10 research outputs found

    Parental Leave Provision in Romania between Inherited Tendencies and Legislative Adjustments

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    This article seeks to identify and analyse the most significant changes regarding parental leave provision in post-communist Romania, as well as the extent to which its legal adjustments that took place after 1990 reveal both old trends inherited from the former political regime as well as new tendencies influenced by EU norms and directives. Consequently, this article has a twofold structure. First, a brief overview of the main concepts and theoretical approaches to parental leave will allow us to proceed to a proper understanding of the epistemological tools underpinning this research object. Second, this article tackles the numerous legislative changes concerning parental leave that occurred after the fall of the communist regime. Although limited to a single category of research sources, this inquiry is indispensable for analysing the extent to which childcare and the gendered division of parental responsibilities have become real political struggles within the post-communist public agenda in Romania

    « Articuler » vie familiale et vie professionnelle

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    This article intends to show the distance between work-life balance as a political and social issue at the EU and Romanian level, through the lens of the local gender equality policies following the process of EU accession. The article provides, in its first part, a brief presentation of the main theoretical axes structuring the available literature, followed up by the analysis of the occurrence of the work-life balance issue at the European level. Then the study examines the normative dimension of work-life balance in post-communist Romania, seeking to understand to what extent work-life balance policies have been designed and implemented in the last 25 years

    Les politiques familiales: definitions et enjeux epistemologiques dans la litterature de specialite

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    The contemporary transformations of the family and private life are accompanied by a diversification of public measures on the family life. The family policies become understandable and transparent at all levels. But what do they actually mean? This article intends to present the main attempts to define and detail the object of the policies on the family issue in the literature. The analysis of the most recent theoretical observation angles in the comparative writings on the social protection national systems prove to be very useful for the understanding of the current European stakes in this field

    Les enjeux politiques des rapports de sexe: la politique familiale roumaine en contexte européen

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    The article aims at ascertaining to which extent family policies determine, accompany or announce the social and especially family realities, identifiable in the dynamics of socio-demographic data, in order to uncover in depth the contemporary metamorphoses of gender relations. The author thus presents an overview of family policies and gender equality in the European context, and, more specifically, in the framework of the "other" Europe, before and after the fall of communism. This comparative approach is then used in the case study of the particular link between political regimes and the gender divide in Romania. Therefore, the article emphasizes the complexity of relations between gender and family policies, relations which are connected with the multiple ways of conceiving equality, as well as with the plurality of perspectives on family, which underline the articulation of any family policy

    Une categorie sociale entre normes et projets legislatifs: politiques familiales postcommunistes en Roumanie

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    Among several post-communist legislative projects regarding the family life and the couple, three initiatives elaborated in 2002 concerning the co-habitation have occupied a special place. More specifically, the three legislative projects represent different attempts to produce norms on some of the most important aspects of the life beyond the marriage. The author analyzes the three initiatives, as well as the empirical evidence provided by interviews realised with the initiators of the projects. Indeed, the article attempts at seizing the complex game of a democratic society, where the social transformations are constantly "followed" by the update of the legislation. Therefore, the study tries to penetrate the stakes and actual tensions in legislative debates concerning the family life and the couple, where the paradoxical trend of marginalising but also emphasizing the importance of the free union seems to be obvious

    Le couple, une catégorie politique

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    The couple is one of the most significant categories of the way that mentalities, social behavior, patterns or practices of everyday life are being redefined in the post-communist period in Romania. Starting from a brief presentation of the state of knowledge about the couple in the Romanian secondary literature, the article focuses on a double deconstruction. First, the author shows that, nowadays, the couple is a discursive category, especially visible through the demographic, legal and also political discourse. Then, life couple is an object of study in the field of political sciences that can provide insights into the overall functioning of the social and political life in the present period of transition

    Who Cares for Families? Narrative(s) of Return in Postsocialist Europe

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    The introduction to the special section “Who Cares for Families? Narrative(s) of Return in Postsocialist Europe” identifies and analyzes its core concept—the narrative of return. Families of today are talked about differently, and how they are narrativized matters. The narrative that stresses that family is under threat and in need of defense or a special form of care, figuring care as restitution of natural, traditional, or family proper, is termed the narrative of return. The trope of return is strongly normative and non-descriptive, as it relies on mythical temporalities that ought to be restored in our present. The article first defines the choice of concepts—narrative, return, care, and threat. Second, it applies this conceptual frame in the transnational context, particularly within the transnational anti-gender campaigns in the populist moment. Third, it focuses on the postsocialist part of Europe, where, as the entire special section aims to demonstrate, the narrative of return gained particular currency. In Eastern Europe, these narratives are integral to larger projects of restoration of national agenda and serve as a tool of double emancipation: from the Soviet past and from the European Union present. Political actors using narrative(s) of return advocate and successfully push through fundamental changes in the political frameworks and value systems of the postsocialist countries. In sum, the article aims to demonstrate the conceptual background of a political tool

    La vie à deux hors mariage : du juridique au politique dans le postcommunisme roumain

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    This article analyses the legal and political issues that govern the spreading phenomenon of unmarried couples living together in post-communist Romania. It intends to show that recent legal reforms remain attached to a highly conservative concept of family life. Despite European directives on gender equality, Romanian legal standards are far from being adapted to the diversity of conjugal configurations now seen in society. Rather than perceive the fundamental historical fact of dissociation between parentage and conjugal ties, the Romanian legislator sees the couple only through the prism of its potential reproductive function. Life for unmarried couples : from law to politics in post-communist RomaniaCet article analyse les enjeux juridiques et politiques qui régissent la diffusion de la vie à deux hors mariage dans le postcommunisme roumain. Il s’attache à montrer que les réformes juridiques récentes restent redevables à une conception très conservatrice de la vie familiale. En dépit des directives européennes concernant l’égalité de sexe, les normes juridiques roumaines sont loin d’être adaptées à la diversité de configurations conjugales visibles au niveau de l’espace social. Sans percevoir le fait historique fondamental de la dissociation entre le lien de filiation et le lien de conjugalité, le législateur roumain conçoit le couple uniquement au prisme de sa reproduction potentielle.Dohotariu Anca. La vie à deux hors mariage : du juridique au politique dans le postcommunisme roumain. In: Politiques sociales et familiales, n°115, 2014. Dossier "Genre, famille et État en Europe centrale et orientale" pp. 37-45

    Le couple non marié en Roumanie et en France (une approche de sociologie comparée)

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    Depuis plus de trente ans les réfiexions internationales sur la famille et la vie privée cherchent à saisir en profondeur les significations, les attentes et les valeurs de référence contemporaines qui organisent la vie en couple. Qu'en est-il en Roumanie ? À la suite d'un régime totalitaire, l'après 1989 connaît des transformations profondes des représentations et des pratiques de la vie à deux. Ces transformations, évidemment plus visibles chez les plus jeunes, concernent à la fois le développement de l'union libre, la progressive émergence des valeurs démocratiques, les transformations lentes mais profondes du mariage lui-même. On dispose pourtant encore de peu de recherches et de données qui rendent compte de ces mutations. Cette thèse présente les résultats de la première enquête sociologique dédiée au couple non marié en Roumanie. Il s'agit d'un travail comparatif réalisé à partir de près d'une centaine d'entretiens à Bucarest et à Marseille. Je me propose ainsi d'observer, comment se redéfinit aujourd'hui la catégorie du couple, et en particulier la façon dont les représentations, les pratiques et les valeurs intègrent la question de l'égalité de sexe, et comment les transformations en cours témoignent de l'inscription de la Roumanie dans un certain sens de l'évolution de la modernité contemporaine. Ce travail s'inscrit dans une enquête comparative Roumanie France dont l'objet est de saisir les convergences et les divergences d'un pays à l'autreFor over thirty years international reflections on family and private life have tried to understand the deep meanings, expectations and contemporary values of reference that organize the life of a couple. What about Romania? Following a totalitarian regime, the period alter 1989 is characterized by profound transformations of representations and practices of living together. These transformations, more visible among the young population, concern both the spread of cohabitation, the gradual emergence of democratic values and the slow but profound transformation of marriage itself to date these changes have not received the deserved attention from researchers, with few analyses and data available. This thesis presents the results of the first sociological qualitative study dedicated to the unmarried couple in Romania. It is a comparative study based on nearly a hundred in-depth interviews carried out in Bucharest and Marseille. My goal was to observe how the category of the couple is redefined today, and particularly how the representations, practices and values include the issue of gender equality. Further, I was interested to investigate to what extent and how these current changes position Romania in the evolution of contemporary modernity. This work is a comparative study on Romania and France, whose purpose is to capture the similarities and differences between these countriesPARIS3-BU (751052102) / SudocSudocFranceRomaniaFRR