9 research outputs found

    Оценка состояния массы тела у подростков в связи с собственными пищевыми навыками

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    Departamentul Clinic, Universitatea Dunărea de Jos, Galaţi, România, Serviciul de Asistență Medicală al Municipiului Galați, Spitalul OG Buna-Vestire, Galaţi, Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă Sf. Andrei, Galaţi, Spitalul Clinic pentru Copii Sf. Apostol Ioan, Galaţi, Conferința ştiinţifico-practică naţională cu participare internaţională ”Promovarea sănătăţii – o prioritate a sănătăţii publice” 22-24 iunie 2016 Orhei, Republica MoldovaEducational programs addressed to teenagers should be focused on the responsibility for the young generation to take decisions on different aspects of their own current and future health. Special emphasis is put on the correlation of certain food eating habits as well as on the consumption of risk substances and the lack of physical activities during childhood, with the occurrence or persistence of certain important morbidities during adulthood: obesity, type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteo-articular diseases, oncological diseases, depression.Образовательные программы, адресованные подросткам, должны быть сосредоточены и на ответственность самой молодёжи в принятии решений по различным аспектам их собственного текущего и будущего состояния здоровья. Особое внимание уделяется соотношению между некоторыми пищевыми привычками и потреблением веществ с риском для здоровья, а также отсутствием физической активности в детстве, с наступлением или сохранением некоторых важных сопутствующих заболеваний во взрослой жизни: ожирение, диабет 2-го типа, сердечно-сосудистые, костно-суставные и онкологические заболевания, депрессия и др

    Internet Addiction and the Postpartum Depression in Pandemic

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    The addiction on internet is spread on the hole globe and include all the age and social gourps. Postpartum depression is caused as also accelerated and magnified in many cases in situations of isolation (social, medical, living, professional). The own perception about isolation varies from person to person and the consequences are depending on the degree of frustration which some deprivation are inducing it. The mother has the sensation of unjustice of the destiny, that she deserves on a certain plan something more and this dissatisfaction will lead her to be  to upset, worried, undecided, anxious and ashamed, helplessness and finally depressed. The spectrum of the postpartum depression is extended up to demisive behavior (abandonment of the job, career, extended family, friends and even the husband) in many cases because of the fear not to be accepted or not to upset the others.The difficulties encountered bu the investigators and the therapists it consists precisely in the fact that it is needed to define correct and concrete this subjective experiences and also to measure them and to correlate them with the actions and the evaluated consequences of the patients actions. The bet with destiny which the woman made it many times, she tries in the moment of depression that she has lost, and just her baby can become the existential motivation to go further and this happens often to mothers with a psychovulnerabilizant family hystory and there are situations in which this assumption seems to look very bad for the women and so the women tries to argue and to justify some of her behaviors.This hard journey form denial to awareness and afterhtat assumption and reconciliation can be traversed with specialised help focused focused on the mother who wants to manage her past in a new setting.</em

    Оценка статуса питания и привычек питания у спортсменов

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    Departamentul Clinic, Facultatea Medicină şi Farmacie, Universitatea Dunărea de Jos, Galaţi, România, Conferința ştiinţifico-practică naţională cu participare internaţională ”Promovarea sănătăţii – o prioritate a sănătăţii publice” 22-24 iunie 2016 Orhei, Republica MoldovaThe principles of healthy eating nutritional recommendations found in athletes, however, in their case, the caloric and nutritional adaptations specific target: age, type of sport, stage preparation, timing and conduct of the exercise. The present study aims to evaluate the dietary and nutritional status of a batch of 62 male athletes, aged 12 to 18 years in professional Football Sports Club „Danube – Galati”.Принципы здорового питания описаны в рекомендациях по питанию спортсменов, однако необходимо приспособить калории в зависимости от возраста, практикуемого спорта, этапа подготовки и видов упражнений. В статье авторы оценивают питательный рацион и привычки питания у 62-х спортсменов-мужчин, в возрасте от 12 до 18 лет, профессиональных футболистов спортивного клуба «Дунай – Галаць»

    Postoperative pain after total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy depending on the type of anaesthesia administration

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    Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is a surgical procedure frequently associated with severe or moderate postoperative pain. We conducted a retrospective study on 90 patients who underwent this procedure. One part of the patients (58; 64.4%) was administered bupivacaine 5% without intrathecal opioid administration. The other part (32; 35.6%) underwent general anaesthesia with endotracheal intubation. We evaluated the postoperative analgesic requirements based on the type of anaesthesia used and other factors like age, environment and body mass index. The findings indicated that the patients who received general anaesthesia with endotracheal intubation developed severe postoperative pain more frequently than those who underwent spinal anaesthesia (P = 0.018). A higher percentage of patients from rural areas scored lower in postoperative pain intensity on the numerical rating scale (P = 0.033). There was no statistically significant correlation regarding postoperative pain and age or body mass index

    MRI Findings in Axial Psoriatic Spondylarthritis

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    Psoriatic arthritis is a significant medical condition with a high prevalence, a wide variety of non-specific symptoms, and a high degree of overlap with other spondylarthritis disorders, particularly ankylosing spondylitis. Hence, knowledge of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) manifestations and a multidisciplinary strategy are required for the better management of these patients. We searched publications from the last 10 years and focused on the most relevant ones which discussed the classification criteria, the MRI characteristics of axial psoriatic arthritis, the importance of MRI for follow up, and the reliability of skin and synovial biopsy. Axial spondylarthritis can be diagnosed and followed up on using the well-established MRI technique and, additionally, a biopsy. The analysis and concordance between them can provide new directions for future studies

    Antiviral Therapy of Chronic Hepatitis B Virus between Present and Future

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    Background/Objectives: The objective of this study was to analyze the results of clinical trials regarding long-term antiviral therapies in chronic hepatitis with HBV to compare current therapeutic protocols and to analyze the results of preliminary studies with new antiviral therapies for HBV. Methods: Clinical studies and meta-analyses from PubMed, Google Scholar, and Research Gate from 2011 to 2024 were analyzed on patients undergoing chronic antiviral therapy for HBV, and a retrospective observational study performed in our clinic on a group of 76 patients undergoing chronic therapy with entecavir was presented. Also, a summary of the results of preliminary studies with various innovative antiviral molecules for HBV was performed. Results: The results of extensive clinical trials reveal that current therapies for chronic HBV are well tolerated and maintain good viral suppression if the patient is adherent to therapy. Innovative therapies aim to eliminate HBsAg and, thus, significantly shorten the duration of treatment, and the preliminary results of the studies are promising. Conclusions: Being an asymptomatic condition that requires life-long therapy, adherence to therapy is a real problem. Also, the risk of decompensation of liver cirrhosis and adenocarcinoma remains important in these patients. Future research is needed to perfect some antiviral therapy schemes that shorten the treatment period but also decrease the rate of progression towards decompensated cirrhosis and liver adenocarcinoma

    Proceedings of The 8th Romanian National HIV/AIDS Congress and The 3rd Central European HIV Forum

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