social Web to guide a novel Web crawler. The resulting archives are automatically enriched with semantic meta-information to ease the access and allow retrieval based on conditions that involve high-level concepts. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-33290-6_47.German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety/0325296Solland Solar Cells BVSolarWorld Innovations GmbHSCHOTT Solar AGRENA GmbHSINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES A

    Brown Dwarf: A P2P Data-Warehousing System

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    In this demonstration we present the Brown Dwarf, adistributed system designed to efficiently store, query and update multidimensional data. Deployed on any number of commodity nodes, our system manages to distribute large volumes of data over network peers on-the-fly and process queries and updates on-line through cooperating nodes that hold parts of a materialized cube. Moreover, it adapts its resources according to demand and hardware failures and is cost-effective both over the required hardware and software components. All the aforementioned functionality will be tested using various datasets and query loads

    Distributing the Power of OLAP ∗

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    In this paper we present the Brown Dwarf, a distributed system designed to efficiently store, query and update multidimensional data over an unstructured Peer-to-Peer overlay, without the use of any proprietary tool. Brown Dwarf manages to distribute a highly effective centralized structure among peers on-the-fly. Both point and aggregate queries are then naturally answered on-line through cooperating nodes that hold parts of a fully or partially materialized data cube. Updates are also performed on-line, eliminating the usually costly over-night process. Our initial evaluation on an actual testbed proves that Brown Dwarf manages to distribute the structure across the overlay nodes incurring only a small storage overhead compared to the centralized algorithm. Moreover, it accelerates cube creation up to 5 times and querying up to several tens of times by exploiting the capabilities of the available network nodes working in parallel

    Leveraging Blockchain Technology to Break the Cloud Computing Market Monopoly

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    Cloud computing offerings traditionally originate from a handful of large and well established providers, which monopolize the market, preventing small players and individuals from having a share. As a result, the few, blindly and perforce trusted entities define the prices and manage to gain a significant competitive advantage by exploiting the knowledge derived by users’ data and computations. To tackle this monopoly and empower the democratization and full decentralization of the cloud computing market, we present CloudAgora, a platform that enables any potential resource provider, ranging from individuals to large companies, to monetize idle resources competing on equal terms, and allows any cloud consumer to enjoy access to low-cost storage and computation without having to trust any central authority. The key enabler of the platform is Blockchain technology, which is used to record commitment policies through the use of smart contracts, publicly verify off-chain services, both storage and computation related, and trigger automatic micropayments. On one hand, cloud consumers have the chance to request storage or compute resources, upload data, and outsource task processing over remote, fully distributed infrastructures. Although such infrastructures cannot be a priori trusted, CloudAgora offers mechanisms to ensure the verifiable validity of the outsourced storage and computation, discourage potential providers from behaving maliciously, and incentivize participants to play fair. On the other hand, providers are able to participate in auctions, placing bids for storage or computation tasks, serve requests, and offer validity proofs upon request. Our prototype is built as a Dapp on top of Ethereum and is available as an open source project