16 research outputs found

    L’image politique comme manifeste ? ConsidĂ©rations sur la fresque des saints rois dans l’église (luthĂ©rienne) de MălĂąncrav (xve siĂšcle)

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    L’article propose une nouvelle interprĂ©tation des significations de la fresque des rois saints de l’église aujourd’hui luthĂ©rienne de MălĂąncrav (Roumanie), anciennement situĂ©e sur le territoire de la Hongrie. L’analyse iconographique rĂ©alisĂ©e ici montre un intĂ©rĂȘt particulier Ă  mettre en image une interaction entre les personnages : les rois saints arpadiens et l’évĂȘque reprĂ©sentĂ©s dans l’image semblent former une unitĂ© qui fait face au roi saint Sigismond. Cette mise en image des deux camps semble reflĂ©ter le contexte politique au moment de la rĂ©alisation de la fresque, au dĂ©but du xve siĂšcle, pĂ©riode de rĂ©bellions des nobles et des autoritĂ©s ecclĂ©siastiques de la Hongrie contre leur roi, Sigismond de Luxembourg. AprĂšs l’analyse des Ă©vĂ©nements et des symboles utilisĂ©s par les insurgĂ©s Ă  cette pĂ©riode, et considĂ©rant en outre le fait que le commanditaire de la fresque participe Ă  la rĂ©volte de 1403, l’article propose d’interprĂ©ter les personnages dans la fresque comme les signes des deux camps rivaux.This paper proposes a new interpretation of the fresco illustrating the Holy Kings in the – today lutheran – church of MălĂąncrav (Romania), formely situated in the Hungarian Kingdom. The iconographical analysis performed here shows a special interest in depicting an interaction between the figures : the royal saints of the ÁrpĂĄd dynasty and the bishop seem to form a group which faces the royal saint Sigismund. This staging of the two parties seem to mirror the political context during the period when the fresco was made, at the beggining of the 15th century, a time of rebellion of the nobles and ecclesiastical authorities of Hungary against their king, Sigismund of Luxembourg. After analysing the events and the symbols used by the rebels at that time, and considering the fact that the commissioner of the fresco participated at the uprising of 1403, the article proposes to see the figures in the fresco as symbols of the the two rival camps

    Les Rois mages, images du pouvoir des rois en Occident (xiie-xvie siĂšcle)

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    Cette Ă©tude porte sur l’association entre le roi mĂ©diĂ©val et les Rois mages en Occident (xiie-xvie siĂšcle). L’assimilation des rois historiques Ă  ces figures bibliques est visible dans des sources trĂšs diverses allant des documents Ă©crits, qui formulent explicitement cette analogie, aux indices fournis par des cĂ©rĂ©monies royales – couronnements le 6 janvier, offrandes royales d’or, d’encens et de myrrhe le jour de l’Épiphanie, etc. – ou des images oĂč un roi est reprĂ©sentĂ© sous les traits d’un..


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    Titanium oxide thin films were deposited on Si monocrystalline substrate using the pulsed laser ablation technique in a reactive oxygen atmosphere. The films were obtained starting from Ti and TiO2 targets which were ablated using a KrF* excimer laser (λ = 248 nm). During the deposition, the Si substrates were heated at 300 °C under various high purity oxygen atmosphere of 1.0, 0.5 and 0.1 mbar. Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction investigations revealed the presence of a nanostructured film consisting of a mixture of several titanium oxides, with crystalline grains size of few nm to 10 nm. Only the film deposited from the Ti target at a pressure of 1.0 mbar exhibited crystalline grains of 30-40 nm. Thin films surface morphology and topography, studied using atomic force and scanning electron microscopy, revealed a relatively smooth surface with the presence of some submicron droplets, typical for laser ablation technique. Films deposited at 0.5 mbar pressure from both targets were significantly rougher than the other deposited film

    Les Rois mages, images du pouvoir des rois en Occident (XIIe-XVIe siÚcles)

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    Cette Ă©tude porte sur l’utilisation des Rois mages en tant qu’image de la royautĂ© dans l’Occident mĂ©diĂ©val (XIIe-XVIe siĂšcles). FondĂ©e sur des documents Ă©crits, sur des indices fournis pas divers rituels et sur des sources iconographiques, la thĂšse suit l’évolution de l’association entre le roi mĂ©diĂ©val et les Rois mages dans tous les royaumes oĂč ce phĂ©nomĂšne est attestĂ©. L’étude tente d’expliquer l’apparition et les conditions du dĂ©veloppement de cette analogie, prĂ©sente dans les sources principalement entre le XIIe et le XVIe siĂšcle. Tout d’abord, ce travail examine dans quelle mesure les vertus et le statut attribuĂ©s aux Rois mages au Moyen Âge correspondent Ă  ceux confĂ©rĂ©s au roi mĂ©diĂ©val, ou revendiquĂ©s pas ce dernier. Ensuite, l’étude explore l’utilisation de ces figures bibliques pour affirmer la lĂ©gitimitĂ© du roi et pour le reprĂ©senter dans ses interactions avec les autres acteurs sociaux. En somme, l’étude identifie les potentialitĂ©s des Rois mages Ă  constituer l’image d’un roi idĂ©al : vertueux, lĂ©gitime, et entretenant des rapports avec d’autres rois, avec le pape, ou avec ses sujets. Mais malgrĂ© ses bĂ©nĂ©fices Ă©vidents, l’assimilation du roi mĂ©diĂ©val Ă  un Roi mage n’est pas toujours favorable au prince. La thĂšse montre que l’inclusion de ce dernier dans une scĂšne de l’Adoration des Mages permet, d’une part, la reprĂ©sentation d’un roi puissant et lĂ©gitime et, d’autre part, la mise en scĂšne d’un roi soumis ou infĂ©rieur Ă  l’autoritĂ© d’un Ă©vĂȘque, du pape ou d’une ville. Les conceptions sur la royautĂ© idĂ©ale sont donc aussi variĂ©es que les auteurs et les commanditaires qui conçoivent l’analogie entre le roi et les Rois magesThis study deals with the use of the Three Magi as an image of kingship in the medieval West. Based on textual documents, ceremonials and iconographic sources, the thesis traces the development of the association between the medieval king and the Three Magi in all the kingdoms where this phenomenon is attested. The study attempts to explain its emergence and the specifics of its development during the whole period when sources give evidence of it, that is between the 12th and the 16th centuries.First, the thesis wishes to show to what extent the status and the virtues attributed to the Three Magi during the Middle Ages reflect those bestowed on the medieval king, or claimed by him. Next, the study explores the use of these Biblical figures in order to legitimize the medieval king and to depict him in his interactions with other social actors.In summary, this study highlights the potential of the Three Magi to construct the image of the ideal king during the middle Ages: virtuous, legitimate and perceived through his relations with other kings, with the Papacy and with his subjects. However, despite its obvious benefits, the association of the kings with the Three Magi does not always operate in favor of the monarch. This thesis shows that the inclusion of a medieval king in the scene of the Adoration of the Magi affords the possibility to portray, on the one hand, a legitimate and powerful king, and on the other hand, a king subjected or inferior to the authority of a bishop, of the Pope or of a town. Therefore, views concerning the ideal kingship are as varied as the authors and the commissioners who conceived the association of the kings with the Three Mag

    L’image politique comme manifeste ? ConsidĂ©rations sur la fresque des saints rois dans l’église (luthĂ©rienne) de MălĂąncrav (xve siĂšcle)

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    This paper proposes a new interpretation of the fresco illustrating the Holy Kings in the – today lutheran – church of Mălñncrav (Romania), formely situated in the Hungarian Kingdom. The iconographical analysis performed here shows a special interest in depicting an interaction between the figures : the royal saints of the Árpád dynasty and the bishop seem to form a group which faces the royal saint Sigismund. This staging of the two parties seem to mirror the political context during the period when the fresco was made, at the beggining of the 15th century, a time of rebellion of the nobles and ecclesiastical authorities of Hungary against their king, Sigismund of Luxembourg. After analysing the events and the symbols used by the rebels at that time, and considering the fact that the commissioner of the fresco participated at the uprising of 1403, the article proposes to see the figures in the fresco as symbols of the the two rival camps

    Les Rois mages, images du pouvoir des rois en Occident (XIIe-XVIe siÚcles)

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    Cette Ă©tude porte sur l’utilisation des Rois mages en tant qu’image de la royautĂ© dans l’Occident mĂ©diĂ©val (XIIe-XVIe siĂšcles). FondĂ©e sur des documents Ă©crits, sur des indices fournis pas divers rituels et sur des sources iconographiques, la thĂšse suit l’évolution de l’association entre le roi mĂ©diĂ©val et les Rois mages dans tous les royaumes oĂč ce phĂ©nomĂšne est attestĂ©. L’étude tente d’expliquer l’apparition et les conditions du dĂ©veloppement de cette analogie, prĂ©sente dans les sources principalement entre le XIIe et le XVIe siĂšcle. Tout d’abord, ce travail examine dans quelle mesure les vertus et le statut attribuĂ©s aux Rois mages au Moyen Âge correspondent Ă  ceux confĂ©rĂ©s au roi mĂ©diĂ©val, ou revendiquĂ©s pas ce dernier. Ensuite, l’étude explore l’utilisation de ces figures bibliques pour affirmer la lĂ©gitimitĂ© du roi et pour le reprĂ©senter dans ses interactions avec les autres acteurs sociaux. En somme, l’étude identifie les potentialitĂ©s des Rois mages Ă  constituer l’image d’un roi idĂ©al : vertueux, lĂ©gitime, et entretenant des rapports avec d’autres rois, avec le pape, ou avec ses sujets. Mais malgrĂ© ses bĂ©nĂ©fices Ă©vidents, l’assimilation du roi mĂ©diĂ©val Ă  un Roi mage n’est pas toujours favorable au prince. La thĂšse montre que l’inclusion de ce dernier dans une scĂšne de l’Adoration des Mages permet, d’une part, la reprĂ©sentation d’un roi puissant et lĂ©gitime et, d’autre part, la mise en scĂšne d’un roi soumis ou infĂ©rieur Ă  l’autoritĂ© d’un Ă©vĂȘque, du pape ou d’une ville. Les conceptions sur la royautĂ© idĂ©ale sont donc aussi variĂ©es que les auteurs et les commanditaires qui conçoivent l’analogie entre le roi et les Rois magesThis study deals with the use of the Three Magi as an image of kingship in the medieval West. Based on textual documents, ceremonials and iconographic sources, the thesis traces the development of the association between the medieval king and the Three Magi in all the kingdoms where this phenomenon is attested. The study attempts to explain its emergence and the specifics of its development during the whole period when sources give evidence of it, that is between the 12th and the 16th centuries.First, the thesis wishes to show to what extent the status and the virtues attributed to the Three Magi during the Middle Ages reflect those bestowed on the medieval king, or claimed by him. Next, the study explores the use of these Biblical figures in order to legitimize the medieval king and to depict him in his interactions with other social actors.In summary, this study highlights the potential of the Three Magi to construct the image of the ideal king during the middle Ages: virtuous, legitimate and perceived through his relations with other kings, with the Papacy and with his subjects. However, despite its obvious benefits, the association of the kings with the Three Magi does not always operate in favor of the monarch. This thesis shows that the inclusion of a medieval king in the scene of the Adoration of the Magi affords the possibility to portray, on the one hand, a legitimate and powerful king, and on the other hand, a king subjected or inferior to the authority of a bishop, of the Pope or of a town. Therefore, views concerning the ideal kingship are as varied as the authors and the commissioners who conceived the association of the kings with the Three Mag


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    Il est un imaginaire mĂ©diĂ©val qui imprĂšgne nos vies : images publicitaires qui nous entourent, foires et reconstitutions festives, produits culturels, du parc Ă  thĂšmes aux fictions que nous consommons, non seulement enfants, mais dĂ©sormais Ă©galement adultes. Ce Moyen Âge diffĂšre sensiblement de celui des mĂ©diĂ©vistes. On ne le trouve pas dans les archives, ni dans les manuscrits. Il appartient Ă  l’imaginaire, individuel et collectif : au domaine du passĂ© rĂ©-inventĂ© que l’on se donne, dans un p..

    Structural Parameters and Behavior in Simulated Body Fluid of High Entropy Alloy Thin Films

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    The structure, composition and corrosion properties of thin films synthesized using the Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) technique starting from a three high entropy alloy (HEA) AlCoCrFeNix produced by vacuum arc remelting (VAR) method were investigated. The depositions were performed at room temperature on Si and mirror-like polished Ti substrates either under residual vacuum (low 10−7 mbar, films denoted HEA2, HEA6, and HEA10, which were grown from targets with Ni concentration molar ratio, x, equal to 0.4, 1.2, and 2.0, respectively) or under N2 (10−4 mbar, films denoted HEN2, HEN6, and HEN10 for the same Ni concentration molar ratios). The deposited films’ structures, investigated using Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction, showed the presence of face-centered cubic and body-centered cubic phases, while their surface morphology, investigated using scanning electron microscopy, exhibited a smooth surface with micrometer size droplets. The mass density and thickness were obtained from simulations of acquired X-ray reflectivity curves. The films’ elemental composition, estimated using the energy dispersion X-ray spectroscopy, was quite close to that of the targets used. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy investigation showed that films deposited under a N2 atmosphere contained several percentages of N atoms in metallic nitride compounds. The electrochemical behavior of films under simulated body fluid (SBF) conditions was investigated by Open Circuit Potential (OCP) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy measurements. The measured OCP values increased over time, implying that a passive layer was formed on the surface of the films. It was observed that all films started to passivate in SBF solution, with the HEN6 film exhibiting the highest increase. The highest repassivation potential was exhibited by the same film, implying that it had the highest stability range of all analyzed films. Impedance measurements indicated high corrosion resistance values for HEA2, HEA6, and HEN6 samples. Much lower resistances were found for HEN10 and HEN2. Overall, HEN6 films exhibited the best corrosion behavior among the investigated films. It was noticed that for 24 h of immersion in SBF solution, this film was also a physical barrier to the corrosion process, not only a chemical one