22 research outputs found

    Disentangling the Diversity of Forest Care Initiatives: A Novel Research Framework Applied to the Italian Context

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    In the effort of advancing the knowledge and disentangling the diversity of emerging forest-based initiatives for wellbeing, we propose (i) an umbrella definition – i.e. Forest Care Initiatives (FCIs), (ii) a custom-made repository to collect and systematize information on FCIs in Italy, (iii) and discuss a categorization scheme to cluster initiatives into three main categories according to target users, substitutability of the forest ecosystem and the specificity of the health contributions they aim to. We analysed 232 initiatives, showing a lively panorama of Italian FCIs mainly provided by privates and civil society. FCIs development appear to be occasions for, but not only, rural and marginal areas to deliver inclusive wellbeing services to a wide target of users and business opportunities. However, due to the novelty of this area of investigation, further research is needed to account for benefits, opportunities, and increase the knowledge on enabling forest environments

    A preliminary review of forest care initiatives for health in italy: identifying models and success factors

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    INTRODUCTION: Forest Care Initiatives (FCIs) \u2013 meant as organized initiatives supporting active and passive interaction with forest ecosystems aimed at increasing levels of human wellbeing and quality of life- are becoming increasingly popular in many countries. On the one side FCIs can be a cost-effective solution to the increasing societal demand for health and well-being services; on the other they can be an opportunity for valuing forest resources and supporting development and social innovation in marginal areas. While the positive effects of contact with trees and forest ecosystems on health are increasingly studied and confirmed by scientific literature, there is a general lack of knowledge about the FCIs management models and their economic and institutional framework. In order to contribute filling this gap, this paper considers the Italian context, where FCIs have been recently introduced and are rapidly growing. The paper aims to present a review of the FCIs for health (FCIH), identifying different management models and the success factors of selected case studies, to support the development of future initiatives and inform policies. METHODS: Through an extended literature review encompassing scientific and grey contributions, formal and informal contacts with experts and practitioners, an updated state-of-the-art of the FCIH in Italy is developed, and representative case studies are selected. Quantitative and qualitative data are collected through interviews and participant observation. The contextual biophysical and institutional conditions and their interplay are presented through a conceptual framework, which helps identifying models and critical success factors (e.g. type and number of partnerships, type and number of services, type of forest ownership and management, target beneficiaries, business model, etc.). RESULTS: FCIH in Italy are quite recent -the first registered project was started in 2013- and still poorly coordinated. At present, the only example of network at national level is \u201cMontagna Terapia\u201d that keeps in connection dozens of different initiatives where forests are used as set for rehabilitation and social inclusion initiatives. Within analysed FCIH the role of forest resources ranges from a simple frame for the activities, to an \u201cactive\u201d instrumental function as a medium, and management activities vary accordingly. The target beneficiaries range from the general population, to people with very special needs and this heterogeneity reflects also on the organizational and business models. Common success factors among FCIH include the level of engagement of public sector agencies and key actors, and the value proposition. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding success factors, business models and the institutional context of FCIs is critical for the replicability and successful implementation of novel solutions. This paper represents a preliminary analysis of selected FCIH in Italy and a testing of the assessment conceptual framework. Although these first results are promising, further research and tests are needed to fine-tune the framework and facilitate the assessment and eventual transfer, up-scaling and innovation of successful models. While supporting the development of FCIs and benefiting the management of forest resource, research in this field might contribute to enhance stakeholders\u2019 awareness about FCIs and get informed about new opportunities for job creation and income diversification

    Uforest training needs' assessment and stakeholder analysis report : Uforest project deliverable 3.1

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    This document reports the results of a training needs assessment (TNA) survey. It provides an overview of the existing demand on training needs that promote innovation and entrepreneurship in urban forestry (UF) and the delivery of associated Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). The survey targeted university students - undergraduates and graduates, as well as Ph.D. students - professionals and citizens from European countries and other continents. The survey results clarify the training needs and the state of education focusing on innovation in UF. The survey took place between 01/06/2021 and 30/06/2021 through the EUSurvey online platform, the European Commission's official multilingual online survey management tool. Storytelling was a powerful tool to engage and increase the number of respondents. About 246 valid questionnaires were filled out by respondents of 27 different nationalities (European and non-European). About 40% of respondents are involved in the education sector (academia, research, teaching) and hold a master's degree in a diverse range of fields (mainly interdisciplinary backgrounds represented by "Ecology", "Forestry" and "Other fields")

    Esposizioni di land art in ambienti forestali.

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    Il RaF Italia 2017-2018 è il primo Rapporto sullo stato delle Foreste e del settore forestale realizzato in Italia. All’interno del RaF Italia è raccolta una grande quantità di notizie, dati, commenti di esperti del settore e specialisti di varie discipline. Un lavoro corale che ha coinvolto oltre 200 persone di ogni parte d’Italia. Un punto di riferimento per conoscere lo stato dell’arte di quanto sappiamo su foreste e settore forestale in Italia

    Parchi Avventura

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    Il RaF Italia 2017-2018 è il primo Rapporto sullo stato delle Foreste e del settore forestale realizzato in Italia. All’interno del RaF Italia è raccolta una grande quantità di notizie, dati, commenti di esperti del settore e specialisti di varie discipline. Un lavoro corale che ha coinvolto oltre 200 persone di ogni parte d’Italia. Un punto di riferimento per conoscere lo stato dell’arte di quanto sappiamo su foreste e settore forestale in Italia

    Asili in bosco

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    Il RaF Italia 2017-2018 è il primo Rapporto sullo stato delle Foreste e del settore forestale realizzato in Italia. All’interno del RaF Italia è raccolta una grande quantità di notizie, dati, commenti di esperti del settore e specialisti di varie discipline. Un lavoro corale che ha coinvolto oltre 200 persone di ogni parte d’Italia. Un punto di riferimento per conoscere lo stato dell’arte di quanto sappiamo su foreste e settore forestale in Italia