242 research outputs found

    Flow routing in mangrove forests: field data obtained in Trang, Thailand

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    Mangroves grow in the intertidal parts of sheltered tropical coastlines, facilitating coastal stabilization and wave attenuation. Mangroves are widely threatened nowadays, although past studies have indicated their contribution to coastal safety. Most of these studies were based on numerical modeling however and a proper database with field observations is lacking yet. This paper presents part of the results of an extensive field campaign in a mangrove area in Trang Province, Thailand. The study area covers the outer border of an estuarine mangrove creek catchment. Data have been collected on elevation, vegetation, water levels, flow directions and flow velocities throughout this study area. Due to the tough conditions in the field, developing a suitable method for data collection and processing has been a major challenge in this study. Analysis of the hydrodynamic data uncovers the change of flow directions and velocities throughout a mangrove creek catchment over one tidal cycle. In the initial stages of flooding and the final stages of ebbing, creeks supply water to the lower elevated parts of the mangroves. In between these stages, the entire forest bordering the estuary is flooded and flow directions are perpendicular to the forest fringe. Flow velocities within the creeks are still substantially higher than those within the forest, as the creeks also supply water to the back mangroves. These insights in flow routing are promising for the future analysis of sediment input and distribution in mangroves

    Effect of flow forecasting quality on benefits of reservoir operation - a case study for the Geheyan reservoir (China)

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    This paper presents a methodology to determine the effect of flow forecasting quality on the benefits of reservoir operation. The benefits are calculated in terms of the electricity generated, and the quality of the flow forecasting is defined in terms of lead time and accuracy of the forecasts. In order to determine such an effect, an optimization model for reservoir operation was developed which consists of two sub-models: a long-term (monthly) and a short-term (daily) optimization sub-model. A methodology was developed to couple these two sub-models, so that both short-term benefits (time span in the order of the flow forecasting lead time) and long-term benefits (one year) were considered and balanced. Both sub-models use Discretized Dynamic Programming (DDP) as their optimization algorithms. The Geheyan reservoir on the Qingjiang River in China was taken as case study. Observed (from the 1997 hydrological year) and forecasted flow series were used to calculate the benefits. Forecasted flow series were created by adding noises to the observed series. Different magnitudes of noise reflected different levels of forecasting accuracies. The results reveal, first of all, a threshold lead time of 33 days, beyond which further extension of the forecasting lead time will not lead to a significant increase in benefits. Secondly, for lead times shorter than 33 days, a longer lead time will generally lead to a higher benefit. Thirdly, a perfect inflow forecasting with a lead time of 4 days will realize 87% of the theoretical maximum electricity generated in one year. Fourthly, for a certain lead time, more accurate forecasting leads to higher benefits. For inflow forecasting with a fixed lead time of 4 days and different forecasting accuracies, the benefits can increase by 5 to 9% compared to the actual operation results. It is concluded that the definition of the appropriate lead time will depend mainly on the physical conditions of the basin and on the characteristics of the reservoir. The derived threshold lead time (33 days) gives a theoretical upper limit for the extension of forecasting lead time. Criteria for the appropriate forecasting accuracy for a specific feasible lead-time should be defined from the benefit-accuracy relationship, starting from setting a preferred benefit level, in terms of percentage of the theoretical maximum. Inflow forecasting with a higher accuracy does not always increase the benefits, because these also depend on the operation strategies of the reservoir.\u

    Hydrological and morphological effects of stream restoration in Twente

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    Due to canalization and implementation of weirs in river systems, water managers in the Netherlands were able to control the rivers. The current changes in river discharge however need new approaches. Changing rivers into more natural, dynamic water systems seems to be a possible answer. However, there is not much experience yet on how to realize this in practice. In this study the effects of removing weirs and implementing measures, such as small dams and meandering of the stream path, is being investigated. Removing weirs can only be done when other measures are taken in order to control the water flows, otherwise risks for flooding or drought become even larger. An important question is how ‘natural’ a river might be in the perspective of other constraints such as safety and agriculture. Most of the times a combination of measures is chosen in order to fulfil multiple goals

    Roughness predictors and their effects on the rating curve

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    Evolution of bed form height and length during a discharge wave

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    This research focusses on modeling the evolution of bed form during a discharge wave for application in operational flood forecasting. The objective of this research was to analyze and predict the bed form evolution during a discharge wave in a flume experiment. We analyzed the data of a flume experiment and show that dune length is determined by development of secondary bed forms during the receding limb of the discharge wave. Secondly, three models were compared to predict the bed form evolution: an equilibrium model, a time-lag model and the physically-based, numerical model of Paarlberg et al. (2010). We show some preliminary results and show that the numerical model seems promising for modeling bed form evolution for operational flood forecasting